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  • This sounds like something out of The Onion, its gotta be fake

  • I prefer dinosaurs in space personally
  • Forgot cool robots

  • Unlimited power!
  • I'm sorry if this isn't the right place, but can someone explain to me how Linux gives more liberty than Windows and why Linux is objectively better than Windows? I want to switch to Linux but i didn't find any good reason or incentive to abandon Windows

    I've tried to use Linux Mint and i liked the experience, but since i'm more of a casual user, i came back to Windows 10, mainly because i just use my pc for browsing, watching YouTube and gaming, using Vegas and Visual Studio Code occasionally.

  • Anyone hyped for Fable?

    I finished the Anniversary edition back in 2017 and to this day i still think its a very enjoyable game despite being old, so seeing a new Fable after years with next gen graphics is really awesome

    CEO_of_Dolphins CEOofDolphins

    Aspiring programmer, Frutiger Aero Enthusiast.

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