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Love to tense up when a plane is flying low overhead because it might be a Boeing that will rapidly lose 10,000 feet on descent and smash into the mountain near my home.
  • I only hope whatever failing infrastructure completely annihilates me instead of leaving me with a maiming I can't afford

  • Nicholson-Yes.gif
  • lmfao, fucking do it

  • What are your predictions on the Trump/Biden debate happening tomorrow?
  • the whole front row of the audience better be eating brazil nuts as bait

  • Two astronauts wait to come home as Boeing races to understand spacecraft issues.
  • oh, let me guess, a sensor that has no redundancy has failed?

  • Y'all remember that time we got officially sponsored by Hatsune Mike?
  • Edit: Why is the reference to the bit I did like a year ago getting more upbears than the original bit?

    do not ask for context, we will never provide it, we did just fall from a coconut tree kamala-coconut-tree

  • This man is responsible for all of the stock market's gains this year
  • it's a hell of a hype train when you promise a massive cut to all labor costs across the board, he's an accelerationist of the contradictions

  • For real though, who do the Dems run after Biden?
  • lol, Nancy will have been mute for the last 20 years, but her aides interpret her will through her morning tea leaves, like Diane Feinstein, but now as oops all farce

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  • I agree, but I can't imagine how he is able to sleep at night

  • r/iamatotalpieceofshit
  • this man better be avoiding women in airports if he doesn't want any vx

  • For real though, who do the Dems run after Biden?
  • why? he's definitely not a weird rat hybrid person who eats cinnamon rolls like chicken wings pete-eat

  • For real though, who do the Dems run after Biden?
  • she'll fulfill her destiny as the new liberalism

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  • whenever I see this guy I can only see the child prostitutes huffing solvents that his shock therapy created

  • Queer Harmer is a true gay understander
  • lol, that not a gay bar Keith, that's a fucking baseball game

  • We used to have real men in charge of the military not latte sipping soyboys.
  • how do we replace latte sipping soyboys with queeny motherboys like macarthur

  • (D) Evil
  • The Genocide Joe Biden Memorial Pier

  • Bird flu detected in Houston-area wastewater
  • second-plane a second pandemic...