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My laptop hinge just ripped its screws right out.
  • Laptop repair guy here! This problem is common in consumer grade laptops. As far as I am concerned, it’s purposefully weakly designed, because these break a LOT.

    Not the hinge is broken, but the mounting points for the screws that keep the hinge in place. Sometimes it breaks on the bottom case, sometimes it breaks on the screen side.

    We fix these issues regularly with epoxy (and massive skillz, lol). With most hinges, you can adjust the force a little lighter to relieve the pressure on the mounting points. That way it doesn’t fail again, after repair.

  • Florida pre-med student stabs mother more than 70 times, killing her during visit, authorities say
  • Can’t say you missed her when you just hit her 70 times, with a knife 🤣🤣🤣 That’s how we mince meat at this house!

  • Neil Young returns to Spotify as other streaming services begin hosting "disinformation podcasts": "I cannot leave all those services because my music would have no outlet to music lovers at all"
  • I understand his reach. What I don’t understand is people failing to think critically and falling for whatever shit they come across. On the other hand there’s the proven lies told to us by our governments. If Rogan’s stories had any negative consequences, it’s equally a failure of our politicians. We should not silence dumb people. We should educate our kids. Problem will be solved in a generation or two.

  • Neil Young returns to Spotify as other streaming services begin hosting "disinformation podcasts": "I cannot leave all those services because my music would have no outlet to music lovers at all"
  • How anyone could equate Joe Rogan to a news channel is beyond me. It’s a podcast for god sakes. Just. Plain. Stupid. Entertainment. So yeah, pretty stupid action to take his music off Spotify. That whole cancel culture thing is insane and needs to end already.

  • US energy industry methane emissions are triple what government thinks, study finds
  • I too fart a lot! Just like this guy here 👆🏻 No energy production though…

  • Oops
  • Yes, I am not as think as you drunk that I are

  • [OC] Bridge from below
  • That is correct! 👍🏻

  • Car Talk with Martok: Eyes for an Eye Pt 2 (Season 3 Premier)
  • Ok, these are fucking great! 😂😂😂

  • Kirsten Dunst
  • Yea, Kirsten Dunnn Dunnn Dunnnnnst!

  • Normal people at the pool
  • Three days already? I live under the rock where T. Swifties plane does not land, apparently.

  • Normal people at the pool
  • Man, this stupid meme has only one logical conclusion: “How does Taylor Swift travel to the top floors of the WTC?”

  • Lemmings without bidet: how do you deal with your period?
  • Ol trusty rag on a stick never let me down

  • YouTube Premium family plan price update ($17.99/month -> $32.99/month!)
  • As an avid YT watcher: lots of high quality food and cooking shows, music and concerts, science channels, space and spacefaring channels and of course regular entertainment. Enough to fill your whole day, if necessary. With no fucking ads at all. I love it! ❤️

  • Racism, misogyny prompt American Ornithological Society renaming of birds
  • Twas a Southern Black Tit but it was talking to its homey.

  • Another Shot of Whiskey by The Gits
  • Very nice! Love the Gits! 🤩

  • Rosalie Cunningham - Ride on my bike
    Disappointed by the Barbie Movie

    I mean, it was funny and all but they never showed the nuclear explosion.

    BzzBiotch BzzBiotch
    Posts 3
    Comments 47