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  • Tbf does anyone know what happened to the iceberg that sunk the Titanic? They should at least track it down and torpedo it a couple of times just to get even. Make an example of it. Send a message to the other icebergs that being in the way of oncoming naval traffic is a big no-no.

  • Indie developer behind 'Overwhelmingly Positive' rated shipbuilder argues that Steam's "free advertising" is worth the 30% cut
  • This is a really decent game. I do have a complaint about it though. In late game you NEED 3 or 4 ships just to still be relevant against all the threats (not a bad thing, I like the difficulty being like this). Then you need a cargo ship to haul around all your junk. Resource and supply transfers between ships have to be done manually. This eventually gets tedious and ultimately causes me to stop playing after I get to that stage of the game. I hope some day someone makes a mod for this or the developers add something to address this issue. Some kind of system for automatic resource sync between ships while stationary or parked in stations could fix this.

  • Video game performers will go on strike over artificial intelligence concerns
  • Ugh. I get ai is bad but what about the small indie developers who are just using it to make modeling references instead of paying for modeling references? The prices of a lot of that stuff are absolutely criminal. What about using it to generate model textures instead of buying overpriced bloatware from the unity store that's probably stolen anyway? Surely there is at least some acceptable use case for ai. Fuck large corporations and everything they've done to destroy the economy and the job market, don't get me wrong. Absolutely fuck them.

    It's not like indie devs can afford to pay for Hollywood actors. If this is to become a conflict of "professional actors vs small developers" then shit. This is a shitty conflict with no clear winner at best. For now these strikes may not effect indie developers but a future Clarence Thomas Signature Shitpost (TM) of a supreme court decision sure will.

  • Chicken wings advertised as 'boneless' can have bones, Ohio Supreme Court decides
  • Don't care, it's still the superior chicken nugget form factor because it's delicious and less tedious to deal with. I doubt boned chicken wings are 100% pure shenanigan-free meat anyway. Tbf, even if someone shows me reputable scientific sources saying boned wing meat is a zillion times more healthy or something, boneless chicken is far too good to give up.

  • Are mods here terrible too?
  • The biggest problem with reddit mod abuse is they remove every post that isn't a low effort repost. For example in r/blackmagicfuckery they once removed a 3d renderer someone made in Microsoft excel which was OC made by the person who posted it but allowed the blatantly reposted and uninteresting "scientists think it's possible to run doom on 10 billion crabs" ass shit post.

  • Full Employment Is Joe Biden’s True Legacy
  • I worked at Lowes as a department supervisor because that's the best job I could find despite having an IT degree. It eventually got to the point where management was forcing unrealistic expectations on us then regularly threatening to fire us for not meeting said unrealistic expectations. They eventually made us take over an entire other department's responsibilities so that department could do nothing but sit around at their desks all day. We already were barely keeping up and now suddenly our workload more than doubled. One day I got called into the office and they demanded a plan for how I can improve my performance or I would be fired "for real this time". I then turned in my 2 weeks notice. By the time my last day came around, my entire department had already quit.

    Fuck corporations. They are destroying America. They have destroyed the job market. We're all going to be living in mud huts eventually.

  • Ohio Supreme Court rules boneless chicken wings can have bones

    ‘Boneless’ chicken wings can have bones, the Ohio Supreme Court says

    Could President Biden fully legalize cannabis before he leaves office?
  • JWH-018 doesn't show up on regular thc drug tests. I speculate this is why it got banned extremely quickly after it became a thing unlike delta 8. I'm sure it's even nastier crap than delta 8 but that is the appeal. If Trump takes over, dismantles the entire cannabis industry and makes testing positive for thc a crime like it is in many other countries, this will likely start gaining popularity again. Producing it isn't the hardest chemical process in the world but it's still hard. It's likely that it will be really expensive like all the hard drugs if it starts getting produced by the black market though.

    Or so I'm told.

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    In the US, the year long student loan deferment ends in September. What happens when millions can't or don't start paying on them?
  • I went back to college because I couldn't find a job after graduating. My sister has a masters degree and makes $16/hr. We are living in the end times. I hope Russia or China invades just so the power elite see at least some degree of negative consequences.

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