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Poly Cop
bffr and look up what solidarity is
  • Why you into politics if u cant read a paragraph or two??

  • Why the NSA Is Right About Periodically Restarting Your Smartphone
  • This! Actually a great feature on GrapheneOS, been using it for over a year now.

  • No Smoking >:(
  • I want this sign

  • doesn't help that I know Spanish
  • FrancΓͺs Γ© pior

  • The virgin Marx vs The Chad Marcus Aurelius
  • I hope this is a shitpost...

  • Why do you think they don't show Brave here?
  • No Internet Explorer either, and it has a bigger market share than Brave... Not everything Mozilla does is some evil conspiracy, they just put their browser on a table comparing it to its biggest competitors. Please go outside.

  • How do I prevent others random device suggestions in Public Areas?
  • Why is this getting downvoted? I get that it doesn't provide a reasonable solution for most people, but I think they have a point. Bluetooth itself is anything but private or secure, and you should at least disable it while no devices are connected.

  • Just a little tired
  • Just a little fried...

  • Recursive authentication
  • Just switch to Android/AOSP lol I've heard good things about Raivo Authenticator for Apple devices, although I've never used it myself.

  • When pressing the power button makes you powerless
  • Never said it was user friendly, just pointed out it's an option that exists. And it's a good thing that this isn't user friendly tbh, you dont want to run Windows without updates, if you care that much, just use Linux.

  • A word that western media will keep refusing to use

    I find it infuriating how the west never recognizes the fact that what israel is doing to the Palestinians is a genocide. Every nation, institution or person that willfully ignores this genocide and the fact that israel should face UN intervention for it is complicit.

    How to Download and Play Nintendo Switch games on PC (Windows and Linux)

    An easy and quick setup for emulating Nintendo Switch games on PC (on Windows and Linux systems). Keep in mind that accurate Switch emulation requires a fairly good CPU. I also recommend using an adblocker for this guide.

    Setup Yuzu Emulator

    1. Install Yuzu Emulator
    2. Install the Keys
    • Download the .key files here
    • Open your Yuzu installation folder and move the two .key files to /Yuzu/Keys
    1. Setup your games folder
    • Create a folder for your Switch games
    • Open Yuzu Emulator, double click to add a games folder and select the folder you created.
    1. Setup input emulation
    • Open Yuzu>Emulation>Configure>Controls
    • Select your preferred input device, the emulated controller, and assign a key to each button on the emulated controller, then press save.
    1. Graphics settings
    • The default graphics settings should work well enough
    • If you're having issues with a specific game try switching between Vulkan and Opengl
    • If you're facing performance issues, make sure asynchronous GPU emulation and shader building are enabled. You can also try changing the cpu and graphics accuracy.

    Download Games

    1. You can download Nintendo Switch game files from Ziperto
    2. Extract the files
    • If you're on Windows, you can use 7zip to extract multiple .rar files.
    1. Move them to your games folder


    You can alternatively just download a repack from Fitgirl's small switch library, which has everything setup already. I only recommend this if there's only one switch game you want to play, and you're on Windows 10.


    1. Check Yuzu's game compatibility list
    2. You can leave a comment, make a post or send me a message if you have an issue.
    New /c/Pirated_Games community on Lemmy PiratedGames - Lemmy

    A community dedicated to discussing game piracy and providing useful resources. # Game Sources Windows Games - Repack Sites - Fitgirl Repacks [] - Dodi Repacks [] - Masquerade Repacks [] - Darck Repacks [https://darckrepa...

    PiratedGames - Lemmy

    An alternative to reddit's r/PiratedGames. Feel free to discuss or share useful resources about game piracy or ask any questions. Check the sidebar for some useful links.

    ComradePedro unfinished | πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ

    πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Ή | he / him

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