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  • Modern life is difficult without internet access, but yet you can live without internet, the question is, how long?

    • Depends on what standard of living you desire and where you are- If you want to live as a hobo then as long as you survive your basic biological needs you could go indefinitely without internet, the same is true of any outsdoorsman who lives in a remote area where they can survive just based on their ability to hunt and collect water.

      • Maybe you should try to live in a third world country, not necessarily a hobo but a regular life without commidities you have been granted for you priviliges.

        Its like living in hard difficulty

    • My relative lived in the bush with their cats for like 40 years without internet. I'm not sure they had ever used it before or even knew how to, so I think that made it easier. Just had a land line and antenna TV.

      Moved back and had a hard time figuring out why the doctors wanted to contact by email. Figured out how to use GPS via Android Auto pretty quickly. Internet shopping wasn't mastered.

    • But every companies and governments are dependant of Internet now

    • I remember I lost internet for months, only thing keeping me sane was a youtube downloading wbsite thats dead now, a trackphone and shit tier free wifi. If your on android, there are tools to make a (CLI) program called yt-dlp easy to use on mobile, as it converts telling the computer what to do via text into buttons and toggleswitches

  • My phone borked on me recently but I got it up with a complete system upgrade and install from scratch. Meanwhile I realized how dependent I am on it for everything from communication to identification to transportation to deliveries to intercom and beyond. I don't like it with this single point of failure.

  • Same goes with reading skills, which at some point weren't needed in society I bet.

    • Interesting perspective but then I think of the data on this phone as an extension of my privacy/private life; literacy doesn't track.

      • I guess privacy is getting more and more popular nowadays. Hopefully private smartphones will become easier to get

      • Yeah, phones such, literacy doesn't. But phones could have better software and hardware, then it would be fine.

    • Except that skills aren't at risk of being stolen, lost or stop working. Phones are tools, not skills.

  • I personally abhor the idea of smartphones becoming increasingly more personal and necessary, especially since I live where those little black bricks are the most sought after item for thieves (thousands stolen per month). Add the chance of falls or something else making the phone unusable, the screen unresponsive, and bam, you're fucked up big time.

    And let's not forget what great tools they are for spying on you without your consent.

  • I went from a wallet with a bunch of cards and a bit of cash to my phone. nothing else. haven't used cash or my physical card in years

  • Funny I just was thinking if I could go a weekend without my phone. And if I did it how many people would I have to tell before I did it so I didn't get a bunch of crap for not answering texts for 2 days!

  • I leave my phone at home sometimes. There's always something that comes up, but in the end I've realized it doesn't actually matter that much.

    • I specifically make a point of going on a week long trip every year and leaving my phone at home. I carry an inReach for emergencies, but only give the "number" for it out to a few trusted people with very strict instructions not to contact me outside of critical, actual emergencies like someone dying.

  • It is basically impossible in this day and age. Similar with credit cards. I have been using a LightPhone for 2 years and before that a Cosmos 3 flip phone for 5 years. Currently 7 years off smartphones and I’ll never go back, but I don’t see how a young person can do it right now. Just doesn’t seem possible and i hate that.

  • I want so bad to just get a light phone II, but too many parts of my life need something from a smart phone, end to end encryption on my messages (signal or other similar apps), banking apps, even my job requires a few apps. I could maybe carry both around and use the smart phone as little as possible? But seems too much of a hassle sighs

  • I like them for being able to text and make calls. Otherwise I hate using them - a desktop computer is far easier for me.

  • My uncle doesn't have a cell phone and he has to borrow everyone's phones all the time and it's gotten to the point where people are just refusing to let him borrow their phones.