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GOP chair caught on camera saying "we need to extinguish the left"
  • Well I think we should extinguish the right, and defund billionaires and corporations, i.e reclaim their money (and fascists in arkham asylum)

  • This applies to Facebook as well
  • Nah, I won't be able to tell my friends I can't see their link, so they won't be fed up with twitter

  • I feel sorry for women who don't have pockets
  • Well women clothes are generally some weird garbage nonsense

  • If you suddenly had "fuck you" money what would be the first thing you did?
  • Buy all banks then burn them to the ground

  • language issue

    When I select a language in my account settings, I can't deselect "undetermined", so I can't choose to view only posts in my language (wich I sometimes like to do on mastodon to view posts about the news in my country). Then, while making this post, I noticed the only language I could select was "undetermined", so this is probably linked. Is the language feature not fully implemented yet ? Plus I think it would be nice if it was possible to filter by language on the posts list, and not have to go into the settings every time (same on mastodon btw)

    Why Defederating from Facebook/Meta is So Important
  • "You may one day end up leaving threads" ... Do you really expect meta to be ok with that ? It would go against their plan of world domination. Their whole business works by getting people addicted and unable to leave. They use all kinds of manipulation, even at the detriment of the quality of their services. You can't trust whatever they say, it's just corpo bullshit as always. Whatever they do, the question is never "what's in it for users", but "what's in it for meta" and "what will it cost to not only users, but anyone that might be impacted". Any big corpo want only their own good, at the detriment of any other, they never do anything for anyone unless it eventually benefits them more, bonus points if it harms the other, because they want to crush any competition. And meta doesn't care about its users, depending on how you chose to view it, they are either just consumers being preyed upon, or actually the products, whose personal data is sold for a profit.

  • Why Defederating from Facebook/Meta is So Important
  • Defederating won't do any harm to artists, everyone here will remain here, threads will just be a replacement for twitter and nothing will change. Creating a "walled off garden" as you say is actually a protection. We're excluding the well known threat that is the Zuck. But we're not excluding any users, anyone can join lemmy/mastodon... Would you partner up with a country run by nazis, even though the people in the country are the first victims ? No because you know their goals are not compatible with yours (I hope), and you know it will only benefit the nazi leaders and not the people anyway. If we just wait and see, it will probably be to late to act, big corporations are the best at fooling people (otherwise they couldn't have become so powerful)

  • Why Defederating from Facebook/Meta is So Important
  • Well maybe it is anti-competitve, but anyway competition is what leads to shady tactics like meta are using. The point of the fediverse is cooperation, and absolutely avoid competition

  • Bubs Bubs
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