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Lakota elders helped a white man preserve their language. Then he tried to sell it back to them.
  • You should leave your assumptions out of this

  • Singing rule
  • Oh my darlin clementine

  • For like the third time in the past year I've found someone who was DTF but it fell through because I don't have my own place
  • If you’re just trying to smash, then get a cheap hotel/ airbnb or something. Anyone that wants to actually date you and is worth your time, won’t care if you have roommates. You might not get laid straight out the gate, but that’s not really the entire point of dating for those seeking a relationship. At least that’s my take anyway, speaking as a heterosexual lady.

  • I don't know anything about Linux and the idea of installing it frightens me. Where do I start?
  • This comment will be the Shaman to my new voyage into Linux. Thanks for the very detailed instructions!

  • 'Confused' Judge Cannon needed concept explained 'slowly' to her in court by lawyers: NYT
  • How is it not a conflict of interest that “Donald Trump appointed her to the lifetime position”. ? Haven’t judges been asked to recuse themselves over less? I’m genuinely confused.

  • Damn
  • She is a judge on American Idol now. Not a fan of her music. Never have been. But she is working, albeit still not making good music.

  • Removed
    How did you come up with your username?
  • Definitely was not the fire weed I was thinking. That said, you’ve inspired me to try to grow some of my own!

  • Removed
    Mom's 911 Call for Son's Mental Health, But Ends in Tragic moment
  • That poor mom is going to live with that guilt for the rest of her life. Don’t call cops for help, especially not over mental health concerns. Just don’t. Tragic.

  • Health insurance giant Kaiser will notify millions of a data breach after sharing patients' data with advertisers
  • for some reason the link wasn’t working for me so if anyone else has same issue.

  • A web search tip to avoid AI generated SEO junk
  • I really like the format of this. Thanks for sharing, and you look like a really solid candidate.

    I couldn’t help but notice this at the bottom, “References and other document's available”.
    When it should read: “References and other documents available “

    The apostrophe in “document’s” suggests that the documents are in possession or have ownership of something.

    I see you speak Hindi as well as English, so for the record, I could not draft such a great resume myself in Hindi.

  • Biden signs bill criticized as “major expansion of warrantless surveillance”
  • “Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said he voted against the reauthorization `because it failed to include the most important requirement to protect Americans' civil rights: that law enforcement get a warrant before targeting a US citizen.’”

    Never thought I’d see the day that I actually agreed with Senator Cruz.

  • Microsoft will now urge you to ditch local accounts on Windows 10
  • I’m sure they fucking will. Can’t harvest your data (as readily) if you aren’t online. Fuckers.

  • Supreme Court to consider whether local governments can make it a crime to sleep outside if no inside space is available
  • Excellent points. How could I overlook the dystopian nightmare which is the for profit prison system? In the era of nuclear arms, are pitchforks enough?

  • Supreme Court to consider whether local governments can make it a crime to sleep outside if no inside space is available
  • The whole system is fucked. Wage stagnation, increasing cost of living, lack of affordable housing, dynastical wealth concentrated in the hands of fewer and fewer elite citizens and oligarchies.

    Before these issues are improved upon dramatically, there’s simply going to be a growing number of homeless people.

    If the solution is to throw homeless individuals in jail, then what? Jails are still funded by tax dollars, so why not be proactive and invest that money in getting people housed by building more affordable housing, providing more jobs with things like infrastructure improvements that are badly needed throughout the country, rather than taking punitive measures? I think this needs to happen at the federal level because it is indeed a broken system of the entire country.

  • The truth about organic milk: cows are suffering on even the most “humane” dairy farms
  • Makes sense. I do tend toward the sweetened ones. Appreciate the insight.

  • The truth about organic milk: cows are suffering on even the most “humane” dairy farms
  • Yes, it was the vanilla silk milk. Noted, thank you!

  • The truth about organic milk: cows are suffering on even the most “humane” dairy farms
  • Yes, it was the vanilla silk milk. Noted, thank you!

  • The truth about organic milk: cows are suffering on even the most “humane” dairy farms
  • I thought the same but once you open the carton it’s 7 days from the date you open it. At least that was the case with almond milk. I thought they lasted a lot longer especially since they are shelf stable etc. I had a ton of black mold on and around the rim of my almond milk well before the expiration date and that is because I’m fine print it says date of expiration is 7 days after opening.

  • BabyYodel Das_Bruno
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