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A cool guide build relationships
  • Context matters and if people just throw praise around without reading the situation it won't work anyway. Sugarcoating is still valid to make people feel good about themselves, but it should a well timed sidenote, not more

  • 3,25€ lunches at a work canteen in Spain
  • Looks good, but I'm happy we just get 8 bucks for every lunch meal and don't depend on one place to provide proper food

  • The older I get, the less I pretend to care
  • Why are joker memes always cringe? Like no matter what you write, I just get an instant cringe feeling.

  • Removed
    Obama meets a fan
  • Bro this is a 12 year old meme, pls delete it. I don't wanna feel old.

  • Fortifications for residences of the little creatures that live on the head
  • Basically just a styled monk haircut right

  • Anon solves a problem at work
  • When old autistic becomes the new normal, the old normal becomes the new autistic

  • 'It's inhumane.' Despite how hot it is, Tennessee renters don't have a right to air conditioning
  • Nice strawman argument, not really what I said haha

    It does not matter whether you're poor or minority or what. In Europe we all have to suffer. And 31°C is also quite common here in summer and barely anyone as AC.

    There are some edge cases where it would make sense to have a right to it (medical conditions e.g.) but besides that I think it's just an american privilege debate.

  • 'It's inhumane.' Despite how hot it is, Tennessee renters don't have a right to air conditioning
  • Most American take ever..

    How is a 'right to AC' gonna solve climate change lol.

  • Ctrl + Shift + A
  • While I understand your frustration, intuitive UI/UX is 'real' and not just a marketing gag. But you have to invest the money and the time to do proper user research.

  • Ctrl + Shift + A
  • Haha

  • Ctrl + Shift + A
  • Gimp works fine.. but it's not intuitive and the UI/UX is horrible.

  • Ctrl + Shift + A
  • work very intuitively

    I only ever used gimp

  • Seeing this stuff makes me physically sick tbh
  • You can not guarantee that there will be no idiots at a public protest. But if the organisers are aware of them being present and do nothing, they should be judged accordingly.

  • EVs Could Last Nearly Forever—If Car Companies Let Them
  • Not really the fault of the EV then tho :D

  • EVs Could Last Nearly Forever—If Car Companies Let Them
  • Daaaamn crazy story. Scary you can just tap out like that. Good on him he didn't get injured too much

  • EVs Could Last Nearly Forever—If Car Companies Let Them
  • What was the issue? Do you know?

  • Streaming site for german synchronisationed movies
  • Works for me. Mb try a vpn

  • Ist das eine Betondecke?

    Vllt kann jemand das so bestimmen, ohne, dass ich Reinbohren muss. Der Klang beim Klopfen ist Recht stumpf im Vergleich zu den Seitenwänden, die alle hohl klingen.

    Question: Does anyone else think the way that replies and comment (context) chains are designed is not really user friendly?

    See title. I'm grateful to the app creators, but as I use this app on a daily basis it hurts that I have to switch to sync just to get a proper grasp on what people are replying to regarding my comments.

    The normal option, when pushing on replies, doesn't go high enough on the context chain. The context option however goes too high, adds extra 'side' replies and I find myself searching for my initial comment again, which is a painful and avoidable task.

    A rework would greatly be appreciated. F.e. it would help if the context option would focus on the new reply and let me decide how far I want to scroll upwards. Instead of just focussing on the top level comment.

    Gute RBTV 'Serie' mit hohem Rewatch Wert?

    Brauche iwas zum nebenher schauen. Vllt könnt ihr mir ja aushelfen :)

    Some feedback

    Hey there thanks for the app and all, I really like using it :) some feedback from me:

    On the UI, I think the floating plus button on the homescreen is unnecessary, as searching for a sub/finding it in the subscription list and pressing the create button is just as fast. The fab plus takes up too much space unnecessarily imo. But I understand if this is a personal preference by some of the creators.

    In the menu were we select federations, lemmyworld is also avalaible. I'm part of Feddit, but not lemmyworld. Would it be possible to use my account from feddit for upvotes and comments while browsing lemmyworld's ALL? Until now it's too much of a burden with 'open in other instance'.. just takes too many interactions. I have the feddit stream, but I appreciate the different content on lemmyworld.

    Anamana Anamana

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