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  • Yeah. The clown award (and similar "derogatory" awards) giving the receiver Steam points is the worst thing that happened to the quality of posts/comments on the Steam forums. The first two comment pages on patchnotes of games like Helldivers 2 are almost exclusively pointfarmers doing their best to reap clown awards.

  • Vance: Big difference between conservatives and liberals — no one has tried to kill Harris
  • What is that even supposed to imply? Is it supposed to mean "You're doing something right, if they try to assassinate you"? Well, have they heard about a certainly popular assassination target of the 20th century, Mustache Man? On the other hand, just because someone doesn't actively try to kill you, doesn't mean you're not important. Look at Merkel, for example. Once, a pretty controversial person to have become chancellor and quite important, too.

  • No One Seems to Have an Answer to Germany’s Far Right
  • I absolutely hate it. I understand the reasoning that banning the party would likely result in them just doing their stuff underground in an organization and place that you don't yet have infiltrated with spies, but holy fuck when will something fundamental happen to the AFD? We're dangerously close to repeating history.

    And I don't think I can trust on the whole "defensible democracy" thing anymore...

  • [Gamers Nexus] HW News - AMD Leaves High-End GPUs, EK Aftermath, Consumer Protection for Electronics
  • Okay, thank you for the comprehensive answer! I remembered wrong, I actually have the GTX 1660 Ti. Ever since I switched from my 970, I always mix up the numbers. Nonetheless, it changes almost nothing about your statement, I think, lol

  • Steam Families is here - Steam News
  • I could be mistaken but I think I read something about being able to choose which games a child member can see and play? If your adult sis is prone to getting banned, just invite her as child, if the system works like that. Sure, the terms "adult" and "child" are more intuitive for regular people, but in essence it's just "admin/mod" and "member", no?

  • Steam Families is here - Steam News
  • You're right. And sure, it's gonna suck for the twelve legitimate people who lose their access because their sibling is a dickwad, but that's an okay tradeoff if it prevents a sudden surge of cheats.

  • Steam Families is here - Steam News
  • Mhmm, I just noticed it yesterday when I first tried using it. But it doesn't seem all good, because apparently it only works (without any workarounds) if you are on the same network. My sister, who lives in the same country but 400 km away, couldn't join upon invitation :c

  • EU consumer groups slam 'manipulative' video game spending tactics.
  • You're right that these things have been happening for a while, but does it invalidate their actions now? Sure, it would've been better, had they said something earlier, but better do the right thing eventually than think "Eh, I didn't open my mouth the very first time so it's no use doing it now"...right?

  • [Gamers Nexus] HW News - AMD Leaves High-End GPUs, EK Aftermath, Consumer Protection for Electronics
  • I wonder what they think of as high-end GPUs, though. I've been using a GTX 1060 to run my games for around two or three years and am mostly happy with performance vs quality. Would a GTX 1060 today be out of AMD's scope already or are we talking rivaling Nvidia's 40xx series today?

    Edit: If the video answers that, I apologise. I'm at work and can't watch it immediately

  • Steam Families is here - Steam News
  • A pretty good change for how I use Family Sharing. The only detriments seem to be the issue of the game owner being banned for violations of other family members and the 1 year cooldown between leaving and joining a family. Both should be manageable issues, though, if you're at the point of trusting someone enough to log into their machine with your credentials.

  • What are some of your ticks?
  • Oh hey, can you try to explain why you want to do that? I'm always confused by it because unless you mean to end on a dramatic pause, these are just regular sentences and those usually end on a period (or nothing/smiley, if you're an internet person

  • What percentage of phone calls (to your personal phone) do you answer?
  • I also answer all calls I get and (usually) call back if they missed me. I actively gave my number to one or two research groups for polls. They call maybe twice per year, so it's alright.

    As for scammers, maybe 10% of calls are of that sort and so far I enjoy messing with them when they call.

  • IUD insertion is painful. For the first time, the CDC issued guidance for physicians.
  • Oh, okay, I would like to apologise then for my harsh comment. I do agree that the longer I am with my gf and my women friends in general, the more I learn how fucked up life can be for women and that (sometimes) being unable to exist for a couple days every month is already on the lighter end of it because that's at least something you can "just suck up".

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Fair points you're making there!

    I guess it never bothered me enough to have even crossed my mind.

    I need to look into the latency thing. From my limited knowledge it makes no sense that a wireless mouse could have better latency than a wired one. Unless the wire is made of something barely conductive to electricity and the wireless works with stupidly fast transmission tech, I guess o.o

  • IUD insertion is painful. For the first time, the CDC issued guidance for physicians.
  • Correct, because I don't know. And since I want to convey "I don't know for sure, but I did try to use my brain before asking a question" I make assumptions based on the sum of experiences and knowledge I accumulated in my life so far.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • But what are the benefits of a wireless mouse? You don't have to string the cable from the back of your PC to the mousepad, sure, but that's something you do once a blue moon (unless you often go to LAN partys (which, in itself, are probably not a thing anymore)). At work, okay, I sometimes get up off my chair and have my company-provided wireless mouse on my leg to keep scrolling while I read through legal documents, but that's a rare use case, too, no?

  • Literal rule(r)

    Another post for the post-god.

    Question on F-Drood and OsmAnd~

    Not sure if there's a better place to ask this. From what I understand, OsmAnd~ is basically a community-run version of the otherwise subscription-based OsmAnd+

    To add POIs and make other changes to Open Street Map, I need to log into an editing account of sorts. Will this be fine or could my access to the app get wrecked in some way? After all, I am not subscribed to the "official" service.

    Curiosity demanded a post

    This is Jacky. He is the sacrifice I make, so that I may leave back to another tab or community.

    Study via questionnaire (n = 126) about the perception of chemistry in No Man's Sky and how games can be used by science communicators.

    cross-posted from:

    > I was only looking for some validation posts because I was annoyed at a couple of the more unrealistic reactions you have going in NMS. Like being able to get salt from combining dihydrogen and oxygen (instead of receiving the obvious water, which doesn't even exist in the game as usable item/component). Then I stumbled upon this research paper, read it completely (unfortunately the discussion section is longer than it needs to be due to them repeating most of their results in it) and now (by looking it up before writing this post) learned that you can form salts with hydroxide ions. > > So while the process is much simplified and not always intuitive in the reactions in game (and the Salt icon says NaCl despite no sodium or chlorine having been used in the "refiner", just H2 and O, even though Na and Cl exist in game), that particular combination for the refiner now makes at least some sense to me. > > A couple nice highlights from the paper: > > >To the question “What did you feel about the presence of chemistry in No Man’s Sky?” in which players had 5-levels to choose, from 1- Frustrated to 5-Excited, 46% selected the level 4, 23,8% the maximum-level and the lowest two levels combined for less than 6% of the answers. > > >To the question “Did No Man’s Sky make you feel motivated to know more about scientific topics?”, 57,9% answered “Yes”. And to the question “Did No Man’s Sky help you understand some concepts about chemistry?”, 35,7% answered positively. > > >In the end, we asked “When you think about chemistry or listen to words like ‘chemistry’ or ‘chemicals’, is usually a good or a bad thought?”, and 87,3% of the respondents answered “Good”.

    Study via questionnaire (n = 126) about the perception of chemistry in No Man's Sky and how games can be used by science communicators.

    I was only looking for some validation posts because I was annoyed at a couple of the more unrealistic reactions you have going in NMS. Like being able to get salt from combining dihydrogen and oxygen (instead of receiving the obvious water, which doesn't even exist in the game as usable item/component). Then I stumbled upon this research paper, read it completely (unfortunately the discussion section is longer than it needs to be due to them repeating most of their results in it) and now (by looking it up before writing this post) learned that you can form salts with hydroxide ions.

    So while the process is much simplified and not always intuitive in the reactions in game (and the Salt icon says NaCl despite no sodium or chlorine having been used in the "refiner", just H2 and O, even though Na and Cl exist in game), that particular combination for the refiner now makes at least some sense to me.

    A couple nice highlights from the paper:

    >To the question “What did you feel about the presence of chemistry in No Man’s Sky?” in which players had 5-levels to choose, from 1- Frustrated to 5-Excited, 46% selected the level 4, 23,8% the maximum-level and the lowest two levels combined for less than 6% of the answers.

    >To the question “Did No Man’s Sky make you feel motivated to know more about scientific topics?”, 57,9% answered “Yes”. And to the question “Did No Man’s Sky help you understand some concepts about chemistry?”, 35,7% answered positively.

    >In the end, we asked “When you think about chemistry or listen to words like ‘chemistry’ or ‘chemicals’, is usually a good or a bad thought?”, and 87,3% of the respondents answered “Good”.

    Charging a solar powerbank with external solar panels?

    Hiya, I hope I'm not completely in the wrong place (/c/Technology seems to only be dedicated to tech news but not questions). I have this powerbank with a built-in solar panel. The powerbank itself seems great so far, but it's a pretty tiny solar panel. I've read about the difficulty of just hooking up a regular powerbank to a solar panel (spikes and dips in voltage due to clouds, people, etc.).

    But since this powerbank is already designed to be charged with solar energy, can I simply hook a big-ass solar panel onto it and recharge it much faster than the officially displayed "several days, depending on the weather"?

    Huge meteor fireball lit up the night sky on 26.06.23 Arbeitskreis Meteore e.V.

    Wir haben 525 Berichte über die Feuerkugel erhalten, die über Assia, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Île-de-France, Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Bavorsko, Bayern, Bern, Berne, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, Bremen, Drenthe, Emilia-Romagna, Freiburg, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Gelderland, Genève, Grand Est, Hamburg, Hess...

    I witnessed the almost turquoise fireball while on a walk with my dogs. Since reporting it today morning, the event report features two pretty good videos of the meteor.

    How are you feeling right now (gaming-wise)?

    I should probably go to bed at this point. I typed up a short story of my arduous attempts at defending an outpost in the STALKER modpack GAMMA and how my game crashed when I turned in the quest. Sent off that post and woe-is-me, the entire text didn't get submitted and I didn't have it saved in copy-paste. It's just so ironically fitting.

    So ya, what's something you'd like to ramble a bit about?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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