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What games did you have a good time with that you just never finished?
  • The legend of Zelda Twilight princess.

    I finished the last dungeon, collected all the extra stuff and every side quest I could find. I literally got right up to the lead up to the final Gannon fight... Then I was like "meh, I'm done".

  • NASA finds humanity would totally fumble asteroid defense
  • We aren't even capable of caring for one another, let alone the EASIEST to maintain, most naturally human friendly habitat we would ever encounter in the cosmos as we evolved to fit it.

    I would argue that having 8 billion people in the same place makes earth the hardest place to live in some ways.

    One of the options that space habitats would allow for is smaller communities. What if you lived in a space station with roughly the population of a city? Your community wouldn't necessarily need to be affiliated with other communities to make up a "country", but it could be. Your community would have that option. And if the community is not geographically connected to the other members of its nation, there's no reason they couldn't change their mind, join a different country if you're views seem better aligned. For the first time humans would have opt-in governance.

    Would opt-in governance lead to a more stable society? Would not being stuck geographically near communities with opposing views lead to less violent aggression? I don't know, but I hope so.

  • Five Men Convicted of Operating Massive, Illegal Streaming Service That Allegedly Had More Content Than Netflix, Hulu, Vudu and Prime Video Combined
  • You know, I've heard this gospel before, I might still have the pamphlet...

    Honestly, I haven't really looked into jellyfin yet. I hear it's superior in some way... But I already have Plex all set up and I have 4 friends with servers and we all share content. So it would take a lot for me to switch.

  • NASA finds humanity would totally fumble asteroid defense
  • Yeah, I think that really it wouldn't be the "global community" that ends up saving the world in an asteroid impact scenario.

    It would likely be an organization that could operate on its own without endless committees. Say, the Chinese space agency, or SpaceX, or the Indian space agency. Someone would decide to just do it, without getting the whole world's approval for the mission. Then the whole world would complain that the effort was made without any international cooperation or oversight. And the organization that literally saved the world would get chewed out by everyone because inevitably the plan will not have worked perfectly.

    But I'm not worried, because even billionaires don't want to die. Someone would do something.

  • NASA finds humanity would totally fumble asteroid defense
  • We're also the best around at improving our environments.

    I know it's easy to be pessimistic about these things, but humans are evolutionary badasses. We're capable of amazing things. I wouldn't count us out just yet.

    Besides we haven't really ruined anything. We haven't done any damage to the earth that won't heal eventually. The earth has seen many heading and coming cycles and plenty of mass extinctions before and it will again (with or without humans).

  • NASA finds humanity would totally fumble asteroid defense
  • As a species, we aren't going to spread out there.

    Well not with that attitude!

    Yeah, space is hard and yeah mistakes have been made along the way. But things are definitely changing. Reusable rockets are nearly here... Between spaceX, rocket lab and stoke aerospace, there is real potential for these rockets to work. Hell, SpaceX has already conducted a successful orbital test flight.

    With reusable rockets we'll start to see a drastic reduction in the cost to get to orbit, probably by two orders of magnitude, but possibly even more. With the cost down people will reassess the value of space and the resources available there. In other words, people will start doing more in space, and getting more from space. Resource collection, refining and specialized manufacturing are three most likely industries to start expanding into space. Once there is work to be done there it will begin to make sense for people to live there.

    As a species, we aren't going to spread out there.

    Not today, no. But within my lifetime, I expect we will. Remember, change is usually slow and this would constitute the most profound change in human history.

  • Elon Musk Begs Advertisers to Return as Twitter's Revenue Plunges
  • It's hard to feel disappointed about something you don't really care about. That is to say, the reason I feel disappointed is because I like this community and I want it to be a place for civil discourse. Conversely, I've given up on Reddit, so nothing that happens there can really disappoint me any more, I no longer care about it.

    I'm not going to make a fuss about something that doesn't impact me, but I will make a fuss about something I believe in, like Lemmy.

  • Elon Musk Begs Advertisers to Return as Twitter's Revenue Plunges
  • Google "any name Nazi" and you'll get results. The question was what are you referring to.

    Also, I can't believe this community would down vote anyone for asking for sources, that's disgusting. I'm disappointed Lemmy.

  • Biden Campaign Ad Calls Attention to Trump’s Felon Status
  • FFS, I'm not actually advocating for eugenics.

    Perfect, then we're on the same page. So in the future, when you don't mean it, just don't say it. The more civil we can keep the conversation, the more likely we are to have any kind of useful discussion and actual understanding.

    Also, this part:

    I'm saying those people are dumbfucks and probably spreading their dumbfuckery to their kids.

    That's still doubling down on the previous statement... It's not really more productive.

  • It's Time to Start Using the Term 'Palestinian Civilian' Correctly
  • How exactly do you fight a terrorist organization who uses children as both soldiers and human shields without any sort of civilian casualties?

    Probably with more nuance than bombing entire neighborhoods...

    Seriously, there is absolutely no possible ethical excuse for what Israel is doing. Right now the IDF is pretty indistinguishable from the SS. Genocide is genocide and Israel has come all the way from victim to perpetrator. The irony and reality of it is making the rest of the world sick, the only question is, why isn't it doing the same to the people of Israel?

  • SpaceX's Starlink May Be Keeping the Ozone From Healing, Research Finds
  • Why would you think that?

    When I fire up the grill, I don't do calculations on how much weight in CO2 I'm putting into the air and then extrapolate that to find the total mass of CO2 that grills generate globally. I usually just make burgers.

    That space engineer made sure that they were on the right side of the rocket equation and they made it to orbit (which is hard on its own).

    I agree that thorough environmental studies really ought to be happening, but I'm not surprised that aspects got missed.

  • SpaceX's Starlink May Be Keeping the Ozone From Healing, Research Finds
  • As opposed to acting before you understand the effects of your actions? Neither seem like good choices.

    Probably the best option would be to research harder. Make the polluter fund a much larger scale research program to understand the problem and viable solutions as quickly as possible.

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