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Upgraded to Lemmy 0.19.0 - Double check your 2FA settings!
  • I think there may be problems. Looks like there is a bug with 0.19.0 that may be affecting us. I made a post in a local sub and checked later from a login to a different instance and I don't see the new post.

    0.19.0 has a critical bug where sending outgoing activities can stop working. The bug is fixed in this version. It also fixes the “hide read posts” user setting, fixes a problem with invalid comment paths, and another fix for private message reports.

    From this link:

  • Behind the Scenes at the Dismantling of Roe v. Wade
  • Fuck them all. This episode highlights what an absolute sham SCOUTS has become. I've lost all trust in the courts. It's just more political bullshit. There is no "justice," just a bunch of religious assholes forcing the rest of us to follow their backwards ass rules.

    Let's also not forget Darth McConnell's role in all of this. Straight up stole a supreme Court pick from Obama. This court is illegitimate.

  • My mind's eye when I see those trump signs
  • On that topic, it has been really strange watching the same group that used to have nothing but vitriol for the Soviets, suddenly in jump in bed with the Russians. A generation has passed is one factor, I suppose. Still, its an about face that still makes my head spin a bit. I have to attribute it to Russian influence campaigns and other underhanded corruption using power, money and influence.

  • My mind's eye when I see those trump signs
  • Yeah yeah. You're right of course. I am an American child of the 80's though which is why my mind uses the hammer and sickle still.

    Also, Fuck Russia.

    Edit: And, you try photoshoping that fucking eagle into a stencil format. Fuck that.

  • Political Memes Cranakis
    My mind's eye when I see those trump signs
    Ganoderma Lucidium

    Grown on a log section in a flower pot.

    The God of War

    If you ever need clear proof that Christianity is bullshit, look at war.

    Most recently the thought has been striking me while watching the Russian invasion of Ukraine. But its true of the majority of wars in recent history. Ukrainian Christians pray to God for safety as they bail out of the back of an armored carrier ready to kill in defense of their homeland. Russian soldiers pray to the same God for protection, huddled in their trenches, waiting for inevitable attacks. When troops die, back home, they pray for God's vengeance on their enemy, and both sides ask the same God for justice and comfort.

    What ridiculous nonsense. Does either side ever think about how God seems to have fucked them over in favor of their enemy? If the god they were praying to were real, couldn't and wouldn't he intervene without them having to kill each other violently? Doesn't it actively disprove the existence of this "god" when he doesn't?

    I am frustrated by the Christian notion to just use their religion as a salve to pain while not changing any behavior that causes the pain in the first place.

    I'm tired of the powerful hiding behind religion and using it to control the brainwashed masses.

    I don't understand how the rest of the world doesn't already see Christianity, and religion generally, as a harmful evil in society. Its like watching a bunch of deluded heroin addicts.

    Bart Ehrman has been helpful to me in my late deconstruction.

    I found Bart Ehrman some 20 years into deconstructing. I wish I'd had his perspective when I was younger. I first started deconstructing during and after my first cover to cover read of the Bible in my teens (late 80s early 90s). The inconsistency, incoherence, and clear ulterior motives throughout are what first made me start doubting the Southern Baptist, Christian faith I was raised in (indoctrinated into). I knew that much of it did not make sense objectively, nor did different parts of the bible work with each other at all. Rather, the book is a patchwork that can be easily cherry picked based on bias.

    For the uninitiated, Bart Ehrman is a Biblical scholar who began his career as a serious Christian and deconstructed in the process of study. I already considered myself an atheist by the time I found Ehrman, and I relate to him because reading the bible was the catalyst to my deconstruction.

    Ehrman has helped put meaning to the seemingly meaningless parts of the bible for me.

    Revelation for example is incoherent, even with careful reading at first. But Ehrman sheds great light on this subject. Here is a newer Ehrman talk on the subject.

    I also enjoyed this lecture (also on Revelation). If you are interested and new to the subject start here. He dives deeper and starts from the beginning on this one but it is long.

    No new Exchristian community is whole without some links to Bart, imo.

    You're not going to hell. There is no hell. Hell is stupid.

    Just a rant I wrote to read to myself during my deconstruction that I've added to with time. Sharing it here to help whoever might find it useful. Feedback or discussion is always welcome.

    We're not going to burn in hell. There is no hell. The idea is ridiculous on it's face, its just so scary that most religious folks don't dare think to hard on it but when you do, it totally unravels.

    The length of your life on earth is minuscule compared to eternity and your human life happens at the very beginning of this infinitely long span of time.

    Some omnipotent, all knowing god came along and decided it was fair to make your fate for eternity dependent on this blink of an eye we call human life? And that god is supposedly loving and fair? How does that make any sense at all? It's crazy anyone believes it.

    In reality, a loving god would never put us in such a situation. Only some truly evil entity would devise a system whereby a soul would be tortured for hundreds of millions more years than the person's life. Picture yourself as god. Would any of that be ok with you?

    Also a loving god would make him or herself known. No reasonable god would rely on the corrupt mouthpieces that are everywhere. Joel Osteen - Kenneth Copeland, et al. God with power would have a clear voice. These people say whatever will keep the most followers. A God that cared would smack them with lightning on live TV.

    No reasonable god with power would allow so many different religions to exist that didn't believe in him. God would know that just being born to parents of the wrong religion would make it near impossible for that person to leave theirs to go find the "one true religion." If Christianity were real, god would be dooming 99% of the Muslim children that are born each day, just by letting them be born into the wrong religion/family/region.

    Hell and Heaven are constructs created specifically to keep people having doubt from leaving the fold or voicing their ideas. Fear works well. But we have reason to see through the lies.

    It is time to be free from the fear of hell. It is just a boogeyman story. Some of the most moral people I know are atheists. We know there is nothing more precious than right now and our current world.

    Hug your children. Fix your issues or start toward the fix at least. Worry about today, and tomorrow, but don't worry about hell. It doesn't exist.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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