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How do you make a mouse glide better on a mousepad?
  • Astroglide is perfect for this situation. It even has "glide" in the name!

  • Police looking for serial ‘porch pooper’ after man seen pooping on same porch multiple times

  • What's the most irresponsible purchase you made that you don't regret?
  • No worries. Misunderstandings happen. 😀

  • What's the most irresponsible purchase you made that you don't regret?
  • Perhaps I should have said "plush dog."

  • A professional atmosphere
  • Perhaps the number of toots indicates how bad he perceives the fart to be.

  • What's the most irresponsible purchase you made that you don't regret?
  • I blew way too much money on a stuffed dog at a hotel general store for my wife. We were driving a Uhaul during a snowstorm to move in together. The roads became very slippery so we decided to sleep through the storm. It was our first hotel stay together and money was very tight, but it was a romantic gesture. She cherished it until our son claimed it as his own personal "security blanket."

  • What was the last movie you watched?
  • The Mask is sssssmokin'!

  • Gamers Above 30, What Older Games Would You Still Recommend to Younger Gamers?
  • Lots of great suggestions here, but if you've never played the original Super Mario Bros, Super Mario Bros 3, and Super Mario World, you should. There is a reason they're considered classics and everybody should experience Mario's roots. My 8 year old plays them every so often and he keeps progressing.

    SMB 2 is a good game as well, but it's quite different from the others. It is the origin of a few series staples, though.

  • Miss you Lemmy
  • I prefer to hang out with my wang out.

  • Kamala Harris could make history as the first president to work at McDonald’s
  • No, you're thinking of McDowell's from 1988's Coming to America.

  • Beautiful day today
  • Ahh, mammatus gigantus clouds.

  • Do you approve sex work? Why or why not?
  • I think it should be legal and regulated. It's a service that people want and others are willing to fill. We just need laws to protect all parties, particularly the workers.

    "Selling is legal. Fucking is legal. Why isn't selling fucking legal?" -George Carlin

  • Weird looking train
  • Dude, at least tie some boats together in a line. I'd accept that as a train.

  • Or else.
  • That's a cooked crab. The restaurant is threatening you to get out of London, or you'll be boiled alive.

  • Monthly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing?
  • Got Astroneer on Steam Summer Sale. Super fun so far!

  • Map of how close state capitals are to their geometric center
  • Brunswick is the capital of Maine? Who knew?

  • How can this guy still be in charge of something??
  • Google is clearly trying to confuse MAGAs and get them to vote for President Donald Duck.

  • When do you brush your teeth?

    It is advised to brush your teeth at least twice a day, but when? Just before bed is a gimme because you're about to lie mostly still for 6+ hours. Best to not leave food particles to fester.

    What's the best time for an earlier brushing? After breakfast? After lunch? After work/school?

    Plus, what's up with TV and movies having breakfast scenes where they get up and head right out the door? Did they already brush and now they're going to leave food to fester all day? Eww.

    My 7 year old loves to tell people "bite my shiny metal ass" and it's awesome.

    Wife and I decided to do another watch through before the new episodes. The 7 year old caught a couple and now he's hooked. His favorites to quote are Bender and Zoidberg. It's especially cute when he goes "wub wub wub!" At the grocery store. I'm so proud.

    BananaPeal BananaPeal

    Older millennial nerd.

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