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List of people I would like to see guest the Joe Rogan podcast
  • A really drunk dubois-finger-guns cosplayer going on an endless rant about inframaterialism would be quite amusing.

  • Oh?
  • trans-uno Shooting missiles at transphobes is praxis.

  • Ladies, is it Joever?
  • An uppity man of wö that talks back to you but whom you can’t beat the shit out of? A gamer’s biggest nightmare.

  • Deleted
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  • WAIT! It’s not just a few bad apples?

    святе лайно scared-fash

  • IDF writes Young Turks host Cenk Uygur's name on an artillery shell.
  • che-no Hating someone because they criticized war crimes

    che-si Hating someone because they denied the Armenian genocide and named their internet show after the fascist group that carried it out

  • They just want more cheap labor.
  • Apparently not enough.

  • NSFW Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • At least the Germans had the decency to turn their concentration camps into museums.

  • Panera has developed an assassination method so delicious that people keep assassinating themselves with it
  • If only they had this culinary technology when Castro was still alive. fidel-sarcastic

  • The past couple of years the War On Christmas has been well cold to say the least, what happened?
  • Yeah, I even told the deep state to not steal the election away from Jeb but would they listen to me? Of course not! jeb

  • DirtOwl this you?
  • Nah, not enough filth. tequila-sunset

  • The past couple of years the War On Christmas has been well cold to say the least, what happened?
  • Nice try, woke moralist, trying to cover up what really happened:

    The truth is, we already lost the war because trans radicalists stole christmas and force feminized it 4 years ago to extract the first covid bacteria from it’s estrogenized balls.

    The world has never been the same after this.

  • fuck off YouTube, I will never watch ads
  • Last time I watched Youtube without ad blocker I got 3 ads in a row from our local nazi party. Sure as fuck not gonna do that again.

  • IDF solders face the challenge of possibly fatal diarrhea
  • Thank you for your service, comrade Shigella bacterium. sankara-salute

  • lol, the Bazingatruck starts at $60,000
  • Yeah but consider this: When you and your family die in an accident due to the lack of crumple zones, you can just use the intact cybertruck as a family coffin and save the cost of 4 seperate ones. The price makes total sense when you start thinking like a true businessman.

  • Locked
  • Holy shit! After all these decades Tom Lehrer finally managed to destroy his phylactery. kissinger-beg-mercy dead-motherfucker