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How can I fix this rotation issue?
  • XDG_SESSION_THEME=KDE got my hyprland config to work on everything except the cursor (other than in Firefox/steam for some reason). Took me way too long to find the old reddit post that had this tip, so I hope it helps!

  • I am happy for the Linux Mint team
  • I would look at OpenSUSE and try whichever flavor meets your needs. It's more niche than Ubuntu but on vanilla installation is easily as user-friendly. The only downside is that if you start messing with stuff, tutorials are not written with SUSE/zypper in mind as often.

    I've been running Tumbleweed with Nvidia drivers for about 6 months and have had basically no issues. Switch between X11Plasma/KDE when I just need something direct, and Wayland/Hyprland when I want to mess about and I've not had to blow everything away yet.

  • Move over, Ford and Chevy: Kei trucks are pulling up as customers opt for smaller, cheaper vehicles
  • CAFE, safety, larger wheels, more gadgets. These mega corps do their research. Turns out the "real small truck lovers" are a vocal minority, or the things you say you want didn't include all the things you take for granted in every new car because they just...are.

  • Move over, Ford and Chevy: Kei trucks are pulling up as customers opt for smaller, cheaper vehicles
  • Ford and Hyundai have tried to bring service to that market with the Maverick and Santa Cruz, respectively. My folks have one and love it, but I've found most people still complain because they "don't need that big if a truck" but then you mention towing/hauling capacity and they say "well why can't it just tow something small like an F150 does? I'm not trying to get a dually but if I didn't want to do X then I'd just get a car!" I suspect most people's "truck needs" would be accommodated but fomo and marketing leads buyers astray even when they already know what they want. Or they're fickle and just need something to complain about.

  • U.S. company fined $650,000 for illegally hiring children to clean meat processing plants
  • And yet in the same breath we often point out that prison time doesn't rehabilitate (think petty crime). I think realistic fines to individuals AND companies that are more than "cost of doing business," as well as blacklisting the (undoubtedly several) individals responsible from being able to hold that level of power in an industry, not just the company, then there may be a reasonable deterrent, and it won't be a languishing burden on tax payers to put these guys up in dressed up 4 star hotels.

  • Helldivers 2 Players Express Frustration On Steam As It Will Soon Require A PSN Account
  • It may also end up using their account for other tasks like backups, and what if I forget that super strong password I made 5+years ago and Sony decides I can't get that account back.

    I had a PS3 with accounts I wanted to come back to, and without Sony's approval they can just lock you out, even if you have the old email it was linked to, along with some transaction information. Locked out of games I paid for. We've seen plenty of hostility towards this practice from publishers, but Sony is big enough they can skate by.

  • Look! No ads!
  • Head of the site: KDE is a Desktop. Right below that it has section displays for Launcher, Notification Tray, etc. Willfull ignorance is the fault of the user, not the site.

  • homelab Astongt615
    Platform for First Proxmox Server

    Looking to build my first server out, trying to figure out if there is a "better" platform for my needs. Right now I'm just planning a mix of machines and containers in Proxmox for running a NAS and Plex server, router of some sort (also, any preferences on wireless access points?), a pihole if that's not just as easily done in whatever router OS I decide on, VPN, and 3-5 various machines/containers going in and out of service as I find what my needs else I want to play with and host continuously..

    Basically just looking for bang for the buck CPU/chipsets people are getting for this use case. Any advantages of AMD vs Intel in mid-consumer level options? Is getting something similar with more efficiency cores worth worrying about in a hypervisor use case?

    Platform Preferences for Modest First Setup?

    Looking to build my first server out, trying to figure out if there is a "better" platform for my needs. Right now I'm just planning a mix of machines and containers in Proxmox for running a NAS and Plex server, router of some sort (also, any preferences on wireless access points?), a pihole if that's not just as easily done in whatever router OS I decide on, VPN, and 3-5 various machines/containers going in and out of service as I find what my needs else I want to play with and host continuously..

    Basically just looking for bang for the buck CPU/chipsets people are getting for this use case. Any advantages of AMD vs Intel in mid-consumer level options? Is getting something similar with more efficiency cores worth worrying about in a hypervisor use case?

    Using Weirdo Base as a Theft Deterrent

    Ikki68 Camp and Megalodon DOIO Macropad with lubed Banana Milk switches. I'm not a lefty but support moving numpads and nav clusters away from the mouse. Took about 2 weeks to get used to it, and I keep a numpads layer in the Ikki for when I take it away from my main setup.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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