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For those that have started HRT, what was the most surprising change you noticed that you weren't expecting?
  • You can take E without anti-androgens? I thought E always had to be paired with some sort of T-blocker. How has your body and mind responded to it so far?
    I'm asking mainly because I really want to have more feminine features, but there are still some masc features I want to keep that taking T-blockers would get rid of (my functionality down there, for example). So the thought of going on HRT makes me apprehensive. But if I could keep them, I would feel a lot more comfortable moving forward.
    This also has me wondering if I'm trans or more likely enby/genderfluid.

  • ✨Euphoria✨ I guess
  • I've used removal cream on my face and nether regions. While I've never had 100% success with it, it does still make a significant difference. And then if you follow it up with shaving, you'll have the smoothest shave you've ever experienced.

  • ✨Euphoria✨ I guess
  • Not OP, but I started growing my hair out in late '22. During Summer '23, it started to look more feminine. I looked in the mirror randomly that summer and I had to stop and look. Because what I saw, for the first time in the 30 years I've been on Earth, made me instinctively smile. I didn't want to stop looking because it just felt so happy seeing how I looked.
    And it's only encouraged me to be more fem. I just need to move to a location where I can safely be me.

  • What music to do you listen to while working?
  • AutoCAD drafter here.
    An ambient album I really like is Eshajori by Aether. That album gives the vibe of being alone in a big city at night. I love the melancholy feeling of it. No vocals either aside from the occasional distant sound of voices.
    Not quite in the same vein, but similar is The Airship by Port Blue. That one has more rhythm than Eshajori, but it still feels "experimental" with the sounds he picked to make the music (one song the beat is someone walking on gravel for the entire thing).

    If I want to rock out rather than vibe, it's hard to go wrong with almost anything by Abandoned By Bears. It's just the right amount of cathartic release for me. Sadly they haven't made anything new since 2018.

  • Schools in America apparently have their own army recruiter
  • That may be easier said than done when so many young people are too overweight to serve and/or have too many mental health issues to safely serve. On top of that, the youth knows just how dogshit serving the US is and won't go near recruiters.

  • egg_irl
  • For me, it's the clothing I wear. Like when I worked out, I used to wear standard masc workout clothes. But once I discovered sporty fem fits that I look good in, I loathe whenever I have to wear my masc clothing. I like how I look with fem clothing so much more.
    I also started growing my hair out and once I saw how I looked with it, I cannot go back to short hair anymore. The simple thought of going back to short hair makes me feel so dysphoric. Plus the compliments I get about my curls which certainly helps.

  • Tips on femboy body?
  • I started with squats, 5 sets, 10 reps with incrementing weight. Then I would follow that up with 2 sets of lunges, 10 reps each leg. I used dumbbells for added challenge.

    Once those alone stopped destroying my glutes, I added various exercises like straight legged deadlifts, barbell hip thrusts, wall sits for my quads, Bulgarian split squats, etc. I also added booty band exercises to further work my glutes. I don't do all of those in one session.

    For my core, I like isometric exercises like planks and its variants. Another good one is to hold a single dumbbell in one hand and stand up straight for 45-60 seconds, then switch hands. Repeat that 3-5 times each side. That will help with pulling in your stomach which will further accentuate your booty & leg gains.

    These aren't all my exercises (I didn't mention upper body or cardio), but they should be a good start for a nice femboy figure.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    Just a femboy having fun and figuring themself out.

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