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  • Too late to meaningfully join any of them.

  • Could child labor ever be acceptable if it's done consentually?
  • If the money involved is enough to ensure they are not poor and legal protections exist, should there still be such a ban?

  • Could child labor ever be acceptable if it's done consentually?
  • Yes, when it's the product of apprenticeship, where there is a clear gain, without loss in other areas of education. As to the amount of time it takes from childhood, the matter is less clear, as it is within societies that permit cram schools. But if you allow one, then you can allow the other.

  • How do you consume Muesli?
  • I top it off with the expensive muesli that has the crystallised fruit.

  • What is your favorite quote of all time?
  • Continued - To summarize the summary of the summary: people are a problem.

  • ULTRARAM may be a silly name but it's the holy grail for memory tech and means your PC could hibernate for over 1,000 years
  • It would have to be always active, checking for radiation induced flips, not just powered off.

  • blocked the largest piracy community in all of lemmy
  • Looks politically motivated. Has Piraattipuolue commented?

  • If you could pick your time and location of birth, anywhere and anywhen in all of the world and it's history - which place/time would you pick, and why?
  • Oslo. Yesterday. Norway is playing life on easy mode. Massive oil & lithium reserves. NATO. Far North in a hot World.

  • What are your favorite add-ons for Firefox?
  • All of this may beg the question: What add-ons would we like to see?

    One that doesn't exist is QOI Viewer that would render the Quite OK image format into a png for Firefox to display.

  • What are your favorite add-ons for Firefox?
  • πŸ˜„Those contributions are something to brag about.

  • What are your favorite add-ons for Firefox?
  • the ones that I actively use: Rotate and Zoom Image; Image extract; SVG Export; Simple mass downloader; PassLok Image Steganography; Color Changer; Save Screenshot; Behind the Overlay Revival

    those that work in the background: Redirect AMP to HTML; Chameleon; JPEG XL Viewer; + the usual blockers & security

  • The NovaCustom NV41 Series laptop is Qubes-certified
  • Oh an Alder Lake processor - where did I read that recently?

  • Without using pronouns (me, he, she, it, etc) or articles (a, an, the), how did you come up with your user name?
  • IRC nicks were max'd at 8 characters and listed alphabetically. Given that dogs are no-go!, to choose name that made full use was simple.

    Edit: See some fails in this thread.

  • Any tool for easy access of reddit export data?
  • Power Query is a component of Excel and Power BI.

  • Any tool for easy access of reddit export data?
  • The first is the result when I extracted all lines with my nick in them from the csv, stored with the best compression around. The second is where to get the csv - and a lot of communities have been archived there, like it says.

  • how would the world react if a real Thanos snap would happen?
  • Some would think they'd been left behind. Some would cheer the easing of the population crisis. Some would say It was only a matter of time before a pandemic caused it.

  • Any tool for easy access of reddit export data?
  • Power Query can search line by line without loading a file much bigger than your RAM.

  • in a general sense, how would you feel about people having their pet dog(s) in the workplace?
  • So you want me to explain No. Well, let's see if I can break that d... No!

  • Antimutt Antimutt
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