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Genius way to get adults buying toy slime
  • I don't know who any of those people are.

    but thank you for defending mayopete from someone joking along with their joke. you are a hero.

  • Genius way to get adults buying toy slime
  • to me it seems like just another fad created for consumerism to make some people super rich by exploiting people's desire to play a game and turn it into an addictive consumerist obsession (constantly creating new characters to keep people having to buy new things to play/win, making limited edition consumer items, heavily marketing to vulnerable children just like mcdonalds used to do, etc).

    but I am in favor of letting people enjoy things, so have fun. i'm not going to stop you.

  • Genius way to get adults buying toy slime
  • yeah why did he call himself weird?


  • Genius way to get adults buying toy slime
  • I was joking. as was the comment I replied to. just joking along with it. get it???

    I realize some neurodivergent people might not get that. which is why I am explaining it. hope this helps.

  • Genius way to get adults buying toy slime
  • bringing a new meaning to snake oil.

  • Genius way to get adults buying toy slime
  • when trump dies i am going to make a fortune writing BS about how he was spotted in some other country plotting his comeback with top advisors....

  • Genius way to get adults buying toy slime
  • ok let's start a business to sell trump's ball sweat to these people. it'll work.

  • Removed
    Stop supporting this guy's parents
  • he can have it back for $20.

  • Raygun was being a dick
  • no no the middle class white academic who mined a subculture to build a career is the perfect person to communicate the true feelings of the hip hop world.


  • Attracted to Christman
  • this belongs in c/badposting

  • Man Who Attacked Muslim Postal Carrier Is Sentenced to 37 Months in Prison (CW: Hate crime)

    Kenneth Pinkney, of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., pleaded guilty to a hate crime in assaulting the carrier, who was wearing a hijab as she delivered the mail in October.

  • your house is looking good.

    libertarian-alert LIB


  • Removed
    Harris Team Is Using AI Campaign Photos (+Videos)
  • the stairs aren't even the same color hahaha but good one!

  • The evolution of the bikini in the Soviet Union The evolution of the bikini in the Soviet Union (PHOTOS)

    Even hardened Soviet women weren’t above putting on skimpy bikinis and showing off their bodies! This is how the gradual transition took place.

    The evolution of the bikini in the Soviet Union (PHOTOS)

    dispelling the stupid western propaganda about bikinis being banned in the USSR.

    Pining for the Soviet Past in Georgia's Depressed Heartland

    they're not the only ones! !stalin-shining

    >The town of Kazreti, nestled in the picturesque mountains of Georgia near the border with Armenia, once boasted a cinema, a bank, musical fountains, two schools and a kindergarten. Dance ensembles and volleyball teams from across the Soviet Union would come to perform and compete, and central heating and electricity were free.

    >“It was a true Communist oasis,” said Davit Jakeli, 52, who worked as a carpenter in a state-run vocational school in the town of about 5,500 people, about 50 miles southwest of the Georgian capital, Tbilisi.

    >But after the Soviet Union’s collapse in the 1990s, he said, everything also came crashing down in Kazreti. No longer supported by the Soviet command economy, the unprofitable local gold and copper mines and an enrichment plant were shut, putting hundreds of people out of work. They reopened years later on a much smaller scale under private ownership. Now there is just one school in the town and the cinema and bank have closed. The fountains, which once adorned a central square, are long gone. Stray dogs roam potholed roads flanked by decrepit apartments.

    >“It is a huge injustice what happened here,” said Mr. Jakeli, who now resells scrap metal from the courtyard of his home.

    includes an interview with someone from Reimagining Soviet Georgia a podcast discussing soviet times in Georgia without the negative western propaganda bias.

    Reminder: Anyone who demanded people support Biden and stop suggesting he step down from re-election, should NEVER be trusted if they now say it is a good decision he resigned.

    politician mealy mouthed scumbags that go any way the wind blows deserve only contempt.

    they should be squealing about how this is a terrible decision by biden and that he must reconsider because no one else can beat trump.

    remember when biden's 2020 presidential campaign promised he would only serve 1 term? pepperidge farm remembers

    honestly just lying to people and going back on your word about this makes me want to not vote for him as much as anything else.

    what a scumbag. he is not a man of his word.



    Chinese Billionaire and Bannon Ally Is Convicted of Fraud: A federal jury found that Guo Wengui defrauded investors

    praying for this idiot to get sent back to china where they actually treat billionaires with the respect they deserve !gui-better

    A federal jury found that Guo Wengui defrauded investors, many his own fervent supporters, of hundreds of millions of dollars. He could face decades in prison.

    Guo Wengui, the exiled Chinese billionaire who transformed himself from a Beijing insider into a fierce critic of the Chinese Communist Party and a favorite of the American right, was convicted on Tuesday of defrauding investors of hundreds of millions of dollars. Mr. Guo, also known as Miles Guo, was accused of using a number of schemes — club memberships, cryptocurrencies, a sale of private shares in his media company — to fleece his followers and maintain a lavish lifestyle. On the fourth day of deliberations, a jury in the Southern District of New York found him guilty on nine of 12 charges, including racketeering conspiracy, securities fraud and money laundering conspiracy. Set to be sentenced on Nov. 19, Mr. Guo could face decades in prison or the remote possibility of extradition to China. In a trial lasting almost two months, government prosecutors highlighted rambling videos Mr. Guo had made for his thousands of supporters, often guaranteeing no losses on their investments. The proceeds helped pay for a mansion in New Jersey, a Lamborghini roadster and a $100 million investment in a hedge fund. Prosecutors also drew on bank records, invoices and the testimony of Mr. Guo’s former employees and jilted investors, who had been drawn to a wealthy Beijing expatriate dedicated to ending the seven-decade rule of the Chinese Communist Party. “Is Miles Guo a real political activist or not? I don’t know, I don’t care, and neither should you,” Juliana Murray, an assistant U.S. attorney, told the jury on Thursday. “He’s an opportunist. He’s a fraudster.” The conviction is the end point of a remarkable trajectory for Mr. Guo, who made his original fortune in China building hotels and acquiring a brokerage company. Along the way, he allied himself with Ma Jian, a senior intelligence official in the country’s feared Ministry of State Security. Mr. Guo used his access to sensitive information to take down people who stood in his way, including a deputy mayor of Beijing who opposed his plans to build a massive office and hotel complex next to the site of the 2008 Olympic Games. Mr. Guo’s time in China came to an abrupt end in 2015, after Mr. Ma was detained by the government. Mr. Guo fled to America and bought a $68 million Manhattan penthouse overlooking Central Park, winning the approval of the building’s co-op board with the help of a recommendation letter from former British Prime Minister Tony Blair. Mr. Guo may be unique in that he thrived — until he didn’t — in two very different political systems. When he came to the United States, he cultivated political relationships to burnish his image, but this time it was with members of the American right, especially Stephen K. Bannon, a longtime adviser to former President Donald J. Trump. By early 2017, shortly after Mr. Trump took office, Mr. Guo was a member of Mar-a-Lago, Mr. Trump’s club in Palm Beach, Fla. That year, Mr. Guo applied for political asylum and publicly accused senior Chinese leaders of corruption. China sought to extradite him, enlisting the support of a senior Republican official in a failed attempt to lobby the Trump administration. Beijing also leveled its own charges against him, including bribery and rape, aided by testimony from his former patron Mr. Ma. Mr. Guo, whose age has been described as anywhere from 54 to 57, did not take the stand in his trial. His lawyers argued that his businesses were legitimate and were designed to further his anti-Communist crusade. His efforts included running a Chinese-language streaming site and a Twitter-like social media platform, both popular with exiles. The three counts on which Mr. Guo was found not guilty were related to his media company GTV: wire and securities fraud, and “unlawful monetary transactions.” Mr. Guo was the leader of a “political enterprise of people banded together to bring down one of the world’s most powerful governments, and so that’s what they set out to do,” Sidhardha Kamaraju, one of Mr. Guo’s lawyers, said in closing remarks last week. “They started setting up the infrastructure to help carry that movement forward.” But prosecutors countered the portrayal of Mr. Guo as a principled anti-Communist leader with recordings, made by a former employee, of a heated conversation in 2021 about how to execute some planned money transfers. Mr. Guo could be heard screaming at his employees in Mandarin, yelling “scumbag” and “go to hell” and a string of other epithets. Prosecutors played the tape to jurors on Wednesday and again on Thursday to drive home the point. “That’s the boss of a criminal enterprise,” Ms. Murray said. Mr. Guo’s defense was also undermined by the behavior of his followers, so-called fellow fighters who were deployed far and wide to attack his perceived enemies, including a prominent Chinese dissident. They demonstrated outside the Cambridge, Mass., home of a government witness, the son-in-law of a court-appointed bankruptcy trustee for Mr. Guo, handing out inflammatory pamphlets with a Communist hammer-and-sickle. They also went to the school where the witness’s wife was a third-grade teacher. She was “really panicked, really upset, just really, you know, crying and unsettled and just kind of overcome with fear,” Daniel Copeland, the witness, told the court. Throughout the trial, prosecutors worked to associate Mr. Guo with Mr. Bannon, named a co-conspirator by the government but not indicted. Mr. Bannon had a $1 million consulting contract with one of Mr. Guo’s companies and had a hand in creating three organizations that were central to the government’s case. On multiple occasions, his picture was shown on screens placed in front of the jurors. Mr. Bannon, who recently began serving a prison term for contempt of Congress, declined to speak on the record about the trial.

    ...continues in link.

    I went to a trump rally and all I got was murdered by the secret service.

    lmao get wrecked stupid.

    this is the first good thing the secret service has ever done.

    Trump is a bald ass little bitch lmao

    whoever shot him is a hero, but also just got him elected by not hitting their target

    Reminder: liberals will always betray you and stab you in the back the first chance they get. Macron Ends His Silence, Calling for ‘Broad Gathering’ That Would Split the Left

    In an open letter, the French president rejected any role in government for the far-left France Unbowed party, setting the stage for a heated showdown.

    Macron Ends His Silence, Calling for ‘Broad Gathering’ That Would Split the Left

    what options do the left have in these situations?

    allow the far right to win?

    do something once the liberals betray you after you are no longer useful to them for gaining power?

    Zuckberg is doing liberal colonialism and liberals love it. flying an American flag over a land stolen by america from its indigenous people and government. disgusting. free hawaii! free kauai! Watch: Mark Zuckerberg’s 4th of July video goes viral | CNN

    Mark Zuckerberg took to the waves, posting a 4th of July video in a suit, holding a beer and an American flag. And this isn’t his first time.

    Watch: Mark Zuckerberg’s 4th of July video goes viral | CNN



