BeMoreCareful @ BeMoreCareful Posts 1Comments 157Joined 2 yr. ago
CDs don't last that long. I had a buddy that worked for a radio program tell me that the tapes lasted a lot longer. This was mid 2000s and he was already seeing failures. I think they were fairly early adopters, but still it couldn't have been that long.
I think this must have happened before my time.
A sonar pulse can literally boil a person in the water.
Operation Paperclip is calling from inside the house.
That's only because a glass of milk is kind of gross.
Russian trolling is pretty well documented at this point. They overthrew several Baltic nations and bought a lot of breathing room during the 2016 election.
It's been all over the news and stuff.
“There’s too much identity tied up in one’s work, so that is lost [after retirement]. And then there’s the cultural script of what maleness means in in our culture, so men just won’t admit or won’t receive care for depression because of that sense that it’s somehow not what a man does.”
What use is a cog that can't cog anymore? Caring for elders is not built into our value system and not protected by our economic system.
Hell, it may be the only way to retire in a few more years.
Less talk, more folding.
I think Skyrim is a pretty cool guy. He kills dragons and doesn't afraid of anything
I that that's him in the window
I believe a fairly wealthy landowner heir as well.
I think this is the first time that I realized it's not the same little girl in this meme.
If police and proud boys have them...
I do use mine for target practice though. I shot competitively when I was younger and really appreciate the skill aspect. I have fond memories of my grandpa teaching me how to shoot, but hunting has never been on my radar.
January sixth, probably played a pretty big role in me actually "pulling the trigger" tbh. That and a PB demonstration down the street from me.
If I was honest, it's basically a super dangerous bowling ball to me.
There castle
I mean, when you break it down like that, I guess I don't see how I missed it before. Lol
How would that even work?
I must not be up on my pop culture.
It's crazy to think how much damage law enforcement had on the black community's moral leadership of the sixties and seventies. I guess I'd never really thought about the leadership of the generation immediately following.
Tupac absolutely had a lot of charisma and a moral authority. Shit, his name is still known around the world. It is kind of wild to think how he could have matured into that role, especially considering the influence that hip hop has been able to muster socially.
I don't mean to throw shade at anyone, but imagine the impact a prominent hip hop voice could have today with a message that went against the socioeconomic grain and sort of harkened back to some of the voices of the civil rights movement driving real progress.
All Americans, not just the black community that was hit the hardest and most violently, lost a lot to cointelpro and the state behind it.
Well, they move fast and break things well...
I think they want to invade Mexico and build a Canadian border wall too.
They sound like meth heads.
Long term it's probably decaying public trust, short term: no matter the asshole they've got people that voted for them.
I'm not too sure that America is even thinking about it's future anymore and we've got a ton of momentum.