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Game theory
  • False. You are contributing to misinformation and are therefore a shit poster.

    Here is my proof:

    Everywhere humans exist and visit is covered with a literally stories high cloud of shit flecks. Everywhere.

    Unless you are talking chipfab clean rooms every breath you take in has the shit dust of thousands in it.

    So, retract your blatantly false accusation and apologize for your libel.

  • Joe Biden ends re-election campaign
  • I'm hoping to build a good visibly angry and progressive online profile so when the fascists take over and use AI to scrape social media histories, that my ident's affinity is high enough for them to send the death squads to me early. I'm so fucking tired of every ounce, inch, and erg of the last decade.

  • Kamala Harris Launches Presidential Bid: ‘My Intention Is to Earn and Win This Nomination’
  • SCOTUS, Congress, and POTUS have all, regardless of party have catered to corporate interest over the citizenry an OVERWHELMING amount my entire life, and I remember life before the internet.

    Sure we get a few crumbs, cars for clunkers, a crippled ACA, a constant 'will they, won't they' over college loans.

    Meanwhile Citizens United gave corporations near unlimited influence, the repeal of Glass-Steagall led to the housing collapse in 2008 and the banks were bailed out. Even recently in COVID those most benefitted were the corporations and ultra wealthy who netted a 1.3 FUCKINGTRILLION dollar payday with almost no oversight or pressure to pay back, and we are STILL seeing fraud cases from that show up.

    So was your little 3k 'gift' that was meant for relief during A FUCKING PANDEMIC in any way commesurate with the HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS the owner class (who was at no financial risk at any time) got to keep?

    Do you feel all these little crumbs of social support they have doled out in meager and begrudging ways makes up for the fact that no matter what their party, NEARLY EVERY MEMBER of our top seats in government are more concerned about the interests of the wealthy than they are in normal people?

  • Game theory
  • And there are feces particles in every breath you take in, where the important part is, is the concentration.

    Compare frontpages from 2009 to 2017 and put them side by side. Which version has the highest shit density?

  • Kamala Harris Launches Presidential Bid: ‘My Intention Is to Earn and Win This Nomination’
  • You are a fascist propaganda account.

    You will deny it.

    Your sockpuppets will come mock and downvote me, flooding my inbox with harassment until I respond back then you will report that reply, getting me banned and giving you the opportunity to play the aggrieved victim for a while, then you will just go back to posting slightly disconcerting concern trolling to erode morale.

    And the mods, of course, will support you. Because you have 'the right to play', and I am of course 'a bad actor' for 'stirring up trouble' and everyone will breathe a sigh of relief as I am banned and this place becomes more and more enshittified all in the name of 'People can have their opinion, yo'.

    I'm so fucking tired of this game, but it will never end, because fascists like you have been emboldened by the rising hard right tide and there will never be a normal election for the remainder of my life. If we have elections AT ALL after the next one.

  • Joe Biden ends re-election campaign
  • I absolutely DO mind the humor because I am acutely aware of how it kills activism.

    I know how dangerous it is because I saw it cripple an entire generation through apathy, sarcasm, and 'being above it'. I saw the groundwork of today's fascist rise it the absolute detachment and knee-jerk memery that everyone of my generation responded to literally any threat with.

    And it made us (GenX) absolutely irrelevant in politics and human rights to this fucking day.

    So, no, humor isn't harmless, and it isn't a good cope, but it's great for convincing everyone to do nothing but doomscroll and meme.

    Which is exactly what the fascists want us to do.

  • LAPD warns residents after spike in burglaries using Wi-Fi jammers that disable security cameras, smart doorbells
  • As a side business I consult and install security systems in small businesses and homes.

    Literally none of them want the cable option, no matter how hard I push it.

    The cost of running the cable and the time needed always is the dealbreaker.

    Doesn't matter if its insecure, they just want it to work now and be cheap.

  • Joe Biden ends re-election campaign
  • Ok, enjoy sitting passively and watching and memeing as literally the greatest existential threat to human freedom slowly rises.

    What you non-Americans can do: Stop meming, clear the air, show solidarity.

    But no, just like history shows us:

    When the world has a problem, America has a problem

    When America has a problem, America has a problem.

    I'm sure we can just sort this out real quick for you so you can go back to eurovision or living in buildings more than a hundred years old. I'm sure we'll be fine.

  • Joe Biden ends re-election campaign
  • Those were mostly dead before you were born and you have likely never personally suffered at the hands of right wing violence.

    My niece had her hand broken by a rancid nazi flag waving trumpfucker for having the gall to stand up for trans rights, but I'm sure the old-timey pro-nationalist graffiti you've have occasionally been forced to observe was just as harmful.

    There are literal hard right militias training with military grade equipment on our own soil RIGHT NOW, and it is likely that most of the police force will join them.

    No one you know or love is at threat more than my own family right now and I will NOT sit by quiet while greasestains like you try and marginalize this.

  • Joe Biden ends re-election campaign
  • I'm tired of people making light of this, I'm tired of people being passive about this, there is only one way that considering Biden stepping down literally weeks before the election, and that is everyone, not just Americans, clearing the discussion space for people who seriously desire and possess the ability to prevent trump from being elected. Yet EVERY SINGLE online space is carpet bombed with bots and human forum manipulators who are ALLOWED to exist because they hide in the memes and the jokes, being able to muddy the discussion and break morale all under the guise of 'it's a prank bro' so they are immune to being called out. It's already been well established that Lemmy mods are just as careless and agenda driven as the reddit mods we fled here to escape, so we can't count on THEM clearing the conversation. It has to be the users, by:

    1. Not memeing for clout for a few fucking weeks for one goddamn time in human history
    2. Downvoting to oblivion everyone who does
    3. Only bringing content that forwards the goal of preventing twice impeached, convicted felon ex-president 45 out of office.

    But this will never happen, because the users have 'the right to play', and their discourse of subtle anti-Harris 'humor' will spread like cancer, just like the anti-Hillary meme machine of 2016, and every mod and their mother will fight for those shitheads rights to slide us further and further into fucking fascism.

  • Joe Biden ends re-election campaign
  • Being humorous about overwhelming things is how the fuck cheetolini got his first term.

    How about we stop being humorous and acknowledge that the U.S. going fascist is literally the worst thing that could happen to the planet since the last meteor-driven mass extinction.

  • Joe Biden ends re-election campaign
  • It's pretty naive to think there is any other country on the planet that could cause the world more damage if turned fascist. If Italy and france and the u.k. and whatever other little buttfuck euro mountain countries all decided to go fascist at once and combine, their entire military could be handled by our Coast Guard.

    So you can be amused and astonished and drop your monocle or whatever the fuck is the fashion these days to feel whatever degree of delusional safety you need to not be grinding your teeth in existential dread. Because if the U.S. goes fascist, there is literally no military force in the world that can even slow us down.

    It’s amazing to me that people in the US haven’t been paying attention to what’s gone on

    Then you vastly overestimate the attention span of the average American.

    So yes, Europe has had its struggle with the hard right for a while but NONE of you have to deal with the vicious shitbags that make up OUR far right.

    So you've been dealing with it longer, but I GUARAN-FUCKING-TEE with all the mass shootings, the protests, the stochastic terrorism, the U.S. is dealing with a fucktonne more violence and threat than any EU nation.

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