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Anon doesn't like any web browsers
  • Waterfox is a great Firefox Fork imo

  • Well now I'm disappointed too!
  • Today he is actually known as K Log.

  • Black Women Are the Next Targets of Right-Wing Legal Activist
  • Also ich find den Vorschlag Hammer!

  • The Right-Wing Internet Is Full Of Wild Theories About A Text Message From FEMA
  • nah, you're right. I was just curious if i could trigger rightards with my comment. These people are dangerous and we need to do something about it.

  • Anon romanticizes Night City
  • Thats just a very long version of "corporations are le good."

  • Anon romanticizes Night City
  • i bet this guy had boots for breakfast.

  • The Right-Wing Internet Is Full Of Wild Theories About A Text Message From FEMA
  • You know that the crazies are getting off to the thoughts of killing political enemies if you visit /pol, gab, rumble or MeWe just one (1) single time. Weird way of trivialising the inhumane violence the right are hoping, begging, praying for.

  • [DE]Musik hören wird teurer: Spotify erhöht die Preise
  • Tencent ist doch die Firmenmäßig anmutende Fassade der Chinesischen Kommunistischen Partei oder irre ich mich da? Ich will einfach nur nicht durch meinen "Konsum" eine Partei unterstützen die Andersdenkende erschießt.

  • The Right-Wing Internet Is Full Of Wild Theories About A Text Message From FEMA
  • As if any of them had the balls to start blasting. They love themselves way too much to risk losing their lives.

  • [DE]Musik hören wird teurer: Spotify erhöht die Preise
  • Habe Spotify sofort aus meinem Leben verbannt als ich erfuhr wie hoch die Firmenanteile von Tencent sind..

  • [DE] LGBTIQ+ in Deutschland: Mehr Gewalt gegen queere Menschen
  • Klar kann man sich auch rechtskonservative Arschlöcher importieren. Dass Problem bleibt, dass sie rechtskonservative Arschlöcher sind. Wir sollten etwas gegen rechtsskonservative Arschlöcher unternehmen, egal welcher Nation.

  • Anon notices the "grass is always greener" trope in movies
  • I personally think a good life should have both: A place where you can rest, be free and enjoy the beauty of nature to the fullest and a place that makes you realize how fucked up society is and how important it is to fight the good fight.

    I pity people who never make it out of the city. And i think people hiding away from the harsh reality of cities are being selfish. but not in an evil way.

  • the way it is
  • This guy's name is Michael Mittermeier fyi! He's been a comedian for ages!

  • What are your favorite single player games to go back to?
  • Sacred Gold, the first game of the sacred saga Age of Empires 1, 2 and Age of Mythology Star Wars: Jedi Knight 2 and Jedi Academy Titan Quest Grim Dawn Warhammer Dawn of War 1



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