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They’re finally talking about replacing Biden
  • I totally forgot about Teh Klob.

  • They’re finally talking about replacing Biden
  • Tell me who's turn it is! Say it! hillary-assassin

  • The recent uptick in "lolcow" Content.
  • lolcow content goes back to the issue of cringe culture being popular for a long time on the internet. Its why I think no community big or small should tolerate that kind of content being posted because its pipeline to becoming 4chan.

  • digital price gouging
  • First, that's a great way to lose all trust your customers have in you and make them go to a different store.

    You really need to visit some rural parts of my country to see how they are food deserts only served by predatory companies like Walmart. During the early 00's it was a common story for Walmart to run local business out of the area due to being able to use economy of scale to drive down prices. Just imagine living in a town where the only place to buy food was Walmart, fast food chains, or dollar stores.

    Second, I'm pretty sure that's illegal.

    I just looked it up and the Netherlands has Uber unless I have old information. You do know they use surge pricing as their business model right? Companies like Walmart look at these business models and want to transition to them because they work. Its the boil the frog slowly approach to capitalism.

    On the plus side for you Americans and Canadians, maybe you can finally get rid of that habit of showing product prices excluding tax.

    I am not making excuses only giving an explanation. Please consider I am not defending this in the slightest just giving information. A human worker costs less than a digital tag if they are also paid to organize the shelving and stock. Also consider the United States has taxes that changed on the county and state level. National chains don't show taxes because you can literally drive 15 minutes and be in a different area with a different sales tax laws. These taxes can range from standard sales tax to a PIF tax that gets added based on a time window. Most of our country does not use electronic tagging and the systems used to update them are not as dynamic as you think when they do have them. This post is an excellent example of this because just think of how big Walmart is in my country. They are just now swapping over to them and only with the idea of changing their pricing model.

  • The Oklahoma Department of Education can't log in to its own website because the person who had the password left and didn't give it to anyone. They haven't been able to login for 2 years.
  • IT Staff: "Hey this person is leaving should we do knowledge transfer?"

    People running things: "Naw IT is a waste of money and does nothing. Why would we want to waste more money to pay someone to explain how the system works?"

    This conversation has happened a non zero amount of times in my life.

  • God Emperor of Dune meme
  • Shame that you missed coloring your path gold.

  • Really makes you think v2a
  • Thanks I was sort of not getting this one too but Kumikommunism gave me some context and now this makes a little more sense.

  • Really makes you think v2a
  • Thanks for explaining it like that to me. I think I understand it now.

  • Really makes you think v2a
  • Can someone spell this one out for one of your neurodivergent comrades? Like is this some sort of sarcasm about the topics they are talking about?

  • The duality of man
  • Real "No, we have Bluey at home" vibes for sure! Gods you make me laugh just thinking of it.

  • stephen colbert did a "skibidi biden" bit, it's even worse than it sounds
  • Looks like I have something to talk about in group therapy today

  • r/selfawarewolves
  • My insurance provider site tells me I can go to a Target clinic and still be covered by them.

  • What book is he reading?
  • The one writtern by Ryan "Northernlion" Letourneau?

  • What book is he reading?
  • My cringe Sonic slashfic with Luigi that I wrote in the 7th grade?

  • Netflix Windows app is set to remove its downloads feature, while introducing ads
  • Hahahahaha, I love that one! Its funny how one extention to flash is remembered as utter dog water people had to deal with while you had something like when Macromedia Shockwave popped off. It literally kicked off a generation of hobbiest programmers making games. Now for my personal hot take. Sure there were bad things about flash but to me when it was killed we lost a lot of accessibility for normal people to break into programming.

    EDIT: Sorry if this comment seems out there I just started some new meds that sort of fuck with my brain case a little. When my fog has lifted I might rewrite it.

  • Still Bothered By These Problem?
    • Stolen by squirrel
    • Get broken
    • Waste the seeds
    • Waste your time
    Steve Jobs's cancer should have killed him earlier.

    Alternative title is Steve Job's is an asshole for killing Flash.

    I am 5 beers deep right now so let me get on with this hottake. It was wrong to kill Flash because literally nothing has replaced it. It's murderer was Steve jobs in the end because it worked like shit on the iPhone. Even when they worked with Adobe on the port they could not get it to work. Check out the link it talks about it in there.

    One of the lines that caught my eye in there was "by almost any definition, Flash is a closed system". The man who created the most closed system on the planet has the gall to say this line, and people still believe it to this day. The reason why Flash was so invasive was because the language that drove it was a simplified version of JavaScript. It was made so easy that it took a bit of hardware to run. They later used it for UI graphics in video games because it could present things so easily. What we got to replace it was JavaScript + HTML5. From a sysadmins perspective JavaScript is full of nothing but pitfalls for new players to the point it seems like its written that way.

    I want you to think back to all the jank flash games you played like Happy Wheels. Yea we kind of get those games in Unity but not at the replability as older flash games. Do you remember playing Elona Shooter before even finding out what the Elona series was about? Did Nanaca✝Crash make you wish for all those hours of your life back? Do I age myself by talking about these things? I think part of what makes the internet so good is how accessible it is to do things with it. Killing a language that only lets more people do shit is a sin.

    Thanks for reading. I am probably gonna tap out after this because its late so I will check my inbox for replies. If you want anything out of me you have to find out on the next episode of CoolYori Z!

    What is art?

    For me its a Mitsubishi DA-A7DC Stereo Power Amplifier.

    KFC's website chewing me out about using an adblocker

    If small mom and pop websites ran by starving artists cannot shame me into turning it off to see their factor75 banner what makes you think I will do it for you?

    Shoutouts to my Guatemalan Comrades

    I just found this salsa at my local grocery store and its so flavorful. I enjoy how thick it is as well as the fact its not vinegar based. I have a big bottle of the green one too but this is the first one I have cracked open. I am super excited to see what it all goes with since it feels so versatile.

    Hats in politics

    MAGA hats are trash. Gore/Lieberman 2000 is where its at.

    Submachine: Legacy - Just released HD remake of a 2005 title Save 10% on Submachine: Legacy on Steam

    Submachine is a hand-drawn point and click adventure game. You find yourself in a vast network of desolate locations containing puzzles, secrets, notes and inventory items to collect to help you along the way. Follow the story of a banished lighthouse keeper to discover his descent into ruins.

    Save 10% on Submachine: Legacy on Steam


    Today I bring you a treat that is beyond any words I can put here. My hands are so flappy with excitement that I almost cannot keep them on the keyboard.

    Submachine: Legacy made by Mateusz Skutnik has finally been released. I had no idea that this was dropping today until I saw it in steam. It is an HD remake of the original "point and click" Submachine games that originally released in 2005 done in Shockwave. I have not touched them since then because flash emulation of Shockwave games is still trash.

    From what I remember there is 10 games and a few side stories. If games like Myst or The Room interest you then I would check this one out. I am normally not a fan of "Myst Clones" and can count the ones on a single hand that are worth it and this is one of them. Let me know in the comments if you do pick it up and play it. I want to hear what you think!

    CoolYori CoolYori [she/her]

    Just an autistic trans girl making stupid comments on the internet.

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