Coyote_sly @ Coyote_sly Posts 0Comments 13Joined 2 wk. ago
What's he going to do? Arrest people who post negatively about Tesla?
Uh, yeah. That's exactly what they're going to do. Trump is already calling Tesla demonstrators terrorists and pushing for charges in that area for simple vandals.
Pass. Let me know when it has AI and can plagiarize an essay for me, that's what I actually use my vacuum cleaner for.
"I'm sure THIS will be the time he faces consequences for blatantly regarding both law and custom! Institutional inertia will protect us now for sure!" say a bunch of ignorant shitlibs for the 1,293,762nd time.
Well, it doesn't HAVE to be,.depending on the margins, the increase, how responsive consumers are to price increases in that good, and whether or not it's strategically beneficial to eat the slimmer margin for some reason.
Practically a public 25% tariff is fantastic cover for a 30% price increase these days.
"You have been banned from r/worldnews for antisemitism and hate speech."
Same reason I left. Why hang around to get yelled at by bots about "living in a liberal Reddit echo chamber" WHILE the entire site is sucking fascist dick the entire time?
I remember when I got banned for saying that hey maybe it isn't hate speech to say that Israel shouldn't murder children.
It's not an question of if, it's a when thing at this point. Just like we happily scooped up talent fleeing the Nazis, someone is going to make it easy for highly skilled US citizens to bail. Probably Europe, since they seem to be stepping up to the plate in a lot of ways.
"I haven't thought about politics for more than 30 seconds in my entire life but I don't want to admit that and don't want to sound like a complete asshole" is about the most charitable way I can translate that sound bite.
Yeah, no contest at all.
Yeah, #8 and it's not even close for me.
The ACA is not good. It was a clear example of our political system failing and capitulating to capital interests and the fact that it exists and is in fact arguably the only liberal polical "success" in my lifetime is emblematic of the utter and complete failure of the American political system.
Love the look and feel of this, also have absolutely no idea what the heck it is. Named like a dungeon crawler but sure doesn't look like one.
Agreed. Peak platforming.