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That is an act of cruelty towards the poor pokémon
  • And what kind of UI should I like oh wise one, I'm not worthy of your wisdom, please tell me, I'm begging you!

  • That is an act of cruelty towards the poor pokémon
  • There's plenty reason to shit on gnome, they took off in a direction and changed the whole look and feel, without any option to keep something like the gnome 2 layout.

    The introduction of Gnome 3 scared me away, the initial version was garbage. I switched to XFce and MATE, and eventually ended up with Cinnamon.

    They may have made it usable, but I still don't like the user interface.

  • That is an act of cruelty towards the poor pokémon
  • Who uses Gnome these days? i have used the forks Cinnamon or MATE, since gnome shell was introduced.

    It's great that there're so many good window managers to choose from.

  • Unfortunate post placement
  • Very unfortunate error code.

  • Shot in 1.6 seconds: Video raises questions about how trooper avoided charges in Black man's death
  • You drive in the garage and give the stolen car a new paint job, and then you are back to zero stars.

    Was it GTA we were talking about or real life?

  • Tesla recalls most Cybertrucks in US over windshield wiper, exterior trim issues
  • They probably spend more money on engineering and use better parts.

  • Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission
  • Fine! You keep using windows, we will keep using our shit ass OS.

  • Academia to Industry
  • Will GPT-7 then be a burntout startup founder?

  • It's like a more challenging version of the trolley problem
  • What if I save her and we go for a coffee or something?

  • We all know it's true
  • Let me be the first to wish them a happy nentay.

  • TERF Jenny Watson is Called a Trans Woman by her own Dating App Meant to Ban Trans Women
  • Did you use the larger cropped picture? And else I was thinking what if the AI was actually saying I'm 97% sure that it's a man facing away from the camera.

  • About the us election
  • It's good Biden helped to undo a lot of the crap the convicted felon set in motion.

    Those magats can trust trump to stuff his pockets and screw over as many as he can.

  • About the us election
  • You forgot to mention that gas was very cheap, that the world economy was booming, and that Russia was too scared to invade Ukraine during trump's presidency.

  • the paramount digit loop
  • Somehow I read it as a kind of sport, like it was a scoreboard with digits on.

    I see now the popcorn is trying to hint at movie.

  • the paramount digit loop
  • What game has a "digit loop"?

    Can someone please explain it.

  • The horse you ruled in on
  • What if they're into horses?

  • Big scared
  • LTS Males are more reliable, they may still need patches though.

  • Trump Demands Biden Remove Ad of Him Insulting Dead Troops
  • The convicted felon more likely has some kind of Narcissism.

  • Rate my setup (plz don't kill me)
  • Good that you can slap something together that fits your needs.

    I like that you use the MacOS-like tray and at the same time use windows explorer, some kind of Fusion-OS or Frankenstein-OS 😁