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Linux middle ground?
  • Well, it is. Is so stable that many of Arch users install Arch once and don't have to format the computer again in years.

    Of course you can't say that Arch is as stable as Debian, cause it's not. But it's totally unfair compare these distros, cause the use cases are completely different.

    Don't use a ruler to measure how loud a sound is.

  • Linux middle ground?
  • I called it "stable enough". For a home user, it's stable enough. It's a myth that Arch will break every update or it is unstable. Arch is as unstable or stable as you make it be.

    You also can't setup automatic updates safely

    That's partially true. If you're trying to run a server, yeah, don't set any automatic update. If you're home user, you may do it and you'll be fine, but be aware of your system.

  • Linux middle ground?
  • Arch is easy to maintain and is stable enough. Of course you can make Arch unstable if you do greedy stuff, but if you use like a normal person, it will be fine

    It's using Arch for 5 years now and I never broke my system, for example

  • Switch to Linux: any suggestion on a virtual screen manager like DisplayFusion?
  • I don't know if I correctly understood but I think that KDE plasma has this functions you need from DisplayFusion. You need to use Virtual Desktops + Activities, both inhetit to KDE

    Maybe I didnt undertand correctly, but I think this may do the job for you

  • Can we have a discussion about the rhetoric in this community?
  • So you're trying to say that we can't blame and piss around about stupid loud and disrespectful cars and car drivers in a community named "Fuck cars"?

    C'mon... We're here cause we're pissed off with cars and cars-centric cities that are driving us insane. We're not here to convince anyone, or else the community couldn't be named "Fuck cars".

  • Noise Pollution ruins quality of life
  • Man, there is a small d man who lives along my street and EVERY F DAY he drives his loud and noisy motorbike. It's driving me insane!

    Also, there is a car that every f day, around 10 am, drive down the street, but his carburetor is open, being stupidly loud! It make me literally sick!

  • Graças as suas doações para o Lemmy Brasil além de conseguir manter o servidor agora temos:
  • Muito legal!!

    Fico muito feliz vendo o crescimento da comunidade e dos serviços! Parabéns!

    Só uma coisa, parece que no LinkStack Brasil está dando um erro de x-frame-options, impedindo o carregamento do exemplo no desenho de celularzinho que tem na página

    E no Wiki eu não consigo criar um novo shelve. Não sei se é isso que era para acontecer, mas é o que está acontecendo

  • I'm deploying a Laravel app on nginx. Only the main route works, every other throws me a 404
  • Why are you using that?

        location ~ /\.ht {
            deny all;

    You're denying the access to your root, which is the public/ folder and has the file .htaccess that has

    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
        <IfModule mod_negotiation.c>
            Options -MultiViews -Indexes
        RewriteEngine On
        # Handle Authorization Header
        RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} .
        RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}]
        # Redirect Trailing Slashes If Not A Folder...
        RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
        RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (.+)/$
        RewriteRule ^ %1 [L,R=301]
        # Send Requests To Front Controller...
        RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
        RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
        RewriteRule ^ index.php [L]

    This file handles the income requests and send to the front controller.

  • The Insecurity of Debian
  • And it's not. SELinux is much more secure, however much more complex. Although AppArmor also do the job, despite being easier to workaround it. But I don't think this is a good argument against Debian.

  • Encrypt whole system?
  • Because I don't even knew that this kind of tool exists. And it was precise AF. I just got surprised/scared haha

    About systemd-homed, I guess that liveusb will not work... I suggest you to try in a VM and everything going ok, you may try on another user on your pc

  • Encrypt whole system?
  • Are the detectors part for real or were you just kidding? 😲

    You were probably trying to format it nice, but I've only read this phrasing from AI.

    Yes, I was, because I like to put my text well formated... I feel pain when I have to read bad formated texts, so I try to be as clean as possible

    But thanks for the answer, the home folder would probably be best. I don't want to think about it after setting it up. All my downloads and docs are there. I also feel like the whole filesystem would take forever for me to unlock/boot.

    For home folder I think there is a better alternative, like systemd-homed or something like that

  • Audio bug on Firefox

    cross-posted from:

    > (vou postar em inglês porque vou fazer crosspost, mas no @Linux Brasil pode responder em português) > > After recently Firefox update I noticed that audios are cluncky. I mean, if my Firefox isn't playing any sound, if I start a video or any sound start playing (whatsapp notification, for example) it doesn't work at first. For example in videos, I have to pause and unpause the video to the audio start playing properly. > > Is anyone experiencing something similar? > > Is there anything I can do to solve this issue? > > I tried another browsers and another sounds in OS and it doesn't happen, what makes me think it's not an OS bug, but a Firefox bug.

    Audio bug on Firefox

    (vou postar em inglês porque vou fazer crosspost, mas no @Linux Brasil pode responder em português)

    After recently Firefox update I noticed that audios are cluncky. I mean, if my Firefox isn't playing any sound, if I start a video or any sound start playing (whatsapp notification, for example) it doesn't work at first. For example in videos, I have to pause and unpause the video to the audio start playing properly.

    Is anyone experiencing something similar?

    Is there anything I can do to solve this issue?

    I tried another browsers and another sounds in OS and it doesn't happen, what makes me think it's not an OS bug, but a Firefox bug.

    Depressão: um mal que tem tratamento Depressão: um mal que tem tratamento - Idée

    Plataforma de gestão para psicólogas, fornecendo serviços de gestão financeira, gestão de pacientes, blog pessoal, agenda, sala virtual e muito mais

    Depressão: um mal que tem tratamento - Idée
    Server not reachable after while


    I have a old laptop that's serving me as a Technitium DNS server and Tailscale exit node.

    My setup is behind a CGNAT, but the Tailscale make its way around and that's not an issue. My VPN exit node works flawlessly.

    However I also set my router to make my laptop as DNS server, so all my lan network is passing through the Technitium. So, in theory all my local network is using my selfhosted DNS server.


    The issue here is not the server itself, cause it's working as intended - when I can connect to it.

    What's going on is that my server for once in a while become unreachable from lan. If I try to ping it from another device in local network, it returns that it's unreachable, but my server still connected to the internet (I can ping Google, for example). So to solve it, I must do one of the below:

    • Kick the server from the router, forcing it to reconnect
    • Connect to the Tailscale VPN and ping it from the Tailscale ip
    • Reboot my server

    It anoys me because it's not supposed to the server become unreachable in local randomly!

    It's important to comment that the server isn't connected through ethernet, but it uses wifi because I can't put my laptop near the router. The laptop is close enough to not have any wifi interference, however.

    What can I do to prevent my server to become unreachable?

    My setup


    • An old Acer laptop connected to the wifi
    • Static IP configured
    • SO: Arch Linux (as server, no GUI at all)


    D-Link DIR-842


    Thank you in advance

    [Solved] I can't connect to Gnome Online Accounts


    Today I messed up with the permissions at my home folder, so after a struggle time I finally was able to enter in TTY2 and set all my home folder with permissions 766. However I don't know if all my files, folders and hidden stuff had this permission, but still, now my desktop is mostly working.

    Actual issue

    Now, with mostly correct permissions, I found that my Google Account synced wasn't retrieving any data, so I removed my account from Gnome Online Accounts and tried to login again.

    Well, it does not work as intended anymore. The popup shows asking for the username and after asking for the password. After I enter the password, it keeps loading forever never asking me for allow granting Gnome permissions. Interestingly, if I type the password wrong, it recognizes that's wrong and gives me a error message. This bug only happens when I type the correct username and password.

    Even more interesting, is that if I try to connect any other Google account, it does work!

    What I tried

    • Reboot my laptop
    • Remove the folders ~/.config/goa-1.0, ~/.cache/gnome-control-center-goa-helper and ~/.local/share/gnome-control-center-goa-helper
    • Restore the correct permissions to ~/.gnupg to 600
    • Creating a new user (I wasn't able to login as well)
    • Deleting app permission for Gnome on Google Manage Account
    • Tried to pacman -S gnutls, pacman -S gnome-online-accounts and pacman -S gvfs-goa

    I'm hopeless. I don't know what else to try. I need this account connected to my Gnome Online Accounts cause it makes part of my workflow.

    Is there any other configuration file I missed? Is there any other database I missed? Any ideia how to solve it?

    Thank you in advance, guys


    My setup

    Hardware Information:

    • Modelo do hardware: Acer Aspire A515-45
    • Memória: 12,0&nbsp;GiB
    • Processador: AMD Ryzen™ 7 5700U with Radeon™ Graphics × 16
    • Gráficos: AMD Radeon™ Graphics
    • Capacidade de disco: 256,1&nbsp;GB

    Software Information:

    • Versão do firmware: V1.13
    • Nome do SO: Arch Linux
    • Compilação do SO: rolling
    • Tipo do SO: 64 bits
    • Versão do GNOME: 45.0
    • Sistema de janelas: Wayland
    • Verificação do kernel: Linux 6.1.59-1-lts


    Turns out that Google's new 2FA method was not allowing me to proceed with verification. I turned off 2FA, login in the Gnome Accounts and then turn back on the 2FA

    Brazil: At the meeting where Garnier joined the coup, the Army commander threatened to arrest Bolsonaro Na reunião em que Garnier aderiu ao golpe, comandante do Exército ameaçou prender Bolsonaro

    Encontro entre então presidente e cúpula das Forças Armadas foi relatado por Mauro Cid em delação

    Na reunião em que Garnier aderiu ao golpe, comandante do Exército ameaçou prender Bolsonaro

    Bolsonaro did planned a coup in Brazil's election last year.

    According to this article a high patent navy soldier agreed with the coup, however the army soldier at the meeting not only refused but also threatened to arrest Bolsonaro.

    But this is not everything. The army soldier just made this decision because Biden's government reinforced many times that USA does not support any coup in Brazil. If USA did not refused to support any coup, Brazil would be sent to a completely institutional chaos and a extreme right wing dictatorship and fascism.

    The extreme-right is a cancer growing all around the world. It must be stopped.

    Sobre IA e o Dilema do Bonde

    > Eu: In one word, human or 5 AIs?

    > ChatGPT: Hypothetically: Human.

    Let filament hell begins

    Context: this is my first printer and those are my first filament set

    Far-right Twitter influencers first on Elon Musk’s monetization scheme Far-right Twitter influencers first on Elon Musk’s monetization scheme

    The first beneficiaries appear to be high-profile influencers like Andrew Tate, DC Draino, Ian Miles Cheong, Benny Johnson and Ashley St. Claire.

    Far-right Twitter influencers first on Elon Musk’s monetization scheme
    Minhas impressões de miniaturas

    Na miniatura da esquerda usei as configurações

    • Resolução 0,1mm
    • 25% de infill
    • 100% de resfriamento
    • velocidade de 50 mm/s
    • teve poucos suportes

    Na miniatura da direita foi:

    • Resolução 0,05mm
    • 100% de infill
    • 80% de resfriamento
    • velocidade de 25 mm/s
    • teve bastante suporte

    Qual ficou melhor?


    !tentantiva 1

    !tentativa 2

    !tentativa 3

    Problema de fatiamento no Cura usando material personalizado

    Negócio é o seguinte, eu adicionei no Cura o filamento da 3D Fila, que é o que eu estou usando no momento. Fui em Preferências > Materiais > Adicionar novo e criei um material personalizado, preenchendo as informações certinho. Preferi fazer assim para conseguir selecionar direitinho o filamento que estou usando, com valor, densidade e tudo mais

    A questão é que ao usar esse filamento personalizado que adicionei manualmente, ao tentar fatias minhas peças o Cura fica infinitamente processando os layers, travado em 99%

    !Processando layers

    Apesar de eu não conseguir previsualizar, o fatiamento ocorre normalmente e gera o gcode certinho. Mas eu quero fazer preview das minhas peças, né

    Estou fazendo algo de errado ou é algum bug do Cura mesmo?

    Existe algo que eu possa fazer para fatiar com esse filamento e eu conseguir visualizar?

    Is there a way to cross post?

    I tried so hard a way to cross post a post from an instance to another, but I didn't find the option on Liftoff, only at the lemmy web

    Is there any hidden way I didn't find?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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