Ελαφρως ασχετο, αλλα καλο site φαινεται αυτο, θα το βαλω στα bookmarks μου:)
The truth is I havent had much experience with it (well, didnt convince anyone to try it with😆), especially with iphones.
May I ask, does the export not work on iphone? It seemed to be working on my android.
There was a video stream on peertube on 4d2's servers, so I contacted their team (as I happened to have made a matrix on their instance recently) and they shut it down😅
I think it was a loop playing again and again with her just existing(??)
Since you ask for resources, check the bookmarks section of my personal guide for configuring nixos
Welcome aboard:)
Oh I see:) I wanted to make one and thought that maybe theres a site to make one
How do you make that list?
I'd say Simplex, but check this comparison:
Feels like they promote lemmy the same way microsoft promotes linux
Lol, I barely know how to design a post, let alone an app😆
Gestures vaguely
I'm buying polo (a greek company) for years, though their quality might have deterioriated over the decades
Thats actually good idea, might do
Check simplex, I think its much better
That's a good one
Maybe I'd add airvpn too, but either way, a good guide
(Among others I have filen, protonmail, simplex, matrix, lemmy, keepass, lemmy and organic maps:)
This is the keyboard I use:
Florisboard beta (doesnt have gliding and I think autocorrect yet)
Truee, δεν το περιμενα να μαζευομασταν αρκετα ατομα κι ομως ειχε πολυ κοσμο:)
Can they hear that?🤔
As I said, the truth is I rushed it, I had upgraded to testing from stable and then tried to upgrade to sid, but it was a reciepe for disaster, lol.
Either way, I saw the dependency chaos happening, I was kinda uncertain which package was safe to upgrade (I had installed a debian package to mention buggy apps, but it confused me even more) or if the if any dependencies would change and cause a mess.
I then found nixos with its declarative nature which I found much less confusing and harder to break, so I spent around 4months testing it and then made the transition (this was the first time I was seriously considering transitioning to linux and I took my time to do it thoughtfully)😅
Haha, this was the first tutorial I was given, though for the reasons you mentioned I didnt follow it. Seems good tho😅
It's kinda how I ended up with nixos
Wanted a stable and cool system, so went with debian stable.
But stable was outdated for my taste, so I went to testing.
But testing had missing packets, so I tried to update to unstable, though I did it badly and crashed my system.
After resinstalling testing, I tried to make a semi-failed script to autodownload/update apps outside the debian repo, but I found out that nixos essentially did this, in fact much better. And I accidentally deleted my /usr/bin/ dir with that script, so I eventually went with nixos unstable:)
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