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Bacteria found in bento box lunches in Japan that poisoned nearly 400 people
  • Then why even make your initial comment? You are trying to silence someone who is speaking out against racism, you are enabling racism and thus are one as well. You could've easily blocked me and moved on but instead chose to carry water for a bigot, I would rather be a principled "idiot" than a coward defending racist "jokes"

  • Bacteria found in bento box lunches in Japan that poisoned nearly 400 people
  • Because I consider carceral or capital punishment appropriate for crimes resulting in death? Sorry dronie, corporations include fines in their annual budget that does nothing to change their practices.

  • Bacteria found in bento box lunches in Japan that poisoned nearly 400 people
  • another loss for the market place of ideas 😓

  • Bacteria found in bento box lunches in Japan that poisoned nearly 400 people
  • Yes, executing a businesses person that chooses to kill children to make more money is the objectively correct outcome. Or would you rather they just get a miniscule fine, tell me how much is a baby worth?

  • Bacteria found in bento box lunches in Japan that poisoned nearly 400 people
  • aw the poor little dronie just had his world view questioned, i get paid by the post and you just get riled.

  • Bacteria found in bento box lunches in Japan that poisoned nearly 400 people
  • The United States and U.K are developed countries just as Japan, China, and India. Why is my comparison inaccurate? Facts don't care about your feelings.

  • Bacteria found in bento box lunches in Japan that poisoned nearly 400 people
  • Disgusting under reaction to a racist joke

  • Bacteria found in bento box lunches in Japan that poisoned nearly 400 people

    China executed a dairy farmer and a milk salesman today for their role in a tainted infant formula scandal in which at least six children died and 300,000 were made ill, state media said.

    Nineteen others have been jailed since January in connection with the case, which involved deliberately contaminating milk with melamine, a chemical used in manufacturing plastics and fertilisers. It resulted in product recalls around the world and caused outrage in China, particularly when details of a cover-up emerged.

    On February 15, 2023, Business Insider reported that Similac’s manufacturer, Abbott, could face criminal penalties of up to $500,000 for each offense as the Department of Justice probes the factory conditions that led to a nationwide baby food shortage.

    Nice try racist, bet you didn't even know that this happens regularly in the west.

    CDC estimates 48 million people get sick, 128,000 are hospitalized, and 3,000 die from foodborne diseases each year in the United States. CDC provides estimates for two major groups of foodborne illnesses – known pathogens and unspecified agents.

    We estimate that there are 180 deaths per year in the UK (95% CrI 113 to 359) caused by foodborne disease based on these 11 pathogens. While this is a small fraction of the estimated 2.4 million cases of foodborne illness per year it still illustrates the potential severity of these illnesses demonstrating the importance in continuing efforts to reduce these infections.

    Compared to China:

    From 2002 to 2017, China reported 2815 outbreaks caused by foodborne diseases related to meat and meat products, resulting in 52,122 illnesses and 25,361 hospitalizations, and 96 deaths.

  • When you say something barely leftist on
  • 10,000,000 died due to communism

    If you were repeating this CIA propaganda in 1933 that would be one thing. However repeating it 90 years later, after we know it's bullshit, well that takes a special kind of stooge.

  • When you say something barely leftist on
  • Aw, the cute little dronie has nothing to say. Maybe you'll win the lottery some day and cease to be a temporarily embarrassed millionaire. Then you can have your own subjects to lord over rather than being a modern-day serf whose anger is channeled into racism.

  • When you say something barely leftist on
  • there is this site called reddit that is certified tankie-free, sadly there are too many dronies on lemmy now

    wrong, the kulaks were responible for the deaths of millions of Ukrainians

  • When you say something barely leftist on
  • All governments are Authoritarian, I'm still waiting for proof that Russia is doing anything of the sort (no, rescuing orphans from war-torn cities is not mass deportations of children it is humanitarian aid, many such cases exist around the world of NATO aligned countries doing the exact same thing).

    There is a history of evidence of the Donbass bombing before the SMO, and that was a targeted attempt to ethnically cleanse a region, however this was perpetrated by the Azov nazis. The classification of the Uyghurs as a genocide has been disputed by many Islamic countries, as well as the UN itself.

    What country has systemic and codified apartheid? Strange claim to make, lol

  • Don't ask
  • Consider the hypothetical, Texas has decided to secede and has had a majority of the population vote on a referendum to do so. Rather than becoming independent they wish to join Mexico, Mexico agrees as there is a large portion of Texas that speaks Spanish and there is a historical precedent of Mexico owning that territory.

    The rest of the United States doesn't want this and considers this illegal, a nationalist division of the U.S military decides to engage in sustained artillery bombardment of the cities: Dallas, Austin, and Houston.

    Mexico seeing the devastation of people now considered Mexican organizes two separate talks to try and work out some sort of cease fire and pathway forward that respects the will of the people. The nationalist division pays no mind to any sort of agreement and continues the bombardment, Mexico decides that enough is enough and sends its military in to secure Texas as well as destroy the nationalist division.

    In this analogy, the United States is Ukraine, Texas is the Donbass, and Mexico is Russia.

    Sadly war is hell, if only the peace talks weren't sabotaged by Boris Johnson otherwise the Russia-Ukraine war would be over.

  • Don't ask
  • If these "cities" exist which are claimed to have imprisoned millions of people where are the photos?

    Do you realize how much physical space that many people takes up in addition to supplying them?

  • Don't ask
  • Found the Dronie

  • Don't ask

    "The five-day visit took place last week and included envoys from countries including Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen and Pakistan. The >delegation visited the provincial capital Urumqi in addition to Kashgar and Aksu prefectures. They were met by Ma Xingrui, secretary of the >Party Committee of Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.

    A spokesperson for theFforeign Ministry, Hua Chunying said the diplomats visited mosques, Islamic schools, museums, old city renovation, >grassroots communities, technology enterprises, green development and rural revitalisation projects.

    “Members of the delegation expressed that the Chinese government adheres to the people-centred approach and has made great >achievements in promoting the governance and development of Xinjiang,” she said." Algeria’s Ambassador to China, Hassane Rabehi, was quoted by local media as saying, “The fruit here is so sweet, just like the life of the >people here”, adding that he got to know the “real situation” of Xinjiang, where the rights of people of all ethnic groups are well protected, >said reports.

    Following the event, a press release by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that envoys expressed that “freedom of religious belief and >various rights of Muslims are duly guaranteed.” And that what the delegation saw and heard along the way “is completely different from what >some Western media reported.”


    "MEMO generally supports Islamist positions" "the Middle East Monitor promotes a strongly pro-Muslim Brotherhood and pro-Hamas viewpoint" " We could not find any instances of the Middle East Monitor failing fact checks"

    The source in this article is a direct quote from government officials both China and from the countries that sent the delegates. If in fact there was a "genocide" I would expect a "pro-Muslim" news outlet to agree with what western media is spouting.

    Does this pass your legitimacy test? If not, why?

  • Locked
    China lab suspected of Covid leak stripped of US funding for violating biosafety rules
  • Did you read past the post title before firing up your meme folder to participate?

    In earlier correspondence with The Telegraph, Dr Peter Daszak, the British zoologist and president of EcoHealth Alliance, said that its work >with WIV did not fall under restricted gain-of-function research.

    “None of the work changed animal viruses so they can infect humans – they only infected human cell cultures and that’s a big difference,” >said Dr Daszak.

    He also said the experiments were exempt because the original viruses were not infectious to humans.

    However, White House officials told The Telegraph the work did fall under gain-of-function rules and would have required review.

    Gerald Epstein, former assistant director for biosecurity and emerging technologies at the White House Office of Science and Technology >Police between 2016 and 2018, said: “I oversaw development of the US government’s enhanced potential pandemic pathogens (ePPP) >policy usually referred to as gain-of-function.

    “EcoHealth claimed that their work engineering bat coronaviruses could not have been ePPP research because the original viruses were >not pathogenic to humans. That is apparently their position, but it is clearly incorrect.”

    So Epstein (lol) a man who works with the US government is claiming that a lab he has never visited has violated the ePPP policy, while a >researcher WHO did work there and is NOT Chinese is stating that it didn't.

    There is just as much evidence that the leak came from Fort Detrick however the "lab leak theory" for COVID is cope and not relevant to the average person especially since the world has decided the pandemic is over, to stop masking, testing, or providing immunizations.

  • Ukrainian parents invited to ‘collect their children’ from Russia -
  • So explain to me how Russia is dumb for successfully taking and holding, Crimea and the Donbass?

    Are they dumb for reacting to a line they have drawn multiple times? Are they dumb for preventing Ukranian nazis from bombarding anyone suspected of being Russian for years?

    Canada is now applauding Nazis while Russia burned them alive under Mariupol, are they dumb for doing that?

    Is any other country that has created a warzone for geopolitical reasons, "dumb"? I would say any country that is a warmonger is evil, thankfully the country that pays me to post is peaceful.

    In addition, they have successfully decoupled their economy from the west while the European industrial complex has weakened to the point they are now serfs to the Great Satan.

  • C4RCOSA Carcosa


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