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TIL about Wabi-sabi, the Japanese aesthetic worldview of accepting the simple, imperfect, and transient things in the world. Similar to kintsugi (repairing broken pottery with golden paste), it's abou
  • It's more than acceptance, its saying its the little imperfections that make something even more endearing than if they were perfect. A bit of wabi-sabi gives character, or makes things feel less sterile, or more natural. Perfection can be less pleasant than imperfection. Not always, I want my airplane engines made perfectly. But something like handmade clay plates and bowls with wabi-sabi are great.

    Huh, it's got some similarities to the Persian flaw, thinking about it. The intentional inclusion of an error in Persian rugs as perfection is for God alone. Imperfection is human.

  • Help! Help! I'm being assimilated!
  • Strange women in unimatrices distributing nanoprobes is no system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not some farcical technological indoctrination.

  • Perfection
    Just did my first CPU Upgrade in 7 years, it went well.
  • I just upgraded my cpu in a long time too! Everything that could go wrong, did. I had to flash my bios a few times, straighten some pins, clean out some thermal paste from the socket, but after 3 days I figured it all out and got it working. Getting a build working after lots of problems is so fulfilling, it's almost worth the years of life I lost from stress.

  • The Simpsons IMDB ratings
  • The show had been around long enough that most of the original writers had moved on and the tone of the show and its humor had changed. They would ruin long established elements and characters just for a cheap laugh. It was less satirical and more zany. They were drowning in Emmys for their clever writing in previous seasons and now they tell the kind of jokes you'd hear in two broke girls.

  • Star Wars Fans Seem to Be Review-Bombing the Wrong 'Acolyte'
  • The best thing I ever did TV wise was ignoring fan opinions about shows I want to watch before watching it. Hive minds plant seeds and set expectations, you can't even passively read it. You gotta shut it out and avoid it. I really liked Kenobi, I think more people would have too if they didn't see the angry reddit nerds picking it apart, coloring their first watch.

  • Deleted
    I wanna have a fairy wedding with my bff
  • Marriage is the intention of having a lifelong partnership. Romance is not necessary to love and support a partner, it's just what's most common. A fairy wedding sounds delightful.

    Are you saying you and she would be legally married with witnesses and papers or you just want the ceremony and celebration without the paperwork? If the latter, be aware there might be grounds to make you common-law partners without your consent, I'd check those laws out.

    Besides that, if you want her to be your beastie-partner-faux-wife, I'd still do a trial run of living together. Maybe even talk to a relationship counselor for tips to keep this sustainable. Any relationship that close, even platonic ones, take work and have conflict from time to time. You need all the same interpersonal strategies as any other spousal or life partnership arrangement. Living with someone and supporting eachother is still quite an intimate, complex affair, even without the sex and romance.

  • New research highlights where 'The Big One' earthquake could hit - "It's giving us the first really detailed look at this huge megathrust fault"
  • I worked in home insurance. Because of the big one, we were trying to dump our south island customers by raising premiums to non competitive levels. But it turns out so was everyone else. So you have to pay through the nose to insure a house in greater Victoria, but up island is more earthquake resilient- the insurance rates are way more reasonable.

  • Happy Fathers Day
  • Kurn is a really fun character that Tony Todd did a perfect job with. But it was nice to see he has such great acting chops beyond the scope of Kurns rather one note personality. I cry at the drop of a hat when watching TV, this episode makes me ugly sob every time.

  • Star Trek shows come in varying degrees of quality, but one thing that has remained consistently good is the casting of Amanda Grayson, Spock's mom.

    She's always this small, fair skinned dark featured woman, but more importantly is her strength and gentleness, and how they empower eachother. The subtleties are differently from series to series, but they're all good portrayals of a complex, interesting character.

    New Kickstarter for a cool looking game: Starship Simulator

    Explore a 1:1 scale Milky Way in a meticulously designed Starship alone or with friends. Try the tech demo on Steam, run through the cold and dark startup tutorial then find cool things in space. It's already a lot of fun in its barebones state.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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