Presidential Debate Mega Thread
Presidential Debate Mega Thread
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Presidential Debate Mega Thread
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"She wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens in prison." Again, actual quote.
I laughed a lot at some of the absurd things he has said during this, but that claim so far has been the funniest. It’s phrased like he just ended a game of Clue but he can only communicate via conservative buzzwords.
Kamala just got a laugh out of me when she was talking about Trump inviting the Taliban to Camp David and she’s talking and then chokes on her words to look him up and down to try to find a PG-rated descriptor of him and ended up just saying “and this……… former president”.
She absolutely said "this motherfucker" in her head and I was cracking up when that moment happened
I totally wanted to hear her say "this fucker" like she was thinking. What she did instead was probably more powerful.
some of the quotes out of this are more entertaining than I expected.
Clearly a sentence from a perfectly sane man and not a rotten brain kept alive through shoddy dark magic inside a barely functioning zombie
Trump... doesn't want Ukraine to win the war? He dodged the fucking question?
he also dodged if his mass deportation would involve door to door military action
Iirc, he dodged it twice. Like, how the actual fuck do you think you'll remove 11 MILLION people from the country.
He dodged every question and shoehorned in "the border" for all of them.
Of course he doesn't, it's a miracle he's smart enough to realize he can't say he wants a Russian victory.
The Draft. Questions. It’s all the same. He dodges more than the auto manufacturer.
He doged the easiest question of the whole debate.
Not hard, since he dodged the others too.
He wants to be friends with Putin. He's gonna dodge.
He wants to be friends with Putin.
He's scared of Putin.
Did you see the look on his face when Harris said that Putin would eat him for lunch?
They even asked him a second time even more directly, "Yes or no: do you want Ukraine to win in the war against Russia?" And he still wouldn't just say yes or no. It's like the easiest softball question you could ask for and he whiffed.
These hosts are absolutely awful. Every time he rambles and lies, they give Harris a new topic. Occasionally they ask a question and barely point out that he didn't answer it.
The hosts need to hold him to a debate, not let him play it like a Trump rally.
Harris is doing fantastic.
They called him out on that insane 9mo abortion nonsense, and the people eating pets.
Honestly, that's the moon compared to usual.
They half heartedly disagreed and let him repeat it again, just like they won't correct him every time he lies about immigrant crime. It might be slightly better than past debates, but they are absolutely letting him run the show.
Honestly, that’s the moon compared to usual.
Oh look, Harris wanted to respond out of turn one time and the hosts shut her down after letting Trump interrupt all night.
This is the first time we have seen moderators actually fact check Trump live. I'll take that in spite of the interruptions.
They were meek and let him talk over them. I guess more than zero is better than nothing, but it is a pretty low bar.
It's almost like they were prepared with researched facts based on his most commonly repeated blatant lies.
It's really infuriating. Every time he's asked a question, and she gets a rebuttal, he just starts rebutting her rebuttal and they just let him. And half the time what he's says has nothing to do with the question that was asked. They cut Kamala off pretty much every time.
They should have gotten this guy to moderate.
The most respectable leader in the world!
Former President Donald Trump cited his close ties to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to counter attacks by Vice President Harris in Tuesday night's presidential debate that world leaders are “laughing” at Trump.
“Let me just say about world leaders, Viktor Orbán, one of the most respected men, they call him a strong man. He's a tough person. Smart prime minister of Hungary. They said, Why is the whole world blowing up?” Trump said.
“He said, ‘Because you need Trump back as president. They were afraid of him. China was afraid.’ And I don't like to use the word afraid, but I'm just quoting him. 'China was afraid of him. North Korea was afraid of him.' Look at what's going on with North Korea, by the way. He said 'Russia was afraid of him,' ” he added.
Smart too, apparently.
That's a bold move Cotton
Why hasn't Vice President Harris fixed everything already, she's the Vice President already so she should fix it.
So says the man that tried to get his VP hung when he dared disagree with him.
Fuckin dummy took the bait on the rally size thing.
His expression when she said that was GOLD
You could see the moment he got triggered. lol
And she laid it out so well.
I came into the thread for exactly that.
Now he’s about to take the bait on the former Reupbs who are voting for Harris.
You could see part of Harris' teams strategy was to bait him with things to make him mad.
There was the statement about him losing 400 million dollars, the statement about other western leaders laughing at him, the rally size comment. Probably a few more.
If he was smarter he would have seen what they she was attempting and changed how he responded
"I have concepts of a plan."
i hope she can draw attention to the fact he cant answer a question without rambling through 5 unrelated topics.
he cant answer a question without so instead he goes rambling through 5 unrelated topics.
He's now claiming that's "the weave" and it's intentional.
Solar is the worst - by the way I'm a big fan of solar.
A totally sane person
flawless logic
Well yes, he's a fan of the worst things.
I keep quoting this bit from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy in the hopes that it will happen to Trump. It hasn't happened yet, but if we're lucky tonight...
his own major intestine, in a desperate attempt to save humanity, leapt straight up through his neck and throttled his brain.
Why are you wishing death on someone?
Yes, I am wishing that Donald Trump's intestine ends up throttling his brain like in a comedic science fiction novel.
On a same level of things that are possible, I am also wishing I held the world speed record for the 100 meter hurdles.
I used to be principled like you, but this man has the potential to cause death and destruction on a scale so unfathomably larger than one person. Would I prefer he face justice? Absolutely. But at some point "not wishing death on someone" flies in the face of the greater good of humanity
Because he deserves it?
She's baiting the crap out of him, and he keeps taking it before going off rambling. It's great.
Please America I hope the people that need to watch this, are doing so.
All 3 braincells will try to understand, and fail. All they hear is "bad lady tell lie, orange tell best truth".
Kinda sad but likely the outcome.
showing love for vikto orban on national tv. bold move.
It plays well with his authoritarian base, it probably won't play well with everyone else.
But to be fair, it can be compared to Hillary Clinton being proud of her friendship with Kissinger. It didn't play well for Clinton, either.
Trump closing statement: "She said she's going to do lots of wonderful things. Why hasn't she done it yet? They've had 3 1/2 years to fix the border and create jobs. Why hasn't she done it? She should go down to the beautiful White House and to the Capitol and get them all together, but you won't do it, because you want to do things that Americans don't want like no fossil fuels. Germany tried and now they're back to how they used to be. But I need to ask a simple question: why didn't she do it? We're a failing nation. They're laughing at us. I know world leaders very well. They come to see me and call me and tell me. We don't know what's going on. We have wars going on in the middle east and in Ukraine and we'll have nuclear war. I rebuilt our entire military. She gave a lot of it away to the Taliban. What these people have done to our country- the worst part is they let millions of criminals into our country. They are destroying the country. The worst president and the worst vice president in the history of our country."
Ho-lee fuck.
Hats off to anyone who can suffer this. Cheers for keeping me informed and laughing.
Honestly, between him sounding totally unhinged and just repeating every single lie he's made already, it's not that hard to sit through. She sounds competent. He sounds like angry old man yelling at cloud.
your missing out. this is hilarious.
Took our jerbs, eat our dergs.
"Uh, ABC would like to clarify that no dogs were eaten"
"I saw it on TV!"
I was amused when he implied that black people’s jobs have such little worth that they could be taken by illegal immigrants from insane asylums.
The look she gave him when he said that spoke volumes.
...I think that might be less far-fetched. After all, our black VP is competing for her next job with a guy who's a few oranges short of a basket....
Kamala Harris eats people's dogs it's true I saw it in TV last night /s
According to Trump, leaders all over the world are calling and going to see Trump to laugh at the USA.
So like, which ones? Which leaders are visiting Trump to laugh at the USA? And why is he accepting them over and over? Why are world leaders wasting their time laughing at the USA with Trump? Tell us, Trump!
Trump on what to do to fight climate change: "They lost 10,000 manufacturing jobs this last month. They're building auto plants owned by China in Mexico and they think they can sell their cars in the U.S. because of these people. We'll put tarriffs on those cars so they don't enter the country because it will kill any auto worker. What they have done to business and manufacturing is horrible. Biden doesn't go after people because China paid him millions of dollars. Him and his son. Ukraine gave him money. All these countries give him money. Why is he so loyal to Ukraine? The wife of the mayor of Moscow gave him money!"
Yes, he asked why Biden is so loyal to Ukraine.
"like a 4chan post came to life" -Jake Tapper, CNN
Trump on his healthcare plan: "Obamacare was lousy healthcare and always was and if we come up with something, and we are, we will replace it. I inherited Obamacare because Democrats wouldn't vote to change it. If they did, we'd have a better plan than Obamacare. I had a choice as president whether or not to let it rot and I decided to tell my top people- I had very good people- some bad ones. They don't get rid of their bad ones. I had a choice to make: do I save it and make it as good as it can be or let it rot? And I saved it and it was the right thing and it will never be great and it is too expensive. We are looking into other plans. If we can come up with a better plan, we would replace Obamacare."
Moderator: "Do you have a plan?"
Trump: "I have concepts of a plan. I'm not president right now. If it's cheaper, I'll do it. We have options. You'll be hearing about it soon."
again biden approved nordstream2. sorry europeans apparently your governments are powerless against bidens policies for you.
I'm not watching the thing, but that was approved in (checks) 2017, which was early in Trump's first term, so if at any point the US was going to say "let's try to apply pressure, tamping down on the risks on that thing is worth the political cost", it'd have been under Trump.
Well... so much for muting mics between responses.
Unfortunately, I think it's warranted with Trump's lies at this point.
I mean, not muting is what Harris fought for... are they also leaving her unmuted?
If they're leaving her unmuted as well, hopefully it works out like she had hoped, if they're muting her and letting him ramble... what the fuck?
Yeah, so far it feels like the second option.
But I have to admit, I'm not sure it works in his favour. He sounds nuts. More than usual. She's getting under his skin.
I also think the quick fact checking done by the anchors (very few things so far) is really making him furious.
That bit about pet eating immigrants was... Interesting.
They’ll execute the baby. lmfao
He's been trying to convince people of that one for months now. I don't even think most Republicans buy it.
just posted a similar one. wow. just wow.
ABC is just letting Trump ramble now.
This is too stupid for me .... I turned if off and will just watch the highlights tomorrow
And this is supposed to be a contest for leadership of the most powerful, most developed, most modern nation in the world?
The worst part of all this is that everyone on the planet will be affected by what Americans will decide on .... and that is an absolutely scary idea.
Harris was fantastic though
I remember Family Guy poking fun at the presidential debates with Bush about two decades back.
I feel like things have tended to head downhill since then.
now their eating the pets
The fact that there are any Americans who want to vote for somebody dumb enough to believe something wholeheartedly just because he saw it on TV is real rough.
What the fuck is this I rebuilt the military shit he keeps spouting about I have no idea where that's coming from. Even by Trump's normal standards this is confusing for me.
Trump when asked who should win in Ukraine: "I want the war to stop, I want to save lives. People being killed by the millions. It's so much worse than the numbers that you're getting, which are fake. We have to give them $250 billion because we don't ask Europe who are at a greater risk because Biden and YOU don't have the courage to ask Europe like I did with NATO and they paid up, which is why they don't like me as much as weak people. You look at what's happening. They pay lots less. They should be forced to equalized. I want to get the war settled. I know both Zelensky and Putin well and they respect me. They don't respect Biden. Why would you respect him? He hasn't called Putin in two years. This is a war that's dying to be settled. When I win, when I'm president-elect, I'll get them together. That war would have never happened. When I saw Putin after I left, because this country has gone to hell, when I saw him setting up soldiers, I thought he was going to negotiate but he wasn't because of Biden and millions are people are dead and it will be WWIII and where is Biden? We don't even know if he is a president. They threw him out of our campaign like a dog. Biden doesn't know he's alive."
Trump when asked again: "I think the war should finish. Negotiate a deal. People's lives are destroyed."
Harris finally tells him he's not running against Biden.
Trump says more about Ukraine: "Putin would be in Moscow and he wouldn't have lost all those soldiers, but he would have been sitting in Moscow much happier than he is now. He's got a thing that other people don't have, nuclear weapons. No one ever thinks about that. Maybe he'll use them, but he hasn't been that threatening. Nobody talks about it. They sent her to negotiate peace before the war started but it started because she is weak and stupid and she negotiated and the war started. Biden is the worst president in the history of our country. She is the worst vice president, but she is worse than Biden."
He said Harris met with Putin. She never met Putin.
Trump literally said he'd prefer if Putin occupied Kyiv and if fewer Russians died - its absolutely fucking insane.
Harris finally tells him he’s not running against Biden.
just to be clear. trump currently does not know who is president of the US.
Look at how good Democrats are at hiring competent staff
Donald Trump while talking about how many shitty staffers he had to fire
Yeah, it's like dude, you are the one that hired your administration. He is also the one that negotiated with the Taliban for a withdrawal of troops.
Trump on the peaceful transfer of power and January 6th: "I told people to be peaceful and patriotic when they were rioting and no one was killed on their side, but Ashley Babbit was shot by an evil cop and the rioters were treated badly. What about the killers coming over the border? She was the border czar, but she doesn't want to be called that because she's embarrassed about it. When are they going to be prosecuted? They're coming from all over the world, not South America and crime is down all over the world. When are they going to be prosecuted? What about the people who burned down Minneapolis? What about the people who took over a large amount of Seattle!"
Moderator: "Do you regret what happened?"
Trump: "I just showed up to make a speech and I went to Nancy Pelosi and the mayor of D.C. and I said- it wasn't a riot by me- and I said I'd like to give you the national guard and they both rejected me and her daughter has a tape saying she was responsible for what happened. It was their fault because she was responsible for security."
Trump rebuts the sane responses by Harris on January 6th: "It was a different term and it was a term that was related to energy because they destroyed our energy business. Fox News people proved that I never praised Nazis in Charlottesville. You talk about the Capitol: Why are we allowing illegals in? Let's leave this debate right now and go down to Washington D.C. and let her sign a bill to close up the border because they have the right to do it. They don't need bills. You wake up the president because he'll be asleep to go sign a bill and if they do that, the border is closed. Those people are killing many people, not January 6th."
Yes, he doesn't know that congress passes bills.
Nice. He just can't accept any level of responsibility for anything ever. To a sane person, this is a terrible response.
oh my god. he said his statements that he lost 2020 was sarcasm on his part. I mean. I mean. oh man. this guy.
Nice. Harris: "World leaders laugh at you including military people I've talked to who work with you." (Again, a paraphrase.)
Trump: "Viktor Orban is a tough person and smart. They said why is the whole world blowing up? It wasn't 3 years ago. Orban said it's because China and North Korea and Russia were afraid of Trump. I ended the Nord Stream II pipeline but Biden put it back. He ended the XL pipeline but let the Russians do that. Viktor Orban said the most respected most feared person was Trump and we had no problems when he was president. Biden got millions of votes and they threw her out of office. Here's a secret: he hates her. She got zero votes."
If Trump is holding back on stopping the Russian/Ukraine war just as some sort of dangled treat, then we don't need him.
As a human being, if he has that control he should exercise it, no matter the outcome of the election.
And besides, he never answered whether he wanted Ukraine to win or not.