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Elon Musk Begs Advertisers to Return as Twitter's Revenue Plunges
  • I was trying to find active users since he took over. But the only numbers I can find are numbers provided by Musk, who is a well known liar.

    I know Lemmy and Mastodon are niche communities, and that people put up with a lot of garbage from Big Tech, but I have to believe that a lot of users have left Twitter, or least that usage is down. I also assume bots are way up, because Musk wants his numbers to be up regardless of the source (save for people with an opposing opinion).

    Hopefully Musk's shitty little empire crumbles...soon.

  • Fauci: Trump really believed COVID would “disappear like magic”
  • 350,000 people in the U.S. died of COVID in 2020. For reference, 25,000 died of the flu in 2019. Out of nowhere, Covid became the third leading cause of death.

    Any respectable news source tends to report on things like that.

    Those saying that Covid was "just the flu," or "not a big deal," is delusional.

  • This is my reason for joining "Fuck Cars"
  • It's not necessarily even consumer demand. Truck size and the EPA standards are linked for some reason. Essentially bigger trucks are allowed to have worse mileage.

    This story talks about it. There are probably but better sources, but the point remains.

    I would actually argue that many truck drivers don't want a bigger vehicle. Mid size trucks came back on the market after a long hiatus. There are even a number of compact trucks available now, like the Maverick, Santa Cruz, etc.

  • Biden is on track to beat inflation and lose the presidency
  • Blame Reagan. Turns out that getting rid of that pesky government oversight did allow corporations to thrive... At the cost of consumers. It's been a long slide, but the pandemic showed companies just how much they can get away with.

    There's like 3 major airlines, 3 cell providers, and 10 companies that make most of your groceries. Profits are up, and so are prices. Competition is all but dead. To quote Highlander, "There can be only one."

  • Musk says his pay package is approved by Tesla shareholders
  • $56 billion is an unfathomably large amount of money. Tesla sold 1.8 million vehicles last year. Doing math (poorly), that's $31,000 per vehicle! If statista is accurate, only 5 states take in more tax revenue than $56 billion.

    But sure. The world's richest man deserves that money for- checks notes... tanking sales and the smashingly successful cyber truck.

    For so many reasons this payout is incredibly stupid.

  • Tesla shareholders to vote whether Elon Musk deserves billions judge struck down
  • I don't know if this site is reputable, but it lists Tesla's cash on hand as just under $27 billion. Burning through that and adding a mountain of debt, while sales are way down seems like it could send Tesla into a tailspin. They have 47,000 unsold cars. Not to mention Musk seems to keep screwing Tesla over to help Twitter.

    Watching Musk drive Twitter into the ground should have set off alarm bells for investors.

  • Meta Begins Training AI on Users' Data, Makes It Difficult To Opt Out
  • We can't opt out of everything. Everyone is using our data in the absolute worst ways: Search engines, operating systems, televisions, shopping, work places, etc.

    We need data protection laws that ban 90% of tracking and feeding AI.

  • Tesla chair says Elon Musk needs $46 billion pay plan to stay motivated
  • $46 billion for a guy who never delivers on his promises, has dropped the stock 30% in a year, layed off their most successful division (the charging network), and has let his company fall behind in tech in a space where they were waaaaay ahead. Also the cyber truck is an absolute joke. Oh right, and pissed off Tesla's strongly left leaning customer base.

    If those 14,000 employees cost an average of $150k each, that's still only $2.1 billion. Those employees were vastly more useful than the dipshit at the helm.

    If Tesla doesn't separate from Musk, they deserve to go under. Astonishing that they haven't sent him packing already.

  • Leaked Emails Show Elon Musk Diverting AI Resources Away From Tesla as Automaker Flails
  • Sounds like a while lot of fraud to me. I don't understand how he is about to keep diverting resources from Tesla to his other companies, unless they're tied together under some corporate entity. At a minimum he's stealing from the shareholders. Why have the shareholders not voted him out yet?

    It takes a lot of something to drive a company into the ground and demand $56 billion for doing it.

  • Tuning keys upgrade recommendation?
  • I've heard the Planet Waves are nice. Not sure if they would require drilling.

    If your budget is too tight for locking tuners, maybe you can find some take-offs from someone who upgraded to an expensive set.

  • Tuning keys upgrade recommendation?
  • I put these on my SG recently. One of my stock tuners died and I couldn't find a replacement. I could have sworn I only paid $100... But maybe I just told myself that to feel better about the purchase.

    Anyway, they're pricey, but easy to put on and they work nice. My only complaint is that the mounting plate looks like cheap metal. For that price you would think the plates would be polished. On the other hand, they're on the back of the guitar and mostly covered by the tuners anyway.

  • Quest Streaming

    I'm going to have a party with multiple headsets running, each with a stream so people can view, and I can easily help new players.

    I used to be able to begin a stream from the Quest app by clicking cast and selecting the device- Chromecast in my case. Once the connection was established, my phone was no longer necessary.


    Now. As far as I know, I can either:

    1. Stream to my phone and cast a mirror. I hate that, because private phone stuff, I can't turn off my phone, or use it for phone stuff.
    2. Stream to a PC: Make the request from the headset. Access the headset from a browser. Connect that to a TV.

    Option 2 would be fine, except neither option has been stable for me. There is almost always a disconnection within 30 minutes.

    Is there a better option? A way to increase stability?


    Keyboard Recommendation?

    My havit KB395L died. It was cheapish, but great for me. I should have bought 3, because they don't make it anymore.

    I bought a Red Dragon Horus (k618rgp-pro) with red switches as a replacement. The form factor is fine, and I like the wireless, but the keys feel mushy and I make typos constantly.

    So, now I'm looking for something with:

    • Low Profile
    • Blue switches
    • Tactile (feel the bump on a key press)
    • Full size (I guess I could go ten keyless)
    • Backlight Bonus features:
    • Wireless
    • Hot swappable switches

    Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

    Linux 101 stuff. Questions are encouraged, noobs are welcome! AlternatePersonMan
    Persistent Live USB Install?

    How can I easily make a live USB drive that is persistent? My goal is to boot it through the boot menu (not grub). And just reboot to Windows for the few things I need on my laptop. I would prefer if my laptop had no trace of Linux installed. I found a guide, but it looked endless and needlessly complicated. Does anyone have a premade process? I'm not attached to any distro.

    Any help is much appreciated.

    Background: Every couple of years I get fed up with windows and give Linux another try. I love the idea behind it, the stability and... Inevitably I find something that won't run, then get fed up. I no longer have the energy for Wine or running more than a command or two. I want the idiot experience.

    Recently, I put together a live USB of Mint. It did most of what I need, but I didn't want to deal with grub or partitions. Errors there suuuuck. So, I figured a persistent USB version would be great. From what I read, you can just install like normal, only to the USB drive. Of course I accidentally installed grub and nearly gave myself a heart attack when I couldn't get to the boot menu. (Had to put the USB drive back in). The Linux install didn't work either- not sure why. So, now I'm back to hating Microsoft's increasing ads and data tracking, wishing Linux was just a little simpler.

    Pandora Premium "On Us"

    Well, I just spent an hour with customer service. First trying to gain access to my own bill. Then trying to understand why I'm being charged for Pandora Premium "on us", which clearly is not "on us", and I never signed up for (T Mobile assured me I did).

    Made me wonder how many others went from a free Tidal account to a not free Pandora account.

    Anyone else?

    Vertical Bands Across 5x Photos?

    The photo isn't very interesting, but it showcases the problem. I have a 7 Pro and my pictures all look great ... Except when I use the 5x lens. All of my pictures come out with these vertical stripes.

    Warranty support says I should try a factory reset. That's a huge pain and I doubt if it will fix anything.

    Thoughts? Anyone have a similar issue?

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