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Biden’s ads haven’t been working. Now, he’s trying something new.
  • I didn't realize Joe Biden was the Prime Minister of Israel

  • What kind of jelly do you use for your peanut butter and jelly sandwiches?
  • Traffic Jam.

    It's got a bunch of different berries and rhubarb sometimes. Slovacacek's on I35 outside Waco makes the best.

  • Who are your favourite villains from mythology?
  • Clytemnestra. Agamemnon sacrificed their daughter, disappeared to war for 10 years, shows back up with a sex slave and is just revered as a hero. Fuck that guy. I'm glad she killed him. He deserved it.

  • Vladimir Putin set to transfer Sergei Shoigu from Russian defence ministry
  • He's actually been around since the Soviet Union. He perfected the art of invisible paper pushing.

  • If you take care of your parents or other elderly, how are you preparing to age gracefully?
  • I'm moving into a retirement community. Get in there early enough and they have to take care of you until you die. But before that point, retirement communities are like dorms without having to worry about grades or getting pregnant. Lotta syphilis, though, I hear.

  • Trump attacks judge on Truth Social moments after gag order hearing
  • You don't think he's spending any of that on his campaign or legal fees, do you? That's his money.

  • Trump attacks judge on Truth Social moments after gag order hearing
  • His fundraising is going historically terrible right now.

  • Trump attacks judge on Truth Social moments after gag order hearing
  • I've seen lots of speculation that Trumbo is trying to get himself thrown in jail for the publicity of it all. It would result in a huge fundraising boost and conservative outrage, even if just for a short while, and no one wants to give him the satisfaction.

  • Tabloid CEO Says He Killed Negative Stories on Trump Affairs
  • It's this. He testified today, and earlier against Cohen, in exchange for immunity for crimes that he willfully and knowingly committed.

  • Explosive device thrown onto porch of Satanic Temple in Massachusetts. No injuries were reported
  • The Old Testament is the Hebrew Bible. The New Testament is the book where Jesus says, "f those first five books. Turn the other cheek."

  • Paris Mayor Says Russian, Belarusian Athletes 'Not Welcome' At Olympics
  • Like I said, it's about viewership, and the UK brings very little of that compared to the US, Russia, and China.

    If you really cared to see the best, you'd know who Simone Biles is. Everyone tunes in to see their guys win.

  • Paris Mayor Says Russian, Belarusian Athletes 'Not Welcome' At Olympics
  • The competition between USA, Russia, and China is what gets people to tune in, really. With anyone of those countries not participating, viewership tanks, is my guess.

    There's also the whole thing about eschewing politics. Traditionally wars were paused for the Olympics, but I'm pretty sure that's irrelevant today, especially when the US led a boycott of the Moscow Olympics in 1980 and then Russia boycotted the Los Angeles Olympics in 1984. It's really about viewership.

    Oh and the IOC is notoriously corrupt. If Russia pays to participate, the IOC will find every which way to let them, no matter how badly they cheat and genocide, same with the US and China.

  • Harvard Removes Binding of Human Skin From Book in Its Library
  • It has been understood by some for a long time, but not all. Especially when morbid curiosity is what brings visitors to your museum; without that morbid curiosity, you likely can't make enough to stay open.

    NAGPRA was renegotiated by a Native American Secretary of the Interior and, wouldn't you know, having diverse voices helps people understand things differently, thus the massive change this year in the way museums display human remains. That's a good thing. Be mad about the past so it doesn't happen again, but also be glad that the display stops now.

    As for using a cast, I'm sure they have one. But I don't know if using one affects how medical research is conducted.

    Oh yeah ETA: until the advent of the Internet, doctors coming to a place to examine collections of medical specimens was indeed the only way to do certain kinds of medical research.

  • Harvard Removes Binding of Human Skin From Book in Its Library
  • There is likely medical knowledge to gain from seeing and understanding Gage's injury that can help other people with headwounds. Not from the binding of a book.

  • Harvard Removes Binding of Human Skin From Book in Its Library
  • The museum is permanently closed and its collections are only available to researchers by appointment only.

  • The same moon
  • Not if you're in a similar time zone, like someone the same-ish longitude in the same state (as illustrated). And we're all on the same planet with the same moon, so even if it's not visible in the sky, it's still there.

    Your autism is showing.

  • Reminder: Trump’s Last Year in Office Was a National Nightmare
  • Actually, he's trying to stay out of prison now.

  • Do you still use Meta products daily for personal use?
  • I use Facebook for a few nonprofit pages I run. Its main perk is events organization. I also use Instagram for my nonprofits as well -- it's easy(ish) to cross post on both platforms while still respecting the individual audiences who consume content on each.

  • Vanity license plates Countess425
    The Iliad and the Odyssey
    Queen of the Jungle lording over her domain

    Just out of frame is a monstera I'm pretty proud of (my husband got one at the same time as me, and mine has exploded. His has...not died).

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