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Trump's legal advisers urge him to cancel press conference to refute Georgia allegations: Sources
  • He's Ronald Reagan, except this time there isn't a Nancy in place to tell the secret service to fill the pool with leaves.

  • The fake libertarian starterpack
  • You need to find yourself some Left-Libertarians.

    You're usually looking for some type of Georgists or some flavor of small-scale Social/Communist Anarchy. Most of them are way more able to grok the concepts of things like "natural monopolies" or "Tragedy of the Commons" and other fun market failure states. They tend to focus more on the existence of the market itself as a tool for creating competition that drives innovation and efficiency while giving less lip service to the idea that just because you accumulated a bunch of capital from an idea that's its a good idea.

    If I scam a bunch of people, I've gathered a bunch of capital, but that doesn't mean I've actually produced anything of value for anyone. If I refined chemicals in my house and dumped all the waste in my neighbor's pool, I'm not actually competing in an even market, because I've burdened my neighbor with the cost of waste remediation while I get to keep all the profit.

  • Automaker Tesla is opening more showrooms on tribal lands to avoid state laws barring direct sales
  • Historical legacy. It made sense when they were first rolling out. Someone would take the risk of trying to build up a market for these really expensive new devices and then the factory would swoop in and undercut them and destroy their business after they had done all the initial leg work of creating demand for the vehicles. They wanted protection from this.

    Well, cars are now everywhere in the US market and it doesn't take a whole lot of effort anymore to convince someone they need a car, and not just a horse. But the laws protecting "car market development" in the former of dealerships never went away.

  • Removed
    I'm starting to find some of the cooler aspects of the wider fediverse.
  • Yup, although the downside is that your posting style definitely shows off that you're a Mastodon user.

    Your use of the @ tag, the hashtag are all markers of a more Twitter-like user experience, and it makes you post stand out somewhat oddly for those using one of the lemmy instances. Either way, it's really neat to be able to cross between those, since I vastly prefer the Lemmy UX as opposed to Mastodon's, but I can still get a Mastodon's content!

  • A Black prosecutor was elected in Georgia – so white Republicans made their own district
  • Absolutely. America should just be more civilized, like the UK and keep all their police killings done out of sight, and don't you worry! Just because you're 7 times more likely to be killed by police interactions in UK by being brown, it's not racism! They investigated themselves, and it's all fine.

    Perhaps American police agencies should start investigating themselves more and the papers should 100% just believe all their findings. That way you can just conveniently ignore it until the next time an American has to point it out to you.

    Remember kids! If you just pretend the racism doesn't exist in your country, it doesn't!

  • A Black prosecutor was elected in Georgia – so white Republicans made their own district
  • "Waaah, our gerrymander failed! This is so unfair, it was supposed to be used to suppress black voters! Not white voters! We want all our white people back, since they failed to properly police the black people like we had hoped!"

  • Why do we want to know why?
  • Because it allows for proper prioritization of needs, allows for the better exploitation of our surroundings (as tool using animals), and is INCREDIBLY useful for helping us try to "model" other human's behaviors and act as social animals as opposed to just being the regular kind.

    Probably the most impact "Why" question probably started occurring before we were even human and it was "Why did they do that?"

    Being able to understand the motivations of other beings is absolutely fucking incredibly overpowered both in terms of cooperative action with your fellows AND destructive action against foes/food sources.

  • Thanks Spez!
  • As someone who helped to generate those types of answers and then deleted them all.

    Fuck Reddit, they didn't pay me for that work and then they dicked me over in chase of a half penny. Sorry the rest of the world doesn't get to use my work for free, but Reddit broke the agreement. I post content, they provide a good user experience. They failed their end, I rescinded mine.

  • Is there any evidence that Reddit has suffered at all from the exodus to Lemmy?
  • Yeah, but if you don't have any assets in the EU for them to seize, and if you're not present in the bloc yourself it doesn't matter for shit. They have no jurisdiction or ability to enforce unless you really, really want to operate inside of their market at scale.

  • Is there any evidence that Reddit has suffered at all from the exodus to Lemmy?
  • Well, the upside and the downside of GDPR is that if you're not a member of the EU, you can basically just tell them to go fuck themselves because they have little to no actual power to impact you since you're not within their jurisdiction.

  • Lemmy is more left leaning because the rights popularity seen on other social media are driven by bots that are not here.
  • No, it's just a matter of who they accept as legitimate "authority".

    If the Dumbass-in-Chief, their ministers, and their news had all told them to wear masks, they absolutely would have, but every single one of their primary authority sources were pulling in different directions and they don't accept any "liberal" sources as legitimate authority. You can see it at a much smaller scale by looking at Church congregation sizes where some ministries focused on trying to protect their elderly and infirm members and those who didn't.

    Conservatives who had pastors who told them to wear masks were a LOT more likely to do so than ones who were getting mixed messaging.

  • Mastodon Usage Soaring as Twitter Rebranding Leads to User Exodus: CEO Eugen Rochko
  • I've already had several non-tech people say something along the lines of "What the heck is this X thing on my phone?"

    I gotta wonder how many other people are just impulse uninstalling something they don't recognize off their phone as well, since ol' Musky boi did this with basically zero user notice as well.

  • Welp that answers a lot of why all .ml are down
  • It's almost 100% because they were in violation of at least some of the content policies found here

    It's just that the Fediverse now has enough global attention being paid to it that they're probably actually cracking down on enforcement. Probably something under the "Insults" or "Racism" content policy, since those are the most vague and poorly defined and highly likely to be "obvious" primarily to the country who is operating them, Mali.

  • Crimea bridge closed after fuel depot hit - Russia
  • No, I meant it in a completely serious way. The explosion might be been powerful enough to lift the decking of the bridge straight up and sheared a lot of connection points in the girder and headers, but depending oh how much force was directed perpendicularly, it might have just caused it to slam down on top of the caps and pillars and just sit there with a really bad weight distribution.

    In terms of functionality, that sort of damage is better compared to maybe a cracked windshield, as an analogy? You can keep trucking along and maybe everything will be fine, but the overall structural integrity of the windshield is now in a much riskier state. Any further strikes could cause further destabilization radiating outward from the flaw or worse, the continued use could be causing the material to continually weaken as stress points are flexed over and over and over and over. Similar to how if you bend a stiff piece of metal back and forth, it gets looser and eventually snaps.

    The photos Russia themselves published show levels of damage that would take, at minimum, days to weeks to fix back to perfect assuming you're running everything as an emergency 24/7 rush job, and realistically more likely months since you're not likely to have a super dense civilian engineering firm able to just instantly slide into place. The more likely case is that Ukraine caused damage that drastically weakened that section of the bridge, but didn't hit it in such a way as to do much more reduce the weight load that can go over or it alternatively drastically shorten the lifespan of the bridge without major repair. That seems pretty consistent with what you'd expect out of a drone bomb blowing up under the bridge, rather than something coming in and hitting it from the side, like a missile or something impacting from the top down.

    Russia is leaning on the thought that the patch job will hold longer than the state of hostilities and that they can do more long term repairs once things have cooled off some. But for now, supplies NEED to be run over that bridge, so fast patch and reduced weight and lifetime is the cost they pay.

  • Is nightcity part of the NUSA
  • NC is a "Free City" in terms of it's status within the structure of NUSA. Essentially, a territory they claim is theirs, but which they don't actually have the means to exercise control over. So it just functions more or less autonomously.

    But it essentially functions as a Japanese Treaty Port in terms of military influence and is the point where East Asian and NUSA criminal and corporate organizations use to bring goods cheaply into and out of the NUSA market with both international and domestic corporations using Night City as a corporate tax haven and tariff-free port of entry. Smuggling is king as everyone seeks to skim their share off the goods as they move inland, each government agency or smuggler serving as competing "taxes" for entry into markets.

    NUSA has largely reunited in 2070, but NC is still one of the last holdouts, backed as it is with all the might of Arasaka and the threat of igniting a new Corporate War if NUSA were to try to annex it and actually attempt to assert influence over the city.

  • Spotify’s first US price hike for Premium is coming next week
  • As someone who tried to use Tidal for nearly a year because it paid better rates, it's literally just 2 things: Artist Discovery and Algorithm Degradation towards a mass consumer mean.

    Spotify actually feeds me tons of great indie artists I've never heard before. Tidal was a constant struggle to purge mass produced giant record label pop from constantly infiltrating every single station and it almost never gave me some little artist who maybe has 5k listens total. I get those literally every single day from Spotify though.

  • Crimea bridge closed after fuel depot hit - Russia
  • Bridges are actually pretty difficult to take out if you can't get in to hit specific weak points and if you're willing to just keep running the risk of crossing over damaged bridges and maybe lose everything on it.

    It's exacerbated by the Black Sea being a relatively gentle body of water, so even if you pop the top, it might slam back down in such a way that's it's still usable and because there isn't as much perpendicular pressure from the sea or wind, it's easier for it to just kinda settle there and just slowly degrade away rather than collapse into utter non-functionality all at once.

  • What's something that's viewed as socially acceptable today that you think will become unacceptable 20 years from now?
  • Mate, you're talking out your ass. Neodynium is a rare metal, yes. But we're not going through neodymium deposits fishing out magnets like they're some sort of gemstone.

    That shit gets mined, melted, alloyed with other minerals, smelted into shape then run through magnetic field generators to induce a magnetic charge in them, as just a very rough overall view of the process.

    The biggest issue is that making them is INCREDIBLY material inefficient. Making one really good quality magnet requires an absolute fucking shit ton of processing, all of which reduces yield and increases waste product generation every step of the way.

  • What's something that's viewed as socially acceptable today that you think will become unacceptable 20 years from now?
  • ......we can literally just manufacturer super powerful magnets. What the hell are you talking about?

  • Uruguay to melt Nazi bronze eagle recovered from sunk ship, recast it as peace dove Uruguay to melt Nazi bronze eagle, recast it as peace dove

    Uruguay will melt down a bronze eagle found on a sunken World War II-era German destroyer off its coast 17 years ago, and recast it as a dove of peace, the South American country's president said Friday.…

    Uruguay to melt Nazi bronze eagle, recast it as peace dove
    Capitalism vs Market Economies

    Just wanted to check before I decided to hop into this space whether the anti-capitalism stance of the community extends to being anti-market economic system (as contrasted with a command economy) as well.

    What's your favorite youtube channel with under 50k subscribers?

    Looking for some cool, smaller youtube channels to watch. Anyone got suggestions for anything cool? I especially enjoy stuff related to food or farming.

    Europe’s Push to Regulate AI Accelerates Europe’s Push to Regulate AI Accelerates

    The EU’s artificial intelligence regulation took a major step, with the European Parliament approving its version of the AI Act.

    Europe’s Push to Regulate AI Accelerates
    Cyclone Biparjoy: India, Pakistan evacuate more than 170,000 Cyclone Biparjoy: India, Pakistan evacuate more than 170,000

    Forecasters say the cyclone has begun to make landfall as 170,000 are evacuated.

    Cyclone Biparjoy: India, Pakistan evacuate more than 170,000

    Gale force winds and heavy rains are lashing coastal areas of north-west India and southern Pakistan as a fierce cyclone makes landfall.

    More than 170,000 people have been evacuated so far.

    Forecasters have warned that Cyclone Biparjoy - which means "disaster" in Bengali - could destroy homes and crops in its path.

    The landfall process has started and could go on till midnight local time.

    The cyclone is set to hit the coast near the Jakhau port, between Mandvi in Gujarat and Keti Bandar in Pakistan's Sindh province.

    Pakistan's disaster management agency has warned of storm surges as high as 3-4m (10-13ft) along the coastline from Karachi to Gujarat.

    Alok Pandey, the official in charge of relief operations in Gujarat, said earlier on Thursday that the cyclone's intensity had reduced but that wind speeds were still expected to be at "very dangerous" levels of around 110-125 km/h at the time of landfall.

    Continued in the link....

    Always takes forever to reach the actual recipe anymore...

    Aeschylus-stan-account: I hate it when I'm trying to look up a good golem recipe and the rabbi prefaces it with ten paragraphs about his life in 17th-century Prague. Like, I feel for you, Maharal, but there anti-semites going unsuplexed while I'm searching for the ingredient list

    What are YOUR niche hobbies?

    So, there are some things that most people do, playing games, watching movies or television, playing music. So let's get specific.

    What are some of your favorite things to do with your time? The more hyper specific the better?

    Azimio accuses Kenya Kwanza of insincerity in Finance Bill concessions Azimio accuses Kenya Kwanza of insincerity in Finance Bill concessions

    Azimio says the proposal to increase VAT on fuel to 16 per cent will push up cost of living, want Ruto to withdraw Finance Bill and re-introduce a people friendly one.

    Azimio accuses Kenya Kwanza of insincerity in Finance Bill concessions

    Barbs continue to fly as the Kenyan National Assembly continues to hash out the specifics of the 2023 finance bill.

    A reduction in house levy from 3% to 1.5%, but an 8% VAT increase on fuel, from 8% to 16% are two current points of contention.

    Nicola Sturgeon arrested in SNP finances inquiry Nicola Sturgeon arrested in SNP finances inquiry

    Scotland's former first minister attended a police interview on Sunday before being arrested by detectives.

    Nicola Sturgeon arrested in SNP finances inquiry

    Former First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has been arrested in connection with the ongoing investigation into the funding and finances of the SNP.

    Police confirmed a 52-year-old woman was taken into custody as a suspect and is being questioned by detectives.

    It follows the arrest and subsequent release of her husband, ex-SNP chief executive Peter Murrell, in April.

    A spokeswoman for Ms Sturgeon confirmed she had attended a police interview by arrangement on Sunday.

    The former SNP leader, who stood down in March, was then arrested and questioned by officers who have been investigating for the past two years what happened to more than £600,000 of donations given to the party by independence activists.

    The spokeswoman said: "Nicola Sturgeon has today, Sunday 11 June, by arrangement with Police Scotland, attended an interview where she was to be arrested and questioned in relation to Operation Branchform.

    "Nicola has consistently said she would cooperate with the investigation if asked and continues to do so."

    SNP MP Angus MacNeil has joined opposition parties in calling for Ms Sturgeon to be suspended from the party - arguing that "this soap-opera has gone far enough".

    Article continues in the link.

    Mind Magic or Illusion?

    Monsterlets: "words of power do exist... i can walk out of my apartment wearing the most fuck shit, e.g. swim trunks as shorts w a zipped up hoodie and no shirt underneath, and just say the words laundry day and suddenly it's way less weird

    Monsterlets: " laundry day spell: decrease target's judgement of outfit by 80%

    homemademonsterpants: "I picke dup a banana print shirt in Vietnam - were talking loud - and the first time someone commented on it I said "It's banana shirt friday" which stunlocked them and blocked any followup questions.

    Turns out that saying "it's banana shirt friday" enough actually created a holiday at my officer where everyone would wear fruit print clothes on fridays! So yes, words power exist. :)
