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Marine Le Pen party’s security adviser is an alleged Russian agent
  • You bring no arguments I could ignore. You only make assumptions and claims.

    How do you even come to the conclusion BSW was authoritarian (that describes the use of (or desire to reach) a strong central power the rejection of political plurality) or left wing (which is defined by striving for societal progress and especially equal rights and equal chances for everyone, which BSW denies migrants).

    and mostly a east Germany phenomenon.

    That is something you never brought up before. What point do you think you make with this phenomenon?

    they will probably sit left from the view of the podium.

    Where you sit usually concurs with your political positions, but does not define it.

    If we'd take the Horseshoe theory again

    Why should we, since it's debunked?

    Another takeaway is that they are absolutely a threat to democracy,

    Again something you claimed but never supported with anything.

  • Marine Le Pen party’s security adviser is an alleged Russian agent
  • Lol. I never said National Socialist was left, I said BSW is not left. It is not considered left in the german political landscape (except by right wing nutjobs like AfD).

    I got my political knowledge straight, you're making stuff up.

    BSW has too many positions that are not considered left (their stance towards migration alone is all but left). And where are it's authoritarian positions?

    You're throwing around a lot of terms that don't mean what you think they mean.

  • Marine Le Pen party’s security adviser is an alleged Russian agent
  • Honestly, this is why using only a left-right axis to describe politics is inadequate. If the term wasn't prestressed, BSW would be literally National Socialist (but please don't use that term, because, you know, Hitler, and she's far from that).

    Oh and BSW being a SED clone is regarding Wagenknecht being a SED politician and her very close ties into the Kremlin.

    That's oversimplifying if I've ever seen oversimplifying. To the point of disinformation. Wagenknecht wasn't allowed to study because she clashed with the regime, was accused of a hunger strike during military training and joined SED *half a year before the Wall fell with the intention of reforming it. And licking Putin's boots is not enough to be an SED clone.

    Dude, get your facts straight or shut it.

  • Marine Le Pen party’s security adviser is an alleged Russian agent
  • You're right about, but I wouldn't really call BSW left. It has some left position on labour, but besides that... Nope.

    And Die Linke seems to have gotten rid of Putin bootlickers with the departure of Sabra Wagenknecht and her peers.

  • Marine Le Pen party’s security adviser is an alleged Russian agent
  • BSW is no SED-Clone. BSW is a personal cult for Sahra Wagenknecht very populistic, pro workers ( which are left positions) but also pro putin and anti migration (which are all but left positions).

    Also, Die Linke (left wing party) has no ties to Russia since Wagenknecht and her peers left.

    And stop that "BoTh SiDeS" BS. It has no merit and is a false narrative.

  • ich✝️iel
  • Oh, klar. Dann halten wir weiter Tiere in viel zu kleinen Gehegen unter klimatisch völlig unpassenden Bedingungen, lassen sie mental völlig kaputtgehen und machen sie zum Ausstellungsobjekt, anstatt die Förderungen in Reservate, Naturschutz und den gesellschaftlichen Wandel weg von Raubbau zu stecken.

    Es gibt deutlich sinvollere Ansätze zum Artenschutz als Zoos.

  • Origin of the third day of the week the different European languages
  • Most of my life I wondered why it's called "middle of the week" when actually Thursday's the day with an equal number of days in a week coming before and after. I often thought maybe weekend's subtracted. Only in my late 20s I learned that there are places where the first day of the week is Sunday lol

  • Europeans, how common are random spam phone calls in your country?
  • I couldn't find any statistics about the frequency of spam calls in Germany, so I can only share my personal experience. I have never received a single one since having my own number. My parents got more when their number could still be found in the public phone book (yes, that is/was a thing). Friends complain maybe twice a year.

    I am not a relevant example though, I am very cautious about giving out my number, usually I only do so when absolutely necessary and I often don't use services (like dating apps) if they don't let me without verifying my phone number.

  • Vatikan reformiert Bewertung angeblicher Wunder

    > Angesichts einer Zunahme von falschen Gerüchten und der Verbreitung von Fake News im Internet seien die derzeitigen Richtlinien aus dem Jahr 1978 nicht mehr sinnvoll und praktikabel, begründete das mächtige Glaubensdikasterium seine Entscheidung, die Normen grundlegend zu überarbeiten.

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