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  • Oligarchs scrambling for some shooters

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    Hexbear Magic The Gathering server is open for business!
  • Last Friday I won a couple of games at my lgs with a deck I brewed earlier that day. I think how fun commander is really depends on the meta of the group you play with. FWIW I do have more fun playing at my friend's house every Saturday night, but the 4 of us all enjoy playing mid power range decks, 5-7, for the most part anyway. We've been going for over 6 months now and I'm sure eventually an arms race will break out or something but for right now it's good.

    Constructed events for cash is definitely on the complete opposite end of the mtg spectrum from commander, probably draft for cash would be the only thing further away from it, so it makes sense that someone into that would feel differently about commander.

    I like the chill vibes and playing weird 5-7 range decks (that can also win games, btw, that is an important detail IMO). I'm still playing to win with my decks. We're sort of creating our own distinct meta that is separate from mtg as a whole by playing in our own separate pod and it's honestly fun af. If it somehow ended tomorrow I would immediately start looking for 3 people to start another new weekly commander pod.

  • Featured
    Hexbear Magic The Gathering server is open for business!
  • Drafting is fun too. But I'm addicted to commander. I have a crew I play with every week and I sometimes play at my lgs. There's really nothing else like brewing new commander decks and playing with 3 friends. It's like the ultimate board game.

  • Featured
    Hexbear Magic The Gathering server is open for business!
  • Hell yeah this rules. I'm definitely going to try out these digital tools at some point. I don't have a lot of free time these days though but I'll make it work somehow.

  • Featured
    Hexbear Magic The Gathering server is open for business!
  • I'm an old head but I took a break from magic during those years. Masquerade was my last set, but I did dip back in briefly a few times since then. I've been doing tons of commander this past year so I'm definitely back in now.

  • Midnight Suns is free on Epic
  • It's a great game. I need to play the dlc still

  • Magic: the Gathering "Modern Horizons 3" Card Image Gallery
  • Yeah I think it's kind of like the new version of "_th edition" sets, but specifically for modern, and with premium treatment. It brings new cards into modern with reprints and remixes of cards that were popular in older sets, as well as some brand new cards that enhance a certain play style in some new way. Cards in this set will be popular for a while.

    Oh you're right. There's hardly any commons in the set. So that's going to be a shit ton of uncommons and rares in those packs. That definitely explains the price increase. Actually I think it might be just all the extra treatments for the other rarities that makes it seem like there's hardly any commons.

  • Magic: the Gathering "Modern Horizons 3" Card Image Gallery
  • It's their big overpowered release of the year. Last year's was commander masters. I'm not sure what it was before that because I wasn't into the scene for a long time prior to that.

    I have no idea how wotc calculates what they are going to charge retailers, but it certainly seems like they take card value into account, which is crazy because it hasn't released yet and they have no idea how much people will value the cards. So I guess they're just guessing that they will be highly sought after rares/mythics? I honestly don't know.

    Maybe there is an actual scientific calculation that goes into it, using the number of rares in the set and the number of rare slots that can exist in a pack or something like that, with some qualitative value for card power.

    But at the end of the day it's just "whatever Hasbro thinks it can get away with charging". The power level is probably just a result of the designers doing their best to give players a reason to pay the amount of money Hasbro wants to charge for each pack.

    Scryfall is a great tool for looking at an entire set:

    You should scroll down and check out the borderless cards if you haven't yet. They are gorgeous.

  • My dad passed away
  • I blamed myself for my dad's death for a really long time and hated myself for it. I held on to that hate for a long time and didn't care about a lot of bad things that happened to me and felt I deserved all of it. Don't do that. There's no shortcuts through grief but I definitely got stuck in that phase way longer than I should have or was healthy for someone to experience. I struggled finding help and after a decade I just woke up and was like "wait, that wasn't my fault" and sort of started moving on from there. Please take care of yourself meow-hug

  • Removed
    Drake this morning:
  • Kendrick went so hard he paralyzed Drake

  • Which is the worst Fallout faction?
  • They seem kinda like Boston dynamics making those stupid robot dogs

  • Which is the worst Fallout faction?
  • The people who made fallout made wasteland and the sequels right? And they have that clockwork revolution game coming out too that looks pretty sick

  • Nate Plastic
  • Love that this dude is living proof that viewing the world as numbers does not make someone smart.

  • Bruh
  • Unless I can play as the bugs in a starship troopers game then I'm not interested.

  • 0% chance the Palestine proxy was anything but orcs
  • Guy who restarts a dnd campaign over and over again until they find players who build death camps.

  • Ship stuck in the Detroit River Freighter headed to Italy with 21,000 tons of wheat gets stuck in Detroit River

    The freighter, BARBRO G, was carrying 21,000 tons of wheat and heading to Italy when it ran aground outside Belle Isle Anchorage.

    Freighter headed to Italy with 21,000 tons of wheat gets stuck in Detroit River

    Freighter headed to Italy with 21,000 tons of wheat gets stuck in Detroit River

