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Sunday is Gaming Day: what are you playing thread
  • bought darkest dungeon (1) cause it was $3 and its been great, no deaths yet so overconfidence will definitely be my slow and insidious killer

  • Reasons why you are broke according to reactionaries
  • big agree on the giant shredded wheats, which to me look like giant miniwheats so i just call them "Wheats". gonna have four wheats for breakfast i think

  • What's everyone playing this week?
  • definitely, since its much more a deckbuilder than a poker game as youre trying to match a score instead of outwit other real players. theres still the different types of hands but those are easy to learn

  • What's everyone playing this week?
  • The Balatro grind continues

  • What JRPG NPC Would You Wanna Be?
  • Somsnosa hylics

  • Monthly Hexbear post where everyone shares their favorite site taglines
  • I think my two favorite that have stood the test of time are:

    I do self-criticism constantly because I’m trapped in a Maoist cult where comrades (white terrorists) criticize me mercilessly for having a fascist credit card (VISA Silver Signature Rewards)

    They won’t let me order vegan pizza anymore because the phone is fascist and “summoning my pizza slaves with a bourgeois app” is “bad vibes”

    and also

    The dive bar at the end of the universe

  • alternative MEDICINE.
  • also why I frequent healing crystal stores because the good ones have some cool looking or geologically interesting rocks, then it's 50/50 if it's a reasonable price or a $200 spray painted quartz crystal lol. although the real shame is when all the rocks are rounded and polished because that gets rid of half the mineralogy

  • whats the best Vegetable ?
  • Green bell pepper. Tons of vitamin C yum.

  • Daft Punk - Alive 2007

    Searched the comm and I don't think this has been posted, but its a must-listen live performance.

    Also I could write many paragraphs about why I consider this so great, along with specific aspects of live music; pick my brain if you want.

    alt link if the bot doesn't post them:

    mini soda is getting a new flag
  • It should be a stylized version of the Orion Trapezium, which looked like minnesota the first time I saw it:

  • Locked
    trolley problem
  • That's a good summary ill have to use it vegan-seitan

  • Locked
    trolley problem
  • I think I just couldn't tell if you were suggesting 'buying or not buying harmful products doesn't make a difference' to mean supporting carnist stuff is fine, cause it felt like an odd inclusion but I getcha now.

    But yeah I was, in response, arguing the importance of still considering consumption habits in your veganism, which comes from my mechanistic worldview thinking that everything has an affect on something, so what should instead be the limiting factor for these decisions is stuff like privilege (instead of util priorities), which ends up at the same stance as you (I think). Anxiety over my political alienation making me min-max my veganism lol.

  • Locked
    trolley problem
  • I mostly agree but think its strange to dismiss the individual part of it. Although a social movement is the goal being worked towards, I feel its a bit harmful to state the goal as 'global vegan movement' instead of 'stop exploiting animals' because that difference provides wiggle room to do harmful things if you don't expect it to affect the odds of the movement succeeding, which gets yourself thinking in unhelpful utilitarian terms. Easier to get intersectional-understanding benefits of connecting veganism to other issues, and be a better voice for that movement, when you're an abolitionist vegan who doesn't care if what you're doing might not be worthwhile according to an arbitrary metric.

    The movement is of course the vitally necessary action to end the industry, but I'm also sick of carnist leftist friends excusing individual carnist actions because of it 'not really changing things', which I think is driving my thoughts here.

  • He does have a point tho
  • im surprised you don't want 1 month with 2 days (the days are extremely long)

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • 100% of the time I type 'big' it suggests 'Boobs' for the next word help

  • Ceres Ceres [she/her]

    shoutouts to 55 Pandora and Sedna

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