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As the Elden Ring DLC beats the snot out of players, Hidetaka Miyazaki says toning difficulty down would "break the game itself"
  • I mean, bosses input reading my heavy attack to suddenly turn their three move combo into a four move combo 50% of the time feels a bit lame. For instance the dancing lion suddenly going into the spray carousel after it would have exhausted its combo and rested otherwise. My main issue is on the inconsistency.

    Don't get me wrong, that fight was really fun and I overcame it, but there are many such cases where it feels overtly like the game just threw in the extra attack as a "fuck you" while trying to learn the mechanics. There might be a subtle cue to the boss's body language I didn't see but there's also the issue of the camera in encounters with large enemies.

    On the whole though, as frustrating as it may be at times, often there's still an underlying pattern. The only fights I think are explicitly unfair are the ones with adds or multiple enemies that add a lot of uncertainty especially if some are off camera. The twin gargoyle fight comes to mind, as does the Godskin duo where you explicitly have to kill both around the same time or the other respawns.

  • The Ten Commandments must be displayed in Louisiana classrooms under requirement signed into law
  • I linked it because I recall it having a lot of cogent points and being relevant, and because I don't remember off the top of my head the specific allegations, I didn't want to dig through a two hour video I've already seen at the exact moment of writing because I only had so much time and research to dedicate to a Lemmy comment. It's valid to be annoyed by a long video linked as an argument, but my comment was a "too long didn't watch" version of it... that actually left out some details like the founder also being a fucking eugenicist.

    I also use an adblocker, and the vid has some opinions obviously but was mostly going over evidence, recordings, and related allegations.

    You don't have to watch it if you don't want to. I linked it as a secondary source. While primary sources are preferable and it might have been a good idea to do the legwork myself, I wanted something posted quick to maybe make people think twice on the "donate to TST" call to action in the initial comment.

  • The Ten Commandments must be displayed in Louisiana classrooms under requirement signed into law
  • TST is not a super great org unfortunately. They do stuff for great headlines but apparently little in the way of effective advocacy. I've also heard that there are pretty bad issues with misogyny among the upper echelons. While it's extremely long at 2hrs, Dead Domain's video on the subject goes into great detail.

    It's really unfortunate, I wanted to believe they were fighting the good fight but I don't know if I can in good conscience anymore

  • Dinner time!
  • >dinner is done
    >announce dinner
    >everyone shows up 10 minutes later

    Some of the food is cold because I didn't cover it, but why should I? It would have been fine if they came to the table when I announced dinner.

    >next day
    >dinner is almost done
    >remembering yesterday, I decide to announce dinner 10 minutes early so that 10 minutes later is "on time"
    >everyone arrives to the table immediately, remembering that it was cold yesterday not wanting that to happen again

  • There are a lot of low-paying jobs out there. I'm just saying...
  • There's also the aspect of designing roads in a way that discourages driving dangerously, like in the Netherlands. Raised crosswalks, speed bumps, narrowed lanes, physical barriers, etc.

    If we make completely straight, flat roads with wide lanes going through neighborhoods, people are just going to drive down them fast because that's what subconsciously feels like the correct speed.

  • me_irl
  • So I'm just curious, where the hell did all the wonderbread hate come from? It's like suddenly everyone has a vendetta against it. I'm not particularly fond of it myself in lieu of traditional bread but like, it's fine?? The added sugar/HFCS is fucked but I'm pretty sure you can buy varieties that don't have that.

  • Deleted
    Is Your Phone Listening to You? | NOVA
  • The device wouldn't necessarily have to be constantly streaming the audio to a central server. If it's capable of hearing wake up words like "Ok Google" it's capable of listening for other phrases and having onboard processing to relay back the results much more compressed. Whether or not this is common practice is another matter, and yes the algorithms are scary good even without eavesdropping.

  • Using Ubuntu may give off hipster vibes to the average PC user, but within the Linux community its has the opposite effect.
  • Technically, steamOS because it's designed to play games and it's what the steam deck uses. That probably won't have many other non-gaming features though, and I've personally never used it. In my experience, you can get most games without a hyper-aggressive anti cheat working on any Linux distro with varying degrees of effort, just a matter of having all the needed libraries installed! The more popular distros like Ubuntu, popOS, Fedora, even Arch (btw) should have a lot of helpful information out there on how to get Lutris or Steam set up.

  • Democracy is back on the menu!
  • If they reverse course and everyone still refused to play out of principle, the only thing Sony learns is that they should just double down. The situation becomes a calculated move between the shareholder value linked PSN accounts create vs whatever they permanently lose in playerbase numbers, instead of a give and pull between a corporation and the community for one of its games. Not playing after they give in just tells them that there was no point in walking it back, and they might just reinstate the policy because at least they'll get that tasty user data out of whoever they didn't burn the bridge with.

    I mean it's your choice, but I'm just extrapolating what your stance entails if everyone were to take it.

  • Path of Exile - Necropolis Official Trailer


    Anyone else noticing a lot more "Access Denied" pages while using hardened Firefox lately?

    I use Firefox whenever I can.

    On first install of the browser I usually end up following a hardening guide which includes stuff like blocking cross site cookies, setting a few things in about:config to disable Pocket/etc, and installing uBlock Origin. I've taken what I consider a relatively balanced approach, I don't use anything like noScript, uMatrix, etc that ultimately just cost a lot of time fiddling to get the 10th website of the week working.

    I've been more or less fine browsing the web this way for years, but around the start of 2024 I've started seeing way more "Access Denied" pages than I used to. I think part of it is Cloudflare or similar, but I don't know exactly what's changed or what's triggering it to occur.

    It usually goes away and I can re access the site in 10-30 minutes as usual, but I've had it occur in really weird instances, such as trying to change my Minecraft skin and getting blocked by the website. The server block often goes away immediately if I switch my user agent, so I know that it has something to do with how I've got everything set up.

    Not sure what anyone else's experience with this has been. I'd like to hear some of your thoughts and tips

    [Affliction] "Diamond Method" for finding Wildwood events

    To summarize for anyone who would rather not watch the video, there are always exactly 4 "events" in a wildwood instance. While any specific event is randomly selected, their locations are always around the far North, South, East, and West of the area. If you can find two events, especially if they're perfectly horizontal or vertical from each other, it becomes much easier to find a third and possibly fourth. After you find the first, all you have to do is look for the remaining spots of the 'diamond', following wisp trails to make an educated guess.

    I thought this was pretty useful information, especially if you're trying to maximize wisp collection to juice your maps or find more nameless creatures to complete quests.

    Blahaj PoE sub created

    Hi everyone!

    I decided to create this sub as an alternative to other Path of Exile discussion boards on Lemmy, since most of them were pretty dead (not that another sub on another instance will fix that, but why not ok?) There was also a weirdly long propagation time for posts of mine to show up on the other instance's board, so I'm hoping that won't be as much of an issue with this one here.

    For now I've created the sub icon (and I guess this welcome message too).

    Any questions about the game are welcome! I'm not exactly an expert or anything but I've gotten through most non-uber endgame content and am part of a guild that is also very knowledgeable about the game.

    Thanks for reading!

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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