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UAW Is Building Worker Solidarity Across the US-Mexico Border UAW Is Building Worker Solidarity Across the US-Mexico Border

A new initiative aims to unite Mexican and US workers who have for too long been pitted against each other by bosses.

UAW Is Building Worker Solidarity Across the US-Mexico Border
  • Will they gaslight their membership to support US imperial goals and genocide with the next election in Mexico? fain-wut <---- Never forgive this sellout. He had one moment and then went turncoat.

    • Do you mean he's a sellout because he endorsed Biden or did I miss something?

      • Yes he endorsed genocidal strike breaking shitstain of Biden. Yes I blame him and I have personal beef with the UAW and their "international solidarity" crap. It's a trojan horse disguised as "bettering work conditions". The Empire wanted to use the "international" UAW as a direct organizing group for imperal means.

        The UAW was directly involved with strong arming themselves inside the Michigan 2016 primary over grassroots members. To the point of physical altercarions. They took Bernie delegate seats and switched them to Clinton when it came time to vote at the convention. This is another way how the DNC riggs primaries. Even if your progressive guy does win, they'll strong arm, bribe, and twist the delegate process.

        The UAW delegation sicked the Secret Service on me for holding up a NO TPP sign when Obama was going to give his Hillary speech. When I said you all should be with me you don't want your jobs sent overseas. So what is the problem here? They started to talk in code liek "oh we have plans" well what plans? And they all shut up like cartoonishly buttonlipped turned around and seethed and pouted. Aftwerwards during the Trump admin the anti CCP started to ratchet up and now were full blown saber rattling with them. So put the pieces together of what the establishment's plans were.

        I was rooting for Shawn . Tought it might be a new leaf - untl the Biden thing.

        We know the Empire is setting up a war footing with Mexico. Trump's agreement is called the USMCA aka US Marine Corp Agreement. The border talk. George Friedman's prediction of a conflict with Mexico. The frothingfash itching to kill the invaders! The Empire would love thousands of empire organized workers to overthrow a leader that isn't in line with America at their finger tips. - maybe it's me being jagged and cynical but I see setting a stage.

        All for unions but it should be local orgs not one based by and endorsing a genocidal warmongering foreign regime. There is absolutely a geopolitical play here and a motive of $$ and clout with the UAW.

      • I assume it was the endorsing Biden thing. I don't blame him that much personally. Would have been cooler if he was neutral, but I don't know all of the considerations that have to be made as a union head.

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