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I like how youtube removed the dislike button
Buy Nothing Day: A counteractive movement to consumerism of Black Friday Buy Nothing Day: A counteractive movement to consumerism of Black Friday

What is Buy Nothing Day? Buy Nothing Day challenges Black Friday as a way to discourage cheap items in landfills and other negative impacts of consumerism.

Buy Nothing Day: A counteractive movement to consumerism of Black Friday
I broke a co workers brain by saying “this is just a job”

So a couple of days ago a co worker was trying to give me shit for going slow, I responded “ I’m still getting everything done, this is just a job, what are they gonna do, fire me?” Apparently that really upset her and she hasn’t come in the last few days, she’s still on the schedule so I don’t think she quit. The office gossip told me it has something to do with what I said. I’m a little proud of myself.

PSA: whether you use signal, element/matrix, xmpp, briar, etc, you're doing good!

I see a lot of down votes and conflict in privacy communities about which one is the best, but tbh, if you're not using fb/sms/email you're pretty much the top 1% of privacy users. So as far as we should be concerned, that's good enough.

The debates about signal being better than matrix etc are fine to have, but IMO it'd be more productive if we spoke more about how to get granny, the boss, the nephew, etc on signal, matrix etc. Doesn't matter how good any of our privacy apps are, I almost never meet a single person who uses any of them and have to default to fb. Most people over yonder haven't even heard of the apps that aren't telegram or signal.

IMO targeting the discorders(/telegramers) is the lowest hanging fruit. Discord/tg is already bridge compatible with matrix, if you can use LibreOffice, you can set up the t2bot discord-matrix bridge.

Don't ever add automod to lemmy

I dislike how to post on like the majority of big subreddit, you have to have X karma, Y account age etc, and those things seem to be enforced by automod. A really good feature of lemmy for me is there being no automod!

Alternative to Well known Softwares. A lot of FOSS options

Ethical, easy-to-use and privacy-conscious alternatives to well-known software

Matrix isn't part of the fediverse right?

The wikipedia article sometimes lists it as fediverse, sometimes not.

Are their any plans for matrix to join the fediverse?

kpop Blinky
Sana imgur albums

Blinky Blinky

I was attacked by a machine code wizard.


Xie hexed me.

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