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The Antinatalism subreddit basically promoting eugenics against autistic people
  • Well if it makes you feel better, I don't plan to have children. I don't feel physically nor emotionally capable of it, and even if I was, I'd vastly prefer to simply adopt. I was simply speaking for myself on that last part, because if life is that cruel to the point that children shouldn't be born like me (be it as neurodivergent, a woman, or ace, considering the above), then why should I exist either? Because I refuse to go out without clawing at the system first.

    Nor do I have anything to say on your experiences, because again, as autism is a spectrum I can't speak on them in an educated fashion. Not that I'm not tempted to, and actually did somewhat against my own better wisdom in a post I deleted (among other things I quickly regretted). But ultimately I can't speak on when one thinks a life equivalent to theirs is "fair" to live, merely when an argument for such is too broad.

    Let's take workplace struggles. So does sexual harassment not count as disrupting workflow? Or the fact that women are observably taken less seriously than men and verbally abused more? What about transgender people who are outed in the workplace against their will, or can't get their deadname changed on their paperwork? What about gender and racial pay disparity? What about people who have their applications rejected for having "ethnic" names? Do you think autistic people are the only ones to ever struggle with a job for reasons outside their own control? And this is in the "good" countries. In the "bad" countries, autistic people aren't the ones who have to worry about being killed for loving the wrong person or not wearing a hat.

    Also, out of curiosity, have you talked to your friends about how you think they shouldn't have children? What have they said on it?

  • The Antinatalism subreddit basically promoting eugenics against autistic people
  • Well if it makes you feel better, I'm not planning to have kids, certainly not giving birth, and was merely speaking to my own continued existence on that last part rather than anyone else's. After all, if autistic existence is so terrible that children should never be born with it, then why should I still be alive? Because perhaps, just perhaps, there's still something I can do about it other than simply go away, regardless of if anyone wants me to or not.

    If I had a child, it would be out of love, not hate. But I feel neither physically nor emotionally responsible enough for the task, nor do I feel desperate enough to carry on my own genes to not try to give that love to someone that already exists and was abandoned by those who should have cared for them instead of some new wholecloth being instead. But I don't see the point in spiting people who feel different, either.

    The truth is, people suffer. And the argument about location can be offered conversely. You generally won't get killed for being autistic, at least not at this specific moment in history, but you can be in many places for being gay or for not conforming to repressive social norms as a woman. And even in places where they aren't, is your workflow not sabotaged by being sexually harassed? Is someone's workflow not disrupted by being unwillingly outed as transgender in the workplace, or by the staff refusing to change paperwork from their deadname? Do women not statistically get paid less for the same jobs as men? Do women not also get their workflow disrupted by being taken observably less seriously and getting verbally abused more while doing the same jobs as men? Do resumes not get rejected for having names that "sound foreign?"

    And even if you got rid of all that, people aren't going to stop suffering. Even if every autistic child, every LGBTQ child, every child from every local minority and every little girl were prevented from existing, humanity would still find new ways to segregate and torment whatever little remained. And for that matter, that behavior is mirrored in the animal kingdom as well. Short of wiping life itself clean, it's not really possible to prevent suffering. And at that point, aren't you just causing the most suffering of all?

    And yet. Humanity is special because of the capacity to recognize that the status quo is wrong, and to iterate upon it. 100 years ago, the acceptance seen towards women and the LGBTQ+ community in "the good" places was nonexistent. 200 years ago, overt and public ownership of other human beings as cattle was seen as a social norm. Braille is put up for the blind, subtitles for the deaf, ramps and automatic doors for the paralyzed. There was a time when being gay was diagnosed as a mental disorder, and if women were insubordinate they were diagnosed with the mental disorder of hysteria and lobotomized. And yet? Some people decided, stubbornly, that the solution wasn't to keep tolerating the status quo.

    Not to say that autism cannot be more of a burden than most other things depending on the person. Again, it's a spectrum. It's not for me to speak on how it feels to be someone else. But the fact that it's a spectrum also means that there's no line. At what point does a person have the "right" genes to carry a child? At what point is it "fair?" Because clearly people who are "carriers" are a no-go as well in your books, and a huge chunk of the global population is autistic. And if you count every person who has at least one disability or allergy or genetic disease or general disadvantage in society, that's just about every genetic line at that point outright. Human genetics is inherently flawed. So is the only answer to engineer humanity to be perfect, then? And if so, what defines "perfection?" Work productivity in a late-stage capitalist society?

    For my part, I wholeheartedly agree with your decision to not have children as well. But it's not because you're autistic. There are billions of people on this planet, and it's no one's responsibility to keep that number ticking up. Having a child should be the choice of someone who believes that the world is worth living in for that child. To lack that and still press on would be an act of cruelty to parent and child alike.

    Although I do wonder. Have you talked with your friends about how you feel about autistic individuals having children to your friends? How do they feel? Do they agree that they wish they'd never been born, as you do?

  • The Antinatalism subreddit basically promoting eugenics against autistic people
  • "Remind me when we're not going be in a system which refuses to treat X properly" is honestly, uh. Your other arguments are honestly strongly tied to neurodivergency being a spectrum and thus outside of my personal experience to speak on one way or another, but I just can't abide by this one. The system is fundamentally stacked against women and the LGBTQ+ community as well. Should people stop having girls as children, as some countries have actively attempted for cultural reasons? Should people continue searching for "the gay gene" as they have historically in order to eliminate homosexuality? Should one want to bring an "innocent kid" into existence fearing walking alone at night, or fearing being beaten to death if they visit the wrong place? Oppression is NOT an argument against the existence of a group, regardless of all else. And said oppression is the exact reason why eugenics is coming to mind for people in the first place. Because this line of logic basically posits that if it's harder to live as a minority, one should simply get rid of minorities entirely.

    I'm sure plenty of people would be happier if they were born straight or white as well. But how much of that is inherent, and how much of that is a product of the system? Even if you consider neurodivergency to be actively disabling, being blind is a disability and many blind people still find joy and pride in their existence, even to the point of spurning the idea of a cure.

    And heck, I'm clinically depressed. Without active medication, it can be very easy to slip into the idea that it'd hurt a lot less if I simply wasn't here. That because of my neurodivergency among other issues, I can never accomplish anything. Sometimes even with medication, I still feel that way. But somehow, posts like this actually steel my resolve to fight that. Because your argument basically pointed out that at least some of the voices telling every neurodivergent person that they're a failure aren't ours. And however seemingly futile the action is, that means there's something to rebel against. And there's nothing like existing as an act of spite to help keep one going, at least a little.

  • Revealed: US pro-birth conference’s links to far-right eugenicists
  • Oh, phrenology's been back for a while. Or at the very least, these idiots have been taking tape measures to bones because of bigoted nonsense. Phrenology in the historical sense might actually be too complex for them.

    Incel communities have long been touting the existence of a dating appeal hierarchy based on "canthal tilt" and "hunter eyes." They believe that you're born more or less likely to pick up "Stacies" based on the subtle shape of your eyebrows and chin. Meanwhile, "transvestigators" take the "we can always tell" insistence of transphobes to such insane depths that they think they can tell from photographs and video that every person they see on TV is transgender and secretly part of a literal satanic cult because of minute observations that they think they're making about celebrity bone structure. Oh, yeah, and it's a huge staple of transphobia just in general. "Transvestigators" have just raised it to what they think is an art form, but is really just raw, concentrated delusion.

    Never underestimate the depths of pseudoscience to which people will stoop in order to create out-groups. You will always be disappointed.

  • Female makes cake, male does not like cake. Twitter declares total war.
  • Sometimes I hate being on the autistic spectrum, because I KNOW I'd end up making the same scene that this guy did and launch into the exact same petty argument. Well. . .probably. I'm a woman in my case, so I might just be stuck baking the cake myself and never have it come up. It's not that, to use this guy's situation as an example, vanilla is bad, it's that once something is decided, it gets baked (heh) into my head, so any deviation from what was explicitly established throws me off hard enough that I start feeling way less logical and appreciative than I would otherwise and acting like a child.

    Granted, the response from the woman (and the response neurotypicals tend to give to pushback over minor situations in general) confuses me anyway. It's. . .cake? It's not that serious? Since I'm also PICKY, I also very much get having to quickly cover my blunt comments with "I'm not saying this because of anything wrong with your cooking, I swear, the dish was cooked well and looked great, I'm just super finicky and dislike (insert ingredient here)." Which. . .apparently wasn't enough in this case? Like, it's not personal. It's REALLY not personal. If I say I'm not in the mood for vanilla today, it means I'm just not in the mood for vanilla today. I assume it's the same for this guy. No one is trying to "embarrass you in front of your kids." How does that reflect on you? You're not the one eating around a line of vanilla and complaining about home cooking made with love. THAT'S embarrassing. When I eat around stuff, I KNOW I look like a clown and just hope no one cares. Then she tried to intimidate him by threatening to stop doing something nice for him and he. . .gave an admittedly pretty rude but also perfectly fair response in the heat of the moment? Like, he DID overreact, and it's weird he didn't notice in retrospect, but HUMANS overreact just by nature, and the response to this both privately and publicly is enough to make me live in existential terror because holy crap, THIS is all it takes to be a pariah?

    Is all this drawing battle lines in the sand between neurotypical and neurodivergent people? Finicky people and people who just scoop up anything on their plate? Both? Considering all the women responding to the question, is it partially because he's a guy and there's some kind of subtext of assumed misogyny, so to a degree I DON'T have to worry about this? Or is there something else here I'm missing?

    EDIT All of which is to say, his behavior was still BAD, and frankly I think he lacks a shocking amount of self awareness, I just GET it. Frankly, I SUPER agree with some of the other comments here that say the core issue here is a communication issue. Neither of these people know how to explain their side, so it's just. . .two people getting progressively angrier at each other and it turning into a mess.

  • When you order a tuna fish sandwich, do you say "tuna" or "tuna fish"?
  • I'm in camp "Midwestern American who says tuna fish". . .but I'm also right there with the person that said they don't order them and tuna fish sandwiches are something made at home.

    For the record, I don't know why the fish part is specified. It just always was. It's not like my family called it a "can of tuna fish" growing up or anything. It's just the sandwiches. Put that tuna between two slices of bread and suddenly the word "fish" gets thrown in there. Maybe it just sounds more fun if you add more syllables? Either that or somebody in the region had to explain that tuna was a kind of fish years and years ago and it just stuck.

  • How would Jabba Bagels look like?
  • Well, Jabba is wide, wrinkly, and tapers off at the end, so,


    "But that's not a bagel-"

    Jabba is also a crime lord, and thus does not care about your laws.


  • Follower mod Gore apparently ceases development, locks comment section due to ongoing harassment - UPDATE 2: Gore Development Resumed, new Reddit thread dropped, OLD REDDIT THREAD WAS MISINFORMATION Gore

    Gore is a fully voiced, lore-friendly, standalone follower I have spent the last six months writing. This mod is dedicated to my friend, Eden 'Solaria' Knight. You will never not be loved.

    Look, if this post is too heavy for this community, feel free to remove it. Admittedly this is a very serious subject, and it occupies something of a grey area regarding suitable discourse that I'm uncertain of. But Gore is one of the more popular of the recent batch of follower mods to hit the Nexus, and it's because this situation is so serious that I feel there needs to be greater attention brought to it.

    For those who aren't familiar, Gore was a follower written both as a way for the mod author to express deeply personal feelings about traumatic experiences that occurred in their own life and as a memorial to a transgender friend of theirs who passed away. In order to be welcoming to the greatest possible audience, Gore had dialog options in order to refer to players by non-binary pronouns, and in response to some backlash against the above, Gore's dev also uploaded optional textures that could be used to add top surgery scars to Gore, implying that Gore himself was transgender.

    I imagine that these traits attracted a certain. . .audience of individuals who found the premise unpalatable.

    Regardless of what one personally thinks about a follower being handled in the way Gore was, the fact that the situation ended in this manner concerns me deeply. Harassing not just the individual themselves, but someone's real life contacts over a follower mod being written in a divisive way is terrifying, and it sets a nightmarish precedent for how the Skyrim modding community might conduct itself in the future. I feel the need to discuss what happened here because not acknowledging issues like this just leads to them festering further.

    The community here at Lemmy is small. But I think we should put our best foot forward in holding ourselves to a high standard. We should strive to maintain a civil, friendly demeanor not just on Lemmy, but in the Skyrim community as a whole. To that end, it's important to know what behavior is not civil and friendly, and what situations we should do our best to try to put a stop to if we see signs of it ramping up in the wild. Harassment of this nature is very much one of those situations. So I'd like to propose this. Let's do whatever little we can to ensure that a situation like this never happens again. If harassment is against the rules/TOS of a website, it should be reported. And if not, I strongly recommend pushing back against it. The Skyrim modding community deserves to be a place where people can feel safe. Let's make sure it is one.

    EDIT It appears that development on Gore has resumed.

    There is. . .a lot to unpack, but the TL;DR of it is that the people that Gore's mod author has accused of targeting his friends and family were a pair of women that he also claims had an unrequited crush on him and targeted him for that reason??? And in response, those two women have in turn accused him of being the one to have a creepy unrequited crush on them and that have threatened to doxx them and have posted on a now-deleted Reddit thread outlining their side of the story. This story seems highly plausible on its face, however one of the two accused individuals has been going back and making posts and edits after the thread has already closed that make her narrative increasingly shaky. Most notably, she claimed that another follower mod author named RabbittWinri was opposed to her repeatedly bringing up information about a third party because RabbittWinri was afraid said third party would be targeted by Gore's developer and his friends, which I personally decided to confront RabbitWinri about and received an incredibly blunt and noticeably confused response denying.


    The evidence posted against Gore's developer has been revealed to be highly manipulated. The Reddit moderator that previously trusted the women who pressed counter-allegations against him has confirmed the legitimacy of this. I'm posting in bold text because considering the misinformation we've been fed, this update is important. =====================================================

    New information can be found HERE:

    Part of my speculative discussion in the comments below this post involved suspicions of malicious editing in an image. AS IT TURNS OUT, THIS IS OUTRIGHT CONFIRMED TO APPLY TO THE AUDIO FILES, THE MOST DAMNING PART OF THE INITIAL REDDIT THREAD


    The new Reddit thread also contains a full transcript of events compiled by a different moderator than the one involved in the post, for those hard of hearing.

    In case it isn't clear, I would also like to point out that it's Alarycia's testimony that was refuted in the full footage which is now available. My own research turned up flaws in mookymilk's narrative. So it seems that both of them really were lying in tandem for some reason.

    Xelzaz - Custom Fully Voiced Argonian Telvanni Follower just released a commentary patch for quest mod Sirenroot! Xelzaz - Custom Fully Voiced Argonian Telvanni Follower

    Xelzaz is a Custom Fully Voiced Argonian Lawman of House Telvanni with ~6350 lines. He is on his way to Rivenspire in High Rock, having traveled all the way from Port Telvannis in Morrowind. Xelzaz ha

    Trailer for Xelzaz's Sirenroot Patch can be found here:

    I've been following the news on this particular patch for a while now on the official Xelzaz Discord server, so I'm pretty excited to see that it's finally come out! From a couple of the comments that Xelzaz's author BluePwnsU made during development, it seems like there was some specific coding implemented to make sure that Xelzaz doesn't fall behind while you complete all the parkour puzzles that Sirenroot uses, as well as some other more specific things implemented for more spoilery, plot-related purposes. All in all, it apparently came out to around 160 lines of dialog in total, which is quite a lot for one quest!

    Sirenroot is already a quest mod with a lot of hype behind it, so Xelzaz getting a patch for it is going to add yet another layer to the experience.

    What player home mods does everyone here use?

    I've gotten quite used to moving into Lakeview Manor from all of my various vanilla runs in the past, but I've now been modding for a while now and I still haven't settled on a new place to move into, so I figured I'd ask what everyone here is using!

    The Legacy of the Dragonborn Safehouse is a recommendation that I often see and that I've tried out, and it's nice, but I'm still poking around because there's a couple of details that are still misaligned with what I'm looking for. Firstly, the flavoring of the home is more that you're essentially borrowing it than that it's yours, and I'd prefer to occupy a place that feels more like a home than just a sparkling condominium. And secondly, the layout in some spots feels utilitarian to the point that it takes away from my immersion. The mage crafting stations and the blacksmithing stations being in the same room is practical, but I'd really rather have one room for blacksmith things and another room for magical wizard things. Perhaps even multiple different magical wizard rooms. With all of the interactive features and wonderful follower patches available for the Safehouse, I can still see it being a place I go back to frequently, but it feels more like a social hub to me than a proper home.

    Tel Jerdein is another incredibly nice mod that I was made better aware of due to the follower Xelzaz getting a small interaction patch for it. It is incredibly pretty, and combined with the tree mod Aspens Ablaze, the atmosphere of the location is breathtaking. And in this case, the mage bits are separate from the smithy bits, which is a nice plus. In this case, however, I have a different reason why I haven't decided to settle down. It's small! I can't help but feel a little bit cramped in it, even with as beautiful as the place is. And similarly to the Safehouse, Tel Jerdein has its own lore which makes me feel, roleplay wise, as though the place will be missed eventually. I've become quite taken with the idea of it being a house for Xelzaz, but I'd rather find someplace a bit bigger and less called for to truly take as my own.

    I also tried the Staff of Shalidor at one point, because despite being even smaller than Tel Jerdein, I figured that the mobile house aspect might be practical, and all the images that I saw of it were also quite pretty. The gimmick of flipping upside-down in order to access each half of the house was also incredibly clever. Sadly, I ended up uninstalling it due to one problem that I never could have foreseen: the spinning background inside of the house gave me motion sickness.

    Personally, I'm quite picky, so I'm still looking for the exact place I want to set my roots down in, but in addition to still seeing two of the three I listed above as worth keeping in my load order, all of the things I see as drawbacks in these three homes are highly subjective to the point that they could just as easily either not matter or actively be positives to someone else, so I was very careful to provide links to each of them. I'm sure folks have tried plenty of other house mods that I haven't, however, and I'd be quite curious to hear about them as well!

    Who knows, perhaps one of us in this thread will find our Skyrim dream home?

    What Safe For Work/family friendly mods do you use in your load order that aren't from Nexus?

    I've been seeing a lot of suggestions on Lemmy to bring over posts from Reddit in order to beef up engagement, and this was one of my last posts on Reddit before arriving here, so I figured maybe asking the question here as well might be useful. And hey, maybe some new answers will come out of asking the question again, too!

    Anyway, to establish why I asked the question the first time, Children of the Pariah, an orc overhaul by the author of Project ja-Kha'jay, was moved off of Nexus and onto Tumblr a while back. This got me curious as to what other mods might be hiding on various other websites that aren't normally brought up, since as we all know, Nexus is essentially the central hub for mod downloads.

    Of course, I have to assign a caveat that, much as the sidebar for this community states, NSFW mods are a thing. In this case, not only would NSFW mods be low hanging fruit in this specific conversation, since we all know that there are a lot of them off of Nexus, but I also have a strong personal preference towards not including that kind of content in my load order. So instead I want to narrow the playing field to mods that are specifically Safe For Work/family friendly.

    Not that I'm literally taking my personal copy of Skyrim to an office building or handing it off to a five year old. Those terms are simply turns of phrase that I hope get across what I'm asking about decently well. I'm looking to. . .ace my Skyrim load order, so to speak.

    As mentioned above, I myself am currently using Children of the Pariah. I'm also aware of at least a couple of hosting sites where one can find some, including AFK Mods (although considering Arthmoor's reputation, I can see why some people would forego downloading from that specific hub). But I'm very curious to hear what everyone else is using from places outside of Nexus! If we're lucky, maybe all of us can discover some new things.

    Best mods for a Conjuration mage / Daedric summoner playthrough? Looking for more than just spell mods!

    Hello! I've been looking for mods that help beef up a playthrough centered around a Conjuration mage with an interest in studying the planes of Oblivion, but I've been struggling to think of the right way to search for them. If I look up "Conjuration," "Summoner," or "Sorcerer" I'll mostly just get spell mods, and often specifically for necromancers rather than anything related to Daedra. If I look up "Daedric" or "Daedra," I'll mostly find things related to either Daedric Armor, the destruction of Daedra, or the worship of Daedra, when the kind of character I want to run has a more scholarly interest in the subject.

    Now, spell mods are perfectly fine, of course. I've naturally installed quite a few that I intend to try out. Apocalypse, Odin, Arcanum, Flames of Coldharbor, Necrom, Dead and Daedric Guardians, an absolute slew of different Mihail mods that add both world encounters and summon spells. But I can't help but feel like I might be missing something because all the keywords I can think of related to what I'm going for tend to be specialized in different directions.

    So, I figured I'd go ahead and ask in order to try to see if there's anything hidden in that weird information gap I've been struggling with. What are some good quest mods to pair with a Daedric conjurer playthrough? Armor sets? World additions? Player homes? Basically anything that gives a Conjurer something to do with all those spells, or something else to roleplay with in addition to spells. What do you all use for these kinds of playthroughs, or what would you use if you decided to start one?

    Coricus Coricus
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