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Somehow snapchat for web doesn't support firefox đŸ€Š
  • People who hunt said predators.

  • The Art of Cartography
  • Looks like there’s also plenty of calligraphy involved.

  • This man is living the dream
  • If you’ve ever wondered what The Big Onion wants you to think and do, here’s your chance to find out.

  • Apple Reportedly Suspends Work on Vision Pro 2
  • When I’m docking my space ship in 3rd person view I really wish I had a better idea of how close I really am. A 2D display just doesn’t do a good job no matter how many pixels and fps I have. It’s not a 3 k€ problem, but a problem nonetheless.

  • Supermarket coffee marketing is getting
  • Once I saw a bag of over roasted beans from a small roaster. They screwed up the process and ended up with a batch that tasted like smoke, ash and charcoal. Instead of throwing it away, they decided to sell it instead.

  • Linus Torvalds Throws Down The Hammer: Extensible Scheduler "sched_ext" In Linux 6.11
  • Maybe you could use an LLM to filter out all the murder threats and curses while also adding all the necessary punctuation.

  • Apple will update iPhones for at least 5 years in rare public commitment
  • As opposed to the practices of which company?

    Giving only a few years of support is not a great practice, but that’s the world we live in. If we had fully open source phones, then the community could provide the updates for much longer, but there’s still a pretty long way to go in that regard.

  • xkcd #2942: Fluid Speech
  • Oh that’s just great. Two similar place names like that, and they also happen to be relatively close to each other. I can see how that could cause some confusion.

    Similarly, Kuhmo and Kuhmoinen (both in Finland) are about 446 km apart, but you can easily avoid the confusion as long as you know roughly which part of the country you’re talking about.

    There’s also Helsingborg (town in Sweden) and Helsinfors (swedish name for the capital of Finland). What could go wrong.

  • xkcd #2942: Fluid Speech
  • OMG, that makes it so much worse. If someone tells you about a specific place, and you want to look it up later, you have absolutely zero chance of ever spelling it correctly. Good luck typing lester or woster in Wikipedia or Maps.

  • xkcd #2942: Fluid Speech
  • I can only think if Toron(t)o. Never really thought about other towns doing the same thing.

  • xkcd #2941: Cell Organelles
  • Lithosphere and mantle. Got it. 👍

  • Fast food should be expensive.
  • A friend of mine switched from a dumb phone to a smart phone some time in around 2015. He said that the dumb phone was keeping him isolated from the rest of the world. He was unable to communicate with the with certain people because they were sending messages using whatsapp, facebook and all that modern spyware trash. It was too late to stick to a dumb phone back then, and now it’s even worse. If you want to isolate yourself from the people around you, a dumb phone has become an excellent tool to achieve that.

  • Fast food should be expensive.
  • Even though the reasons for buying these products are different, the mechanics are surprisingly similar.

    Here’s an example. A nicotine addict has to choose between keeping on smoking or going through the struggles of quitting. Someone driving a car has the choice of keeping the current job, or going through the trouble of finding a job that happens to be within cycling distance. People tend to pick the easier option, even though there are good reasons for going through all the trouble.

  • Fast food should be expensive.
  • It’s because of price elasticity, people are going to keep on buying cigarettes even if the price keeps on increasing. If smoking becomes as expensive as renting an apartment or owning a car, that’s when we’re going to see some decrease in cigarette consumption. At the moment, people also complain about electricity and gasoline prices, but I suspect those prices could double without hurting sales that much. Increasing them about 10X would probably cross a line and people would start using those resources as sparingly as possible.

  • What would an ENSH*TTIFIED Linux distro look like?
  • LOL. Those raid ads baked into the OS were just a cherry on top.

  • xkcd #2940: Modes of Transportation
  • Unicycles are clearly more dangerous than skis.

  • Wow, they're a paleo-veterinarian too!
  • Yes. It’s fakeception all the way.

  • Wow, they're a paleo-veterinarian too!
  • After all, there are fake doctors, so why not fake patients too? There’s also fake medicine, so all of it should work out perfectly.

  • Wow, they're a paleo-veterinarian too!
  • No internal organs either! Looks like they were all scooped out, as if this dino was being prepared for mummification.

    There’s also a clear fracture line in the chest. My guess is that’s where the chest pain was coming from.

  • Any news?

    Would like to know more about what’s going on with the development of this app? Any plans? How are things going? What sort of things will be the primary focus in the near future?

    The tiles

    Spoiler, there’s more.

    Location: Finland, Helsinki, PukinmÀki railway station

    Should you invest in a better grinder?

    If you're not quite sure about getting into coffee, you can get started with a small budget, and you can make a nice cup of coffee that way. Probabaly not a great cup, but a cup of coffee you'll find enjoyable at the time. Once you start experimenting with different variables and digging a bit deeper into different flavors, you may notice that you're not getting the same cup every time. That's when you start pushing the limit of what's possible with the equipment you have available, and you'll realize that using a cheap grinder is sort of like making you play this game in the hard mode.

    Examples: Using a cheap blender type grinder (blade grinder) means you can easily chop coffee to some unknown random particle size. You don’t pay much, but at least you can use recently roasted whole bean coffee, which is great. If you want to adjust the particle size in a specific way, that’s when it gets very tricky. Did you grind one second longer than last time? Too bad, now it’s way too fine and you’re getting a bitter cup as a result. Fortunately, you can easily fix that with milk, but as you start noticing more details in the taste profile, you start demanding more and more. Consequently, fixing mistakes with milk won’t be as appealing as it once was.

    Using a cheap hand grinder is a lot better than an electric blender. Once you set the screw at a specific position, you’ll get the same particle size every time, which is great for consistency. What if you decide to use a french press today, but tomorrow you want to switch back to pour over, moka pot or AeroPress? Too bad, the grinder has no markings on it, so you’ll just have to eye-ball the setting and hope for the best. That’s obviously easier than timing your blender perfectly every time, but it’s still not exactly easy to get great results.

    The solution: Eventually you’ll want to buy a burr grinder (electric or manual) with clear markings for different grind sizes.

    When to invest? Don’t spend any more money on better gear until you’ve already “needed” better gear a few times in order to fix something you’ve noticed in your cup. As long as you’re relatively happy with your current gear and the cup it produces, there’s no need to spend more on this hobby. However, when you start noticing new things, that’s the right time to buy something that really addresses a specific thing you have in mind.

    Summary: Get started with cheap gear and upgrade only when you think it’s necessary. Getting some random cup of coffee using cheap gear is easy, but getting a specific kind of cup with that gear is hard. Using more expensive gear will make it easier.

    Something else? This is based on my personal experiences, and your experiences may differ. This rule of thumb might apply to grinders, but it is not guaranteed to apply to other types of equipment. For instance, I don’t own an espresso machine, so I have no idea how price is reflected on the end result in that case.

    Opettavainen tarina siitÀ miten tavaroita tilataan muuhun kuin omaan kotiosoitteeseen

    Yksityisyyden vuoksi olen muutellut tarinasta yhtÀ sun toista. Oletetaan, ettÀ asun vaikka Espoossa, ja sukulaisia asuu KittilÀssÀ.

    LĂ€hdin sukulaisreissulle KittilÀÀn, ja vietĂ€n siellĂ€ aikaa noin kuukauden verran. SiellĂ€ ollessani pÀÀtin tilata sukulaiselle yhden jutun Ranskasta. Ajattelin, ettĂ€ vaikka paketin toimittamiseen meneekin yli viikko, olen vielĂ€ silloin KittilĂ€ssĂ€ vastaanottamassa, joten kaiken pitĂ€isi toimia ihan hyvin. Ilmoitin tilaukseen omat maksutietoni, mutta pistin toimitusosoitteeksi sukulaiseni osoitteen. Viime viikolla Ranskalainen firma ilmoitti, ettĂ€ paketti on lĂ€htenyt postiin ja kaikki nĂ€ytti hyvĂ€ltĂ€. Äsken lĂ€hetys ilmaantui myös postin kĂ€nnykkĂ€ohjelmaan, mutta siinĂ€pĂ€ kerrottiinkin, ettĂ€ paketti ei tulekaan KittilÀÀn, vaan Espooseen!

    Miten tÀhÀn pÀÀdyttiin ja kenen vika se oli? Aluksi ajattelin, ettÀ lÀhetyksestÀ vastaava firma ei taaskaan lukenut tilauksen tietoja, mutta tÀllÀ kertaa se firma ei edes saanut mitÀÀn muuta kuin tuon KittilÀn osoitteen. Aamukahvia hörpiskellessÀ pengoin kaikki mahdolliset tiedot tilauksesta ja hoksasin ettÀ Postilla on yksi aika jÀnnÀ kÀytÀntö.

    ”Viemme paketit valitsemaasi Omaan noutopisteeseen, jos

    • et ole valinnut verkkokaupassa noutopistettĂ€, vaan olet tilannut katuosoitteeseen ja
    • olet antanut puhelinnumerosi tilauksen yhteydessĂ€.”

    Toden totta, ihan kaikki ehdot tÀyttyivÀt, ja nyt paketti on matkalla aivan eri paikkaan kuin mihin sen halusin.

    1. Olen mÀÀritellyt oman noutopisteen, koska Espoossa ollessani haluan paketit aina tiettyyn paikkaan.
    2. Ranskalainen verkkokauppa ei tiedÀ mitÀÀn suomalaisista noutopisteistÀ, joten sellaista ei voinut valita siinÀ vaiheessa ollenkaan.
    3. Tilasin sen KittilÀssÀ olevaan katuosoitteeseen, koska siellÀhÀn vastaanottajakin on.
    4. Annoin oman puhelinnumeroni tilauksen yhteydessÀ, jotta sitÀ kautta voin seurata missÀ mennÀÀn. NÀin jÀlkeenpÀin ajateltuna olisi kai pitÀnyt laittaa sukulaisen numero tÀhÀn.

    Oletettavastikin Ranskalainen pakettifirama vielÀ liimasi pakettiin ihan oikean osoitetarran, mutta kun looda saapui Suomen rajan yli, Posti vetikin siitÀ aivan uudet johtopÀÀtökset. Kun siinÀ kerran on minun puhelinnumeroni, posti totesi, ettÀ sitÀ numeroa vastaava noutopiste on mÀÀritetty, joten katuosoite voidaan unohtaa kokonaan, ja paketti meneekin siis aikaisemmin mÀÀriteltyyn noutopisteeseen.

    Paketti saapuu pian Espooseen, ja tulee viemÀÀn siellÀ automaatista tilaa muilta lÀhetyksiltÀ. SitÀ sÀilytetÀÀn kai jotain viikon verran, mutta siinÀ vaiheessa minÀ olen kuitenkin vielÀ KittilÀssÀ, joten tuokaan pelivara ei lohduta.

    Paketin toimitusosoitetta voi vaihtaa lennosta, mutta vain lÀhettÀjÀ voi tehdÀ semmoisen tempun; ei vastaanottaja. Paketille voi teoriasssa ostaa lisÀÀ sÀilytysaikaa, mutta en ole löytÀnyt sellaista vaihtoehtoa vielÀ mistÀÀn. Minun tapauksessani sitÀ pitÀisi kai ostaa ainakin 2 viikkoa lisÀÀ. Maanantaina pitÀÀ ottaa yhteyttÀ asiakaspalveluun, niin nÀhdÀÀn miten tÀmÀ sekasotku korjataan. EipÀ olisi arvannut, ettÀ yhden paketin tilaaminen menisi nÀin monimutkaiseksi.

    GPT told me to break my system

    In my case, there are 95 packages that depend on zlib, so removing it is absolutely the last thing you want to do. Fortunately though, GPT also suggested refreshing the gpg keys, which did solve the update problem I was having.

    You gotta be careful with that psycho!

    Which task would be ideal for an LLM such as chatGPT?

    Here's some context for the question. When image generating AIs became available, I tried them out and found that the results were often quite uncanny or even straight up horrible. I ended up seeing my fair share of twisted fingers, scary faces and mutated abominations of all kinds.

    Some of those pictures made me think that since the AI really loves to create horror movie material, why not take advantage of this property. I started asking it to make all sorts of nightmare monsters that could have escaped from movies such as The Thing. Oh boy, did it work! I think I've found the ideal way to use an image generating AI. Obviously, it can do other stuff too, but with this particular category, the results are perfect nearly every time. Making other types of images usually requires some creative promptcrafting, editing, time and effort. When you ask for a "mutated abomination from Hell", it's pretty much guaranteed to work perfectly every time.

    What about LLMs though? Have you noticed that LLMs like chatGPT tend to gravitate towards a specific style or genre? Is it longwinded business books with loads of unnecessary repetition or is it pointless self help books that struggle to squeeze even a single good idea in a hundred pages? Is it something even worse? What would be the ideal use for LLMs? What's the sort of thing where LLMs perform exceptionally well?

    Which prediction was supposed to happen already?

    During covid times I heard many interesting conspiracy predictions such as the value is money will fall to zero, the whole society will collapse, the vaccine will kill 99% of the population etc. None of those things have happened yet, but can you add some other predicitons to the list?

    Actually, long before covid hit, there were all sorts of predictions floating around. You know, things like the 2008 recession will cause the whole economy to collapse and then we’ll go straight to Mad Max style post-apocalyptic nightmare or 9/11 was supposed to start WW3. I can’t even remember all the predictions I’ve heard over the years, but I’m sure you can help me out. Oh, just remembered that someone said that paper and metal money will disappear completely by year xyz. At the time that date was like only a few years away, but now it’s more like 10 years ago or something. Still waiting for that one to come true

    Hamartiogonic Hamartiogonic

    Who reads this anyway? Nobody, that’s who. I could write just about anything here, and it wouldn’t make a difference. As a matter of fact, I’m kinda curious to find out how much text can you dump in here. If you’re like really verbose, you could go on and on about any pointless...[no more than this]

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