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Am I the only one preferring low quality media over high quality one?
  • Depends on the media.
    Minimum it has to be web-dl and 1080p.

    For media that needs it or I want to (e.g. Interstellar), I will search high bitrate web-dl/bluray or a remux.
    If it's something I will for certain only watch once, I'll be fine with a regular 1080p mid bitrate file.

  • Help Finding a Game
  • 3 shells? As in bash and shell?

  • Help Finding a Game
  • Didnt know about the 4 indents thing only about the backticks and the three backticks for code block.

  • Deadline looms for alleged LockBit extortion of Feds over 33TB of data
  • Wasnt some major face of lockbit arrested?

  • Microsoft really wants Local accounts gone after it erases its guide on how to create them
  • You can. I downloaded the (german language) setup iso from microsoft about 3 weeks ago.

  • Microsoft really wants Local accounts gone after it erases its guide on how to create them
  • During setup press Shift + F10, type OOBE\bypassnro, press enter and have fun creating local accounts.

  • Basically the extent of my IPv6 knowledge
  • Sounds (labor and money) expensive.

  • iOS keyboards that don't censor "bad words"
  • I don't need to add anything on my swipe board.
    I know it's a personal thing but besides the design language I can't see anything positive about iOS...
    But tbf, I am not the target audience anyway since I don't use either swipe nor auto-complete.

  • iOS keyboards that don't censor "bad words"
  • GTA 5 is restricted to mature/+18 age and still censors mild words like "fuck" and (sry) "nigga" while the game characters drop curses (in particular the n-word) almost in every other sentence.

  • iOS keyboards that don't censor "bad words"
  • I can't imagine how some would prefer such workarounds over something like Android where you are still in some aspects restricted but still free to do as you please.
    Just tried with the swipe keyboard on GBoard. Swiped "Fucking" and it spelt it no problem.

  • Where should I post a piracy guide?
  • I just want fitting fonts for my personal projects. I don't want to do commercial stuff with it. :(

  • Erdtree sm sm
  • *Always

  • Exclusive: Majority Of Voters Want Next Government To Take UK Back Into European Union
  • I fear the EU will take them right back and set a precedent for leaving and rejoining without so much problems as figuring out new contracts and agreements.
    I'd demand worse terms for every time they leave and then try to rejoin (aka the cut was 50% but now the contribution has to be at least 55%)

  • Why we don't have 128-bit CPUs
  • I would kind of enjoy the trouble of needing to store and owning the place for 16 exabytes...

  • Internet Archive forced to remove 500,000 books after publishers’ court win
  • While digital lending is fun and games it wouldnt work on a scale of the Internet Archive. The wait list would be tremendous for popular books.
    Go use and support your local library if possible and donate a fiver to IA for their other services they offer

  • Light Eye of Stuttgart21 [OC]

    This was a guided tour of the future main station in Stuttgart called Stuttgart21.

    More pictures: (Disclaimer: The descriptions could be wrong for the east/west orientation :P)

    In search of software for managing my life (like a helpdesk but in a lite format)

    Hello fellow selfhosters, I tried to find a piece of software that could achieve my goal but maybe I am not searching in the correct areas. So I thought of asking here for suggestions or directions I could take.

    What I am looking for:

    I am looking for software that could fill a purpose of tracking like a helpdesk ticketing portal but not be a full blown ticketing portal. For example I want to track current tasks like an RMA I am doing right now with Logitech (currently organized in my email inbox/folders) or keep track of shipments (currently tracked in Google Keep in this format: Shop | MM YYYY | Order-ID | Contents | Tracking:<Shipping Number>)

    Features I am specifically looking for:

    • Tracking items (like shipments)
    • Keep track of issues (fix light bulb), Tasks (go to citizen office to renew ID),
      • Optionally: Keeping communication like E-Mails (like go back and see the communication history with Logitech concerning the RMA#999999)

    Platforms I use:

    Android and Windows.

    What I have found so far and seemed to fit:

    • Kanban Boards:,
    • Ticketing Boards: Zammad, glpi, freescout
    • Whatever that can be classified as: Leantime

    How I am coming to the conclusion I need something like that

    • As mentioned earlier, I keep track of some stuff like shipments, overtime todo, money I am owing or someone does owe me in Google Keep. It kinda works but I feel like I am straining the borders of it's use case. And I fear Googles Graveyard
    • I keep track of my e-mails via folders (to some extent). But I will probably not find the email of communication I had 5 months ago with that system. At work we use a classic ticket helpdesk system. I can more or less find the ticket of an issue a customer had on the phone and correlate it with the problem I have right now.
    • Some of my knowledge base is in for technical stuff or minor stuff like "find x here", while the stuff related for real life (e.g. recipes) are stored in OneNote. It's not necessary to consolidate it but maybe I can remove some of each into the new system?

    What I would like to avoid:

    Things like creating companies to track tickets with. I would rather just keep track of the issue (maybe with some form of history to go back in time?) and not be lost in endless classification of company number, telephone, contacts etc.

    Maybe I am in search of a unicorn-glitter editiontm and just need someone to tell me that doesn't exist or I am not looking for the correct thing or term. The help is highly appreciated :)

    PS: While preferred it doesn't need to be selfhosted. It should be accessible via smartphone (app or web doesnt really matter) and on desktop (program or web).


    Currently in consideration are (thanks for the suggestions so far!):

    • OpenProject
    • Focalboard
    • Vikunja
    • Tarallo
    Dragonfly in restaurant [OC]

    cross-posted from:

    > Species: Aeshna cyanea > > Yes, it was alive at the time and left alone (outside of taking a picture)

    Dragonfly in restaurant [OC]

    Species: Aeshna cyanea

    Yes, it was alive at the time and left alone (outside of taking a picture)

    My favorite picture from the Zoo

    Visited the zoo on the 27th Aug and was reminded to post it here by

    What do you feel is your reaction to caffeine?

    I have a slight suspicion that every time I consume something with caffeine it has a specific effect on me.

    A good cup of black or green tea: Slight headaches at some times. A cup of coffee (from work coffee machine): Depending on strenght slight attention issues or headaches. A cup of coffee from a coffee shop which roasts its own coffee: One time a bit of stronger attention issues than the work coffee.

    I usually notice it right away after consuming. But I also have a very strong issue with staying hydrated. Usually drink 0.5-1l per day until I notice the usual dehydrated-headache or when I am really focused and loosing it at times. Usually it's less prevelant at evening/night times.

    What happens with the media if an instance goes down

    Is the media downloaded/cached to the federated instance or will it go down with the hoster?

    Appoxo Appoxo

    Usually a lurker. Maybe I should've just shut up and thought for a bit longer before writing that comment...

    If you want to talk to me elsewhere, you know how to reach me.

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    Comments 2.4K