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Olympic athlete amputates finger to play in 2024 Paris Games
  • I find it somewhat shocking that the doctors agreed to amputate. You can’t force patients to make good decisions, but amputating a finger because he doesn’t want to wait for it to heal seems to go beyond what’s ethical. If he wasn’t going to be stopped from going regardless I guess you could make an argument it was harm reduction.

  • “Black People Were Just Less Smart Back Then” -Grandma
  • I believe they’re represented in the photo by the man in a white shirt in the top right corner who isn’t paying attention to anything. Kind of on the nose, really.

    (Which is a somewhat uncharitable interpretation, he could be looking away in disgust or just happen to glance away when the photo was taken)

  • me_irl
  • Therapy and possibly meds have helped me a lot with this, if it’s something you regularly struggle with and you have access to mental health services I’d really encourage you to use them.

    Personally my most helpful takeaway was just to be nicer to myself. I’d never talk to another person the way I think of myself when I’m remembering embarrassing stuff, and learning to treat myself with kindness went a long way in making memory torture anxiety spiral events less bad and more infrequent.

  • Ohio is not Appalachia.
  • This also isn’t a matter of opinion, Appalachia has been defined by Congress as 423 specific counties; you’re either in one of those counties or you aren’t. That said, some of eastern and southern Ohio is considered part of Appalachia, but not the part JD grew up in.

  • Parental-rights law impacting school notification, transgender policies
  • In an email to WyoFile after the meeting, he added that “as a result, how to handle issues surrounding kids that exhibit transgendered behavior has been left in the lap of school boards or, if they fail to act, superintendents, principals, teachers and school counselors.”

    🖕Get fucked, the job of the state is not to monitor children for signs of gender nonconformity.

  • Why did no one tell me that blue jays are kind of big?
  • It’s funny how birds you’ve only seen in a guide book can seem like they’re ’supposed to be’ a very different size than they actually are! I always think shore birds are going to be bigger than they actually are. The first time I saw a willet it was enchantingly small.

  • interested in getting a tattoo of a fractal. How difficult would this be to do?
  • Are you okay with some of the fine details getting blurred or faded in the long term? Depending on where the tattoo is it can fade before too many years, and it will inevitably have some fading no matter how well you take care of it. The biggest things that will fade a tattoo after it heals are UV exposure and friction.

  • No puppies were harmed in this analogy

    Alt text: a post from that says: Once my German friend asked what creative people do without arts grants and other support in the US and I felt like a parent trying to explain to their kid that the puppies can die sometimes

    Kamala Harris' opening argument: Vote for me and I'll decimate Project 2025
  • Y’all know decimate was the headline and this was the actual statement, right?

    I will do everything in my power to unite the Democratic Party — and unite our nation— to defeat Donald Trump and his extreme Project 2025 agenda.

  • And they were ROOMMATES!

    Alt text: a post by mephistopheles that says: the wrath of khan is like really insane bc khan is like 'im going to make kirk suffer the way i suffered when my wife died' and then he kills spock

    I finish so many little tasks this way

    cross-posted from:

    > me_irl

    Weed and furry rule

    Alt text: a one panel comic drawn in the style of The Onion’s Stan Kelley that says “shelter from the storm”; three rain clouds that say “resurgent fascism”, “irreversible climate change”, and “impending economic collapse” are raining on a furry character, who is cheerfully whistling because they have an umbrella labeled “weed and furry porn” that is keeping them dry. Similar to The Onion comics, a smaller character representing the artist is in the corner, saying “weather proof.” The artist is CritterDome

    The Real Targets of Project 2025’s War on Porn The Real Targets of Project 2025’s War on Porn

    It’s not just about people watching porn. It’s drag queens, trans people, LGBTQ library books, and more.

    The Real Targets of Project 2025’s War on Porn
    July 5th air quality rule

    Image description: an AQI scale that shows “173 - Unhealthy. Air quality index is 173, which is worse than yesterday at about this time.”

    Block rule

    Image transcription: a post from that says: "i never block anyone" is the social media equivalent of taking floor drugs

    no ragrets

    Text description: screen cap of a post from

    reminder: Harry Potter tattoos have a higher regret rate than trans surgeries and that's very funny actually

    FBI Indicts Doc Who Leaked Trans Kids’ Medical Info to Chris Rufo FBI Indicts Doc Who Leaked Trans Kids’ Medical Info to Chris Rufo — Assigned

    Dr. Eithan Haim has portrayed himself as a victim of politically motivated prosecution after he leaked information about trans kids treated at Texas Children’s Hospital to a notorious culture war activist.

    FBI Indicts Doc Who Leaked Trans Kids’ Medical Info to Chris Rufo — Assigned

    cross-posted from:

    > FBI Indicts Doc Who Leaked Trans Kids’ Medical Info to Chris Rufo

    FBI Indicts Doc Who Leaked Trans Kids’ Medical Info to Chris Rufo FBI Indicts Doc Who Leaked Trans Kids’ Medical Info to Chris Rufo — Assigned

    Dr. Eithan Haim has portrayed himself as a victim of politically motivated prosecution after he leaked information about trans kids treated at Texas Children’s Hospital to a notorious culture war activist.

    FBI Indicts Doc Who Leaked Trans Kids’ Medical Info to Chris Rufo — Assigned
    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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