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For non-English folks, what are some books and other media in your native language you'd recommend to others?
  • Tropa de elite, bacurau and Bingo: o rei das manhãs comes to mind. If you get away from comedy, our most common genre, you get pretty much a good movie from Brazil.

  • And they'll likely only read parts of it
  • You guys are getting read? One of the reasons I stopped DMing was because I made such nice things - for me at least- and none of them gave a crap about it. I had to "force" them to read it before sessions

  • What's a show that should've gotten cancelled or ended SOONER than it did?
  • Dracula episode 3 was one huge disappointment. I remember being totally hooked from episode 1 until that end of episode 2. All that potential, wasted

  • Should I use chromium based browsers or firefox?
  • I go for firefox. If a particular site is broken in there I open edge just for that task and I'm done with it

  • Bought these from a book fair, thoughts?
  • The art style get increasingly better as the story unfolds. Unfortunately when he was his best, miura died

  • Bought these from a book fair, thoughts?
  • That's just part of the struggle

  • Bought these from a book fair, thoughts?
  • After I read Berserk, nothing else came close. It just gave me everything I ever looked for in a story, but you have to let it get there. Keep reading past vol. 1 and you're golden!

  • Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 review: The future is unfolding
  • Since gen 1 I've been saying "gen 5 is where I'll start to think about eventually buying one of these", and I feel exactly like this right now

  • ‘I can’t stress how much BookTok sells’: teen literary influencers swaying publishers
  • I'm glad that this makes people read more, but jesus MF christ, it floods the book shops with this type of books and I can't find the things I actually enjoy

  • Viberary - Vibe based book search engine
  • I've heard it is, haven't got to it yet. But I meant that it should give only one result for dark tower, not dark tower #1, dt #2, etc

  • Viberary - Vibe based book search engine
  • A quick search for dark fantasy gave my a bunch of books with "dark" in the title, and many of them were Dark Tower ones

  • What is the current "favorite" show?
  • There's already a season 2?!

  • A side panel that works great (even with gesture navigation)
  • I've only used the Samsung one that comes by default, i really love it. If ever change brands I'll use this one

  • App Recomendation: FloatingMenu - Assistive Touch
  • Será q ja existe uma comunidade pro Suddenly Caralho?

  • A Dance With Dragons was released 12 years ago today.
  • I recently read all books in a month or so. Like way more than the show, now im reading the hedge knight and every now and then i look up for WoW news. Did the same with Berserk. Maybe I just like waiting a lot for things

  • what is the most scure password manager?
  • Use bitwarden but never heard of YubiKey. Quick search on google gave me nothing. What is it?

  • Modern life is so tied with smartphones living without it is increasingly becoming harder
  • Buddy, i fell the same! I wanted to make my smartphone a weekend thing, but I just cannot function wihtout it. I literally can not log in my work pc wihtout it, it's insane!

  • Is having an Android really a deal-breaker for some people?
  • I've heard this bubble thing is only truly relevant in the US. Here in Brazil we mostly use whatsapp...unfortunately

  • Charcoal8645 Charcoal8645

    Guy in his late 20s trying out the fediverse after reddit burning

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