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These little center islands always make me wonder when the last time a human stepped on that piece of land
  • There is a lake on Victoria Island in the arctic archipelago that I am reasonably sure has never been seen by a real person, and it is unnamed. Furthermore, the lake has a small island on it. One of my life's goals is to see this lake and island someday.

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  • Yeah same, I got ones that smell like Shea butter, they're pretty nice. I mean if the store had other ones branded differently with the same wipes I would just buy those lol. I feel like the only ones triggered by the imagery are ironically the guys who are insecure in their masculinity and feel threatened by a literal moist toilette.

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  • I have Dude Wipes in my car but that's just because I thought they smelled good and they were on sale at Kroger. I have a very dirty and dusty job and some days I gotta wipe the gruel off after a shift.

  • Feeling lost and with no direction, what skill should I learn?
  • I'll add that learning botany and taxonomy is VERY fun and rewarding. Going out in the field and discovering new plants and wildlife is a great treasure that always gives. It adds so much value to the outdoors

  • [Canon EOS-T5] Photos viewable on camera are not visible on desktop (EndeavourOS)

    My partner and I both have digital cameras. Hers is a Canon EOS Rebel-T5, and mine is an Olympus Tough TG-6. Both cameras will create subdirectories within the /DCIM/ folder, formatted as 10*CANON or 10*OLYMP. We've shared SD cards on occasion, and neither camera has had any issues with just creating a new directory to match the current camera; e.g., one SD has /DCIM/100CANON ... /DCIM/101OLYMP, etc.

    There is a highly unusual issue going on with one of the cards. It is a 64 GB [pro]master, Code 2145. It is well-used, with probably over 10,000 photos on it from my Olympus (that are backed up), but there is still plenty of room for pictures. When using this card in particular in her Canon, we have noticed that it writes photos without error, but retrieving and reading the photos on the display is terribly laggy and the camera expends a lot of energy "thinking" with the red indicator light. However, with patience, we are able to view any photos that are produced with this camera. The "photo#/total" display at top (e.g. 4/100; 5/8979) is really screwy and the second number changes often, perhaps as it reads from different directories.


    When I load this SD into my computer, I am only able to recognize Olympus subdirectories. There is no evidence of a Canon writing anything onto this disk, not even any of the other data directories it will normally create outside of /DCIM/. Entering the SD through CLI and using commands like /ls -a prove fruitless. Where on earth are these photos? What other options do I have in trying to attain these images?

    Oxalis herrerae! Oxalis herrerae

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    Oxalis herrerae
    [C] Having a runtime error with a simple function

    Hello, I am new to this community, as well as to coding in general. I am having fun learning C, and I've generally been able to work through/slam my head into problems until they make sense, but I am confounded by this discrepancy, and I am hoping to have some help with it:


    Output: %c


    ``` #include

    void textGreen(const char* text) { printf("\033[32m%s\033[0m", text); }

    int main() { textGreen("%%c\n"); return 0; } ``` Output: %%c.

    Since printf is wrapped into the function, should the text not be outputting with the same behavior? Why is my terminal printing this code without escaping the percent sign? FWIW, the text is green, at the very least.

    I am using Ubuntu 23.10, the code was written in KATE, it was compiled in GCC, and it was run on the basic GNOME terminal.

    Anyone have an idea on wgat brand this griddle is? Mysterious skillet

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    Mysterious skillet

    I found it in a cupboard at my family farm. It's unlabeled, gate marked, has a funky raised "8", and an interesting design on the handle. The finish job on the inside looks great, very smooth.

    My First Month of Linux

    This post idea was inspired by a recent post by in this community.

    I have been a Windows user for my entire life. I recall having an iMac in my bedroom as a small boy, maybe 7-8, playing random offline games on it, but aside from that, my experience growing up was with Windows 98, XP, Vista, 8 and 10. I wouldn't say I was ever a "power user" per se, although I could do several tasks that were more technical if needed, like locating driver files, updating .dlls, configuring compatibility settings, etc. I think being a good Googler made me seem more capable to my family than I really was, and I'm sure a lot of people here would share my experience!

    With the impending sundowning of Windows 10, an OS that I "begrudgingly accepted" (rather than actually enjoyed using, as with Vista), and realizing that 11 was only going to bring more ads, force-installed applications, background processes that were nigh-impossible to disable without a lot of tomfoolery, AI bullshit and general bloat, I figured that I would try dual-booting Ubuntu, installing it on a partition of my storage HDD. Windows did not want to play ball, no matter how much I begged and pleaded and bargained, and eventually I was met at a point where I had to decide what to do going forward. My system was just not behaving the way I wanted to with two OSes ("This town ain't big enough for the both of us"), and figured,

    > Oh, what the hell. I'll primary Ubuntu and when I need to use Windows I'll run it on a thumb drive or something.

    Well, it's been several weeks now and, even with a couple bumps along the way, I have not booted into Windows once since the switchover. How many of you had a similar experience? I was frankly a bit scared of CLI and thinking that I was going to brick my PC before I even had a chance to use it, so I kept all my personal files safely tucked away in a removed HDD until the break-in process was relatively complete. As time has gone on, I've gotten comfortable enough to have a backed up copy of my files on here, and every new program I go to install that I used on Windows has worked swimmingly on Linux.

    I can only thank the helpful, enthusiastic people here in the Linux community for making my experience so smooth. It's rare you encounter a group of people where you can post what is ostensibly a stupid question, and be pummeled with dozens of well-formed, thoughtful, detailed responses to the question. There's very little of that infamous grandiosity and self-righteousness that I've heard runs rampant in the Linux world, and maybe Lemmings are just more prone to being helpful than the wider internet, but for what it's worth, I appreciate everything you all have done here so far.

    I feel so much more capable as a computer user with Linux than I ever did on Windows. I'm automating tasks, I'm fine-tuning network drivers, I'm getting in the weeds of file architecture, and it's all been a real blast to learn about. I actually feel a desire to learn so that I can help others have a similar experience to what I had coming into this.

    Linux Ubuntu Dual-booting horror

    Any and all help would be so greatly appreciated. I've been battling with my laptop to be able to dual-boot Ubuntu Cinnamon and Windows 10 for about four days now. I've probably gone down five or six different rabbit-holes of troubleshooting, GRUB command-line fun, reinstalling and updating the BIOS, trying and failing to deal with VMX and locked NVram. As of now, my system boot-loops and fails to run Windows, but paradoxically I am able to get Ubuntu running, which is what I am using now.

    I'll try to provide as much relevant information here as I can:

    • Device: HP ZBook 17, gen 6
    • Primary OS: Windows 10 Home
    • Linux distro: Ubuntu Cinnamon 23.10
    • Ubuntu location: /dev/sda3
    • grub-install --version = 2.12~rc1-10ubuntu4
    • boot-repair Boot-info summary:
    • I'm more than happy to provide more information as it's requested.

    As of now, I am unable to run Windows through the BIOS. If I run via the dedicated SSD as I normally do, it boot-loops, and if I try to go through any other drives it just tells me I need to install an OS. I am currently able to run Ubuntu, but only by going through the following process:

    1. Startup menu
    2. Boot configuration
    3. Boot from EFI > Ubuntu > shimx64.efi

    At this point, I am happy with two outcomes to this scenario:

    1. I am able to run my laptop with Windows 10 as the primary OS, with the ability to dual-boot to Ubuntu Cinnamon 23.10.
    2. Assuming option 1 is impossible/requires a Herculean amount of work to pull off from this state, I am willing to scrub Windows 10 from my laptop and move forward with Cinnamon as my daily driver, though I am rather inexperienced in it. I can learn to move forward as I need to and run a VM or WINE for any Windows-specific processes I still need to do. But I would rather keep this option as my dead man's switch.
    Check out this super old #14 pizza pan I got from the family farm. I'm going to start refurbishing it today. Antique #14 cast iron pizza pan

    Discover the magic of the internet at Imgur, a community powered entertainment destination. Lift your spirits with funny jokes, trending memes, entertaining gifs, inspiring stories, viral videos, and so much more from users like anamericancomposer6.

    Antique #14 cast iron pizza pan
    Anyone know what this skillet is?

    Picked it up for a song recently. I suspect it to be a BSR but it's kind of weird. Also, why is it so clean and skinny? It looks like aluminum but it's labeled as CI.

    Just wanting to share this absolute steal I got today

    I just acquired a Vollrath #8 deep dryer with lid, in fantastic condition, just needing to be stripped and reseasoned. I see these going anywhere from $140 to $290 online.

    I got it for $40!!!

    Theory of Mind in toddlers

    I was curious about how one can begin to understand their child's sense of ToM. I've felt like my child is maybe a bit above the curve in terms of mental development (he is already capable of saying maybe 50-60 words, including names of 5 people and one dog, at 18 months old. He can also combine words to make contextually appropriate statements (for example: if I'm getting my coat on, he might say "daddy bye-bye" as if to say "Dad is leaving"). If he doesn't see his mother he might just say "mom-mom?" while raising his arms in the universal "who knows?" position—or he will say "mom-mom gone". I've been around several 18mos and it seems atypical to me that they're capable of these things so early.

    Well today he did something interesting. When he sits on the potty he likes to read a book, and just a few minutes ago I closed the door so I could go to the bathroom, and he slid a book under the bathroom door. Is it just automatic? Or is he forming some prototypical sense of "I like to read when I'm on the toilet, so I'll bring one for him since he is on the toilet"?

    Edit: I seem to have riled up some negative emotions in the readers on this community, for what reason I have no idea, but for what it's worth: I'm not trying to just brag about my child. If he's average that's awesome. I'm just trying to give context on what I see my kid does and use that to maybe try to understand how his mind works. It's a fascinating subject to me.

    Do all hearts pump 120 BPM with the same energy?

    "Stronger" hearts typically have a resting pump rate lower than that of weaker or less healthy ones. A healthy, athletic male might have a resting BPM of 60, while an otherwise healthy but post-partem female could be closer to 90.

    Would both of these hearts expend the same energy pumping 120 BPM? Would the healthier heart be theoretically expending more as it is acting in double-time, or would the weaker one be working harder as it is already inefficient at pumping blood?

    Linguistics Classy
    Local difference in pronunciation -- northern IN. Back me up here??

    I was discussing this with my fiance, and she agreed with me in that she also speaks English in this manner.

    I have found that, at least personally, I tend to speak several common homonyms in English in distinct ways: bear/bare, they're/there, where/ware. It's difficult to describe the differences in a concise way, but I'll do my best, and maybe use IPA where applicable, assuming I'm not using them incorrectly?

    The traditional pronunciation of bare is [ˈbɛr]. I would completely agree with this, and while the dictionary might also say bear is pronounced this way, I would argue that I often hear it more as [ˈber] — a more closed sound with the lips pulled back in a smile. Sure, sometimes people will lazily say both in the same manner, but if I say [ˈber], the listener is going to recognize in a vacuum that I am speaking of the furry mammal, not the term to describe a naked person.

    Similarly, there is rendered as [ðɚ]. There is a perfect rhyme with bare. I agree with this. However, they're is given the treatment of being a contraction of "they are", and it similarly has that closed sounded [e] instead of [ə].

    Am I crazy, or does anyone else out there experience English this way?

    General haircare help and product recommendations?

    ##Overview I have not cut my hair since 2018. I went to a stylist maybe 3 years ago to get my hair thinned but otherwise it's been just growing freely for many years. I've never had hair like this prior to now and any advice on treatment for it so it can be healthier would be appreciated.

    It's incredibly thick. When it's in a pony tail, at the base of my skull it is probably about 1"—1¼" diameter. I've never really been able to freely run my fingers or a straight comb through my hair, as it gets caught on random kinks or tangles along the way. I use a soft bristle wet hairbrush and it has been fantastic for controlling my hair.

    I notice texturally my hair tends to have a somewhat paradoxical feeling of being dry and oily at the same time. Even after shampooing, if I feel my hair, the skin on my hand will seem to have a bit of oily buildup on it. But even so, you can see that my hair is often frizzy and the physical sensation as I touch it is of it being rather dry.

    It often takes a bit of time to soak my hair when showering, maybe 3-4 minutes of running water. When wet, my hair sits at about my pec, and I've measured some follicles to be over 16" long, though when dry the hair bounces up significantly, barely touching my shoulders.

    ##Goals I would love my hair to not be so voluminous when dry. It is poofy, out of control. I just want it to sit down a little more so I can have it down without constantly battling it to not get in my face and mouth.

    I want my hair to feel smoother. Is silky a goal? Who knows. I've gotten a lot of compliments on my hair over the years and I feel like it could be much better looking than it is now.

    If kinkiness and tangles are an inevitable symptom of my hair type, so be it. Otherwise, I would really enjoy being able to run my hands through my hair without accidentally putting strands out in the process.

    Thank you for your consideration and time!

    Honda carburetor blues...

    I've been having a problem with my Honda GCV 160 recently.

    Neighbor was using it and accidentally ran over a bag, force stopping the motor. Cleaned the blades out and tried to run again, just spluttered but didn't turn over. It sat like that for a while, no luck on turning over.

    I took the carb apart and cleaned all of the components thoroughly with carb cleaner, reassembled and it actually ran nicely for about ten minutes. It then slowly revved down and stalled, and now it won't run again.

    Is it an air intake issue? Bad gas? I put a new air filter in, too.

    I just started using Linux... any great tips?

    I just installed Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS (Cinnamon) on an empty laptop a couple days ago and have been experimenting a lot. I'm coming from being a Windows user since I was just a little kid playing old DOS games on my grandpa's Win-98 PC back in around 2000. My daily driver is currently running Windows 10 but I am pretty adamant on not going with Win-11. I've been wanting to experiment with Linux for a while and Cinnamon so far seems like a lot of fun to navigate. Terminal is amazing. The fact that you can custom-write keyboard commands that can be hand-tailored to individual programs on your computer via the OS... that's powerful.

    I have not tried running WINE yet but I plan on doing so soon. I also have not done much of anything, honestly, except for learning how to search for programs with gnome-software --search=. I have also used sudo a couple times to download software here and there, but I know I am not tackling this in as systematic of a way as I ought to be to really figure this machine out.

    What are some really important basic commands I can use to start branching out into Terminal command structures and learning more about how I can edit and customize my computer? And if Cinnamon has shortfalls or weaknesses that I may run into eventually, what are some good alternative distros that I could leapfrog to eventually? I do not have any coding experience (currently), but I do consider myself a semi-power-user on Windows, having messed with CMD many times and digging through all the damn menus to access drivers and alter ports.

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