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Can’t wait for the John Hickenlooper nomination a month from now
  • As a Coloradan: please anyone but Frackenlooper

  • How do I make my business legally worker-owned?
  • I don't know any more than what's in that episode, but you could try contacting Zac. Although he just had a kid recently so I imagine he's pretty busy. IIRC the AFC is some type of non-profit.

  • Landfills leak methane with impunity, new research shows
  • In college I worked on a project studying this. You can run a generator off the methane but it requires filtering, which makes it less profitable, so most landfills and waste treatment plants just burn off the gas with a flare.

  • UAW Is Building Worker Solidarity Across the US-Mexico Border
  • Do you mean he's a sellout because he endorsed Biden or did I miss something?

  • UAW Is Building Worker Solidarity Across the US-Mexico Border UAW Is Building Worker Solidarity Across the US-Mexico Border

    A new initiative aims to unite Mexican and US workers who have for too long been pitted against each other by bosses.

    UAW Is Building Worker Solidarity Across the US-Mexico Border
    Never let them tell you that posting isn't praxis
  • Our podcast gets a lot of downloads from the DC area, and we mostly just talk about shitty old cars

  • Do you know what I hate about white people? Skiing. Its basically winter golf.
  • be mad at yourself all winter for moving away from the midwest.

    To be fair, you were sort of forced to move to Colorado

  • Do you know what I hate about white people? Skiing. Its basically winter golf.
  • I know one person who got a concussion and another who broke their arm while skiing

  • Do you know what I hate about white people? Skiing. Its basically winter golf.
  • I live in Colorado and used to go skiing a couple times every year as a kid (ie, when my parents were paying for it). It's pretty fun to go sliding down a scenic mountain at 30 mph, and it's rewarding to learn and get better. But now that I'm an adult I've decided that it's not really worth it to wake up early on a weekend, drive 2+ hours, freeze my ass off, spend a lot of money, and possibly hurt myself. Speaking of, you definitely want a helmet if you don't want to end up like Sonny Bono.

    There are a few smaller and cheaper ski slopes that aren't crowded with rich tourists, but they're the exception. I've run into plenty of rich dickheads on the slopes, and lots of loud obnoxious Texans dressed fully in Cowboys gear.

  • He’s Got $250 Million to Spend on Communist Revolution
  • We've run across this guy and some of his followers online. I'm not 100% sure if there's something shady going on, but it sure seems like it. His friends seem really eager to create divisions between leftists. Either he's kind of an ineffective idiot, or a fed, or both.

  • tell me why this wouldn't work
  • This happens in the sci-fi novel A Half Built Garden by Ruthanna Emrys

  • No source, but im inclined to believe it
  • Yeah I don't watch them much anymore, the poop jokes and liberal brain worms got to be a bit much. I was going to give them a pass because of where they grew up, but then I remembered that I know at least one Marxist from rural Pennsylvania.

    I have enjoyed Roman's "race to the bottom" series because shitting on terrible cars is fun.

  • No source, but im inclined to believe it
  • She went to high school with Nick Roman from Regular Car Reviews and iirc they were in a production of The Sound of Music together

  • I can’t believe I’m siding with the South Park guys here
  • I live in the Denver area and make about $30 per hour and at 40 hours per week it's enough to afford my own place, but I'm not living in luxury by any means. Rent and other living expenses are pretty high here.

    My understanding is that the Casa Bonita workers aren't able to get full time hours because the restaurant isn't fully open yet.

  • Cars and Comrades - Used Cars Part 1, With Guest Alex Cars and Comrades - Used Cars Part 1, With Guest Alex |

    We were going to make a serious and informative episode about what you should look for when buying a used car, but instead we goofed off and dared each other to buy shitty unreliable cars for $5,000. We did sprinkle in some practical advice here and there, or at least you might learn what not to do...

    Cars and Comrades - Used Cars Part 1, With Guest Alex |

    We were going to make a serious and informative episode about what you should look for when buying a used car, but instead we goofed off and dared each other to buy shitty unreliable cars for $5,000. We did sprinkle in some practical advice here and there, or at least you might learn what not to do from our bad decisions.

    Alex will be back for a Part 2 soon, where we'll discuss practical, economical, and boring cars that you should buy if you're smarter than us.

    Main topic at 1:09:14

    Email us with tips, stories, and unhinged rants: //

    Our social media links etc: //

    Music by King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard: //


    Alex's pictures of puppers and Porsches: //

    Turbo a stock Honda Insight: //

    Mini Cooper with a WRX engine and drivetrain: //

    Screenshots of Car Ads: //

    Links to Car Ads: // // // //

    The rest of the ads have been taken down by now 😢

    can't make this shit up, lol
  • One step closer to having street-legal bumper cars

  • Shawn Fain doesn't fuck around

    Also what a cool name. Almost makes me want to have a kid so I can name them 26 de Julio or something


    Don't go to that url, it's anti-cycling propaganda
