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Supreme Court Takes Up Trans Care Ban In Tennessee, With Potentially Huge Impacts Supreme Court Takes Up Trans Care Ban In Tennessee, With Potentially Huge Impacts

Monday morning, the Supreme Court announced it would take up a case involving gender affirming care for transgender youth in Tennessee. The case could have huge impacts nationwide.

Supreme Court Takes Up Trans Care Ban In Tennessee, With Potentially Huge Impacts

Well, it's finally going to happen. Here we fucking go !doomjak

[CW: Suicide]
  • if you're gonna kill yourself for being a child murderer, maybe you should also kill the other child murderers around you first? idk, just a thought.

  • You mean it was never about saving Ukraine from Vladolf Putler's unprovoked Aggression?
  • between this and boris johnson just outright saying a russian victory in the war would mean the end of western hegemony, they're really just coming out and saying the quiet parts out loud now i feel. its like they cant even be bothered to do the whole Democracy and Freedom spin anymore.

  • Hexbear's Guide to Free Software, Avoiding Algorithms, etc. (Unofficial, Subject to Change)
  • I'm not super knowledgeable on the subject, but one issue I do know is that certain carriers will prevent you from unlocking the bootloader on their carrier version of phones, preventing you from installing a different OS on them. A few of them do this iirc, but Verizon is particularly notorious for this. Getting an unlocked/carrier-agnostic phone is the safest bet for getting around that problem.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 27th to June 2nd, 2024 - The Virgin France vs the Chad Sahel - COTW: Chad
  • I've been saying it for a while but Biden needs to die before his term ends just so we can get the Kamala Harris word salad eulogy. It would be one of the funniest events of the decade.

  • Northern Israeli settlement severs ties with Tel Aviv, demands army withdrawal: Report
  • So is this going to actually lead to anything? They were whining earlier this month and were saying they were going to secede, but then nothing happened.

  • Child learns the power of pulling bootstraps.
  • "school lunch debt" is such an abominable phrase. I wish the people responsible for developing a system to give CHILDREN debt over food a very illegal-to-say

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 20th to May 26th, 2024 - Never Break TrueAnon's Rules For Life - COTW: Azerbaijan
  • what the heck is 3D chess then?

    a weird game they play on Next Generation sometimes

  • Soviet city builder with 14,606 Steam reviews and a 'Very Positive' user score is finally leaving the Early Access Gulag after 5 years
  • Anyone have experience running this on linux? the protondb reviews seem pretty mixed

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 20th to May 26th, 2024 - Never Break TrueAnon's Rules For Life - COTW: Azerbaijan
  • #Tradle #807 3/6

    Anyone else played their new Pick 5 game? I thought it was pretty fun

    #pick5 2024-05-21
    🟢 🟡 🟢 🟡 🟢: 86.79%
    Play it in #oecGames:


    Japan, US, India, Italy, China. I tried to think of places that made or used a lot of motorcycles and then just kinda hail mary'd China in there at the end since they're the largest industrial power. I think I focused too much on the motorcycle part of "motorcycles and cycles."

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 20th to May 26th, 2024 - Never Break TrueAnon's Rules For Life - COTW: Azerbaijan
  • West Asia North Africa, as opposed to the term MENA (Middle East North Africa)

  • Special Military Operation in Germany when?
  • :henry-morgenthau-apology-form:

  • TikTok wants to be YouTube now, tests 60-minute video uploads
  • you could also rewind and select timestamps

    for real, why is this the thing now? iirc, even vine allowed you to seek

  • East Germany = Best Germany
  • GDR-emblem

    In 1985 the Stasi finally produced a new set of guidelines on how to prevent what it termed “the political misuse of homosexuals.” Some of its recommendations were unsurprising, such as ramping up surveillance of gay activist leaders. But its final recommendation was entirely novel. It insisted that the government find “resolution[s] to homosexuals’ humanitarian problems.” That is, the Stasi decided to actually address activists’ demands.

    Their rationale for doing so was actually rather simple. If the government tackled gay men and lesbians’ concerns, then all those church-affiliated activist groups would have no reason to exist. No complaints to be made, Stasi officials reasoned, meant nothing to organize about.

    Thus began a series of genuinely radical changes in East German society. The state-censored newspapers, which for decades had hardly ever mentioned homosexuality, suddenly started printing dozens of stories about gay men and lesbians. The government also freed periodicals to accept personal advertisements from gay men and lesbians looking for partners.

    The state tasked Berlin psychology professor Reiner Werner with writing a book titled Homosexuality: A Call to Knowledge and Tolerance, which appeared in 1987. Its initial run of 50,000 copies sold out in a matter of weeks. (It would also approve a gay film, Coming Out, that premiered on November 9, 1989, the night the Berlin Wall fell.)

    In addition, the state began granting official recognition to gay groups, such as the Sunday Club, a secular activist collective run by Sillge that had been meeting in East Berlin since the early 1980s. And it authorized East Germany’s first gay discos, such as Die Busche, a club that still exists today.

    The government even allowed gay chapters within the Free German Youth (FDJ), the state’s official youth scouting organization, and mandated that all FDJ members attend educational sessions dealing with homosexuality. All of a sudden, East German youth were required to attend meetings of gay groups such as the Sunday Club. Remembering this moment, Rausch told me, “The joke was that suddenly everyone was standing in line to get into the Sunday Club,” only a couple years after it had been a target of state repression.

    In 1987 the East German Supreme Court struck down the law that set a higher age of consent for gay men and lesbians. The following year, the military allowed gay soldiers, reversing a policy the government had instituted in the 1950s.


  • Burgerland has privatized water and sewage????
  • universities often have their own private police forces

  • Experts blast CDC over refusal to test sewage for signs of H5N1 bird flu virus
  • at this rate im just gonna wear a fucking full on gas mask everywhere. holy shit i hate it here.

  • You can't make this shit up
  • we need a bot that posts this with parenti as the trigger phrase

  • Guess who's sick again.
  • literally how michael-laugh

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from April 29th to May 5th, 2024 - Césaire's Boomerang - COTW: United States
  • Erin Reed covers the nonstop deluge of anti-trans legislation in the US on her substack.

  • Deranged Europeans dreaming of Generalplan Ost 2

    Aside from this being complete fantasy, do these freaks know that they're proving Putin is right for not trusting the west when they openly talk about carving up Russia like this? I assume not since they're unironically drawing 21st century versions of Generalplan Ost. !eu-cool

    Also, this map has some very bizzare internal borders

    twitter | nitter

    Is there any risk of google escalating to banning accounts for adblocking?

    I remember there was a bug (or intended behavior?) of people getting their accounts banned for certain kinds of mundane chat messages in live streams and I'm a little spooked that the same will happen with the recent escalation in the adblocking arms race.

    wonderful news coming out of europe

    TERF ISLAND IS GONE :crab-party:
