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  • If you're in fear of 83 million Americans, or about 25% of the population, you should seek therapy.

    While your there, I hope you reflect on Marx's quote, "Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary."

  • You ain't fooling anyone
  • Yeah, unfortunately I don't know anything about the source individual. I just read this quote in a book recently (The 4-Hour Work Week). There seemed to be 1-2 great quotes in each chapter and I wrote a few of them down.

  • Reminder...
  • Yes, first-past-the-post voting results in a two-party system; however, it doesn't dictate which two parties are in power. Dominant parties have dropped out of favor in the past and been replaced with a new two-party pairing. Its been a while since the Whig party was an option.

  • Bernie would have won...
  • Bernie convinced me to change my registration from Republican to Democrat. I couldn't agree more with your message and I really wish Bernie would have had a fair shot in the primary. I believe he would have won in the general election and the country would have benefit from him.

  • Bernie would have won...
  • Get ready to have your mind blown. I was a lifelong Republican voter prior to Bernie and switched my registration to Democrat to vote for him in the primary. If he were to make it, he absolutely would have been my choice for president. Many of my friends at the time switched as well because we believed in his message. However, after seeing the coordinated effort from the DNC to shut him out in favor of Hillary, I ended up voting 3rd-party. I'm still registered as a Democrat; however, neither of the current top two parties will likely get my vote again. I believe you underestimate how wide an audience can be intrigued by something different than the usual corporate options.

  • Reminder...
  • What is "how America works" in this context? You seem to be trying to make the point that 3rd-party voting only hurts Biden. I'm pointing to recent polling that shows that, when 3rd-party options are included, Biden's margins get closer to victory. You should be thanking 3rd-parties if you are hoping for a Biden victory.

  • Reminder...
  • I never made any indication on how I'm voting. I'm just tired of this baseless claim that voting 3rd party only helps Trump. Polls excluding 3rd-parties show Trump significantly further ahead than those with 3rd-parties. Therefore, Biden's only chance of winning is due to JFK capturing conservative votes.

  • Reminder...
  • This is absurd. Take a look at the polls. There is only one 3rd-party candidate with double digit percentages. Do you really think JFK is taking more votes from Biden than Trump?

  • Average U.S. vehicle age hits record 12.6 years as high prices force people to keep them longer
  • Neat, i'm glad we agree. Early 90's is still very early in perspective to this audience. I'm driving a '92 and that's 32 years old now. The cars from that decade last much longer than the 100k quoted above. Also, this is beyond 2.5X the average quoted in the OP article. Clearly, these are "old" cars. In sum, the 100k-till-rust-apart claim isn't anchored in reality.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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