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Comparing Linux gaming distros performance
  • Yeah it’s true that testing on one machine isn’t really scientific. He should have tested the same distros on his other machines too.

    Still I enjoyed the video and I really love his work 👍

  • 11 years after launch, 49M people still use their PS4s, matching the PS5
  • I really don’t regret buying my ps5, but I could totally still be on ps4 as I’m mostly playing games from the previous generation or available on it.

    But at one point, there’ll be quite a few games which wouldn’t be able to run on ps4. The question is when.

    I also feel like we don’t need to have more beautiful games than Last of Us 2, so I hope one day we’ll stop focusing so much on better looking games.

  • 11 years after launch, 49M people still use their PS4s, matching the PS5
  • Well I don’t see why you couldn’t emulate it on a ps5. People are doing it on pc so I guess it’s more that Sony doesn’t care and don’t want to invest in it.

    It’s one side where Microsoft is better than Sony, retrocompatinility.

    I’m still playing a lot of ps4 and ps3 games, so I hope my ps3 is gonna stay fit for purpose in the long term 🤞

  • GNOME 46.2 Released with Various Improvements and Bug Fixes
  • Well then I guess it has to be some weird driver issue or something related scaling or whatever.

    I also have Gnome installed on my girlfriend MacBook Pro from 2012 (upgraded to 16gb of ram) and everything is fluid.

    Or maybe I’m not seeing such small details and you have the curse of seeing them.

  • iOS 18 (and AI) will give Siri much more control over your apps
  • I’m only using Siri to set a timer for cooking or laundry.

    I don’t feel like it’s reliable enough to use it for anything else.

    If some people are using it a lot, could you tell me what for?

    I’d want it to assist me in a calendar and the organization of my kids custody, but it’s really not ready for important things with particularities..

  • Key misinformation “superspreaders” on Twitter: Older women
  • I can clearly see this around me.

    Not only women, but also elder men, who are really educated but lose their lucidity in front of fake news on the web. I guess it’s also because they come from a time where you were not swimming in fake news.

    And sometimes, even if they think it might be fake news, they just send it to you to get your opinion on it.

  • Can't remove program on Gnome software center on Fedora
  • I had heard that having two DE installed could cause problems, but when I checked I didn't see any warning so I tried.

    I guess, if I really wanna try KDE outside of a virtual machine, I'm gonna do a Clonezilla backup of my Gnome Fedora installation and wipe everything before starting on a fresh KDE installation.

  • Can't remove program on Gnome software center on Fedora
  • Sudo dnf remove plasma-welcome removed the package but it's still appearing as intalled in the package center. I'm gonna try rebooting and see if it solves the issue...

    Edit: rebooting solved the issue so thanks a lot!

  • Can't remove program on Gnome software center on Fedora

    Hi everyone!

    Today I tried to install KDE alongside Gnome to give it a try on Fedora on something else than a virtual machine.

    For a reason I can't understand, the terminal couldn't finish the installation of KDE as something failed. Despite all of this, all the KDE apps were installed and Plasma is appearing as an option on the login screen under Gnome and Gnome Classic. Still I couldn't launch KDE plasma and nothing was happening after typing my login.

    I took it as a sign that KDE isn't for me, especially because I'm 99% happy with Gnome.

    So I removed KDE via the terminal and the remaining apps via the software center. Sadly, there is one app called "Centre de bienvenue" or "Welcome center" from KDE that I can't remove. Nothing is happening when I try removing it.

    I tried removing it via the terminal, but when I type "dnf list installed" I can't find it as there are too many packages. Could anyone help me?

    I also tried « dnf list installed » with the words « welcome », « bienvenue », « kde » and « plasma ».

    Just finished MGS2 and wanted to share a peak moment (Mild Spoilers)
  • I guess I really wasn’t into the game as I wasn’t emotionally involved at all. Not like in Last of Us 2 when Abby and Ellie are fighting. I was feeling their pain and anger and was really destabilized as if two of my close friends were fighting.

  • Favourite DE
  • Thanks for the really good and helpful explanation!

    To be honest it’s often difficult to understand every Linux subtilities, but the community is really great and compensate the lack of information you’re getting inside your distribution.

  • What used phone should I get to try alternative OS?

    Hi everyone,

    Having successfully left windows for Linux (Fedora) a few years ago, I thought I’d the same for my phone.

    I have a professional iPhone 13 provided by my employer, but I have an old Samsung GT-I8730 lying around.

    Sadly, there is apparently nothing (except stock Android) that I could easily install on it.

    So I’m kind of looking for a cheap second hand phone that I could get for my birthday in order to try to have a degoogled and deappleified private phone (I’m now using my work iPhone for everything).

    What phone should I buy for max 150.- (around 180$) second hand?

    Also what OS should I try to install on it?

    To be honest, I’m really a rookie in the phone world and I’m not even sure if I’m looking for a degoogled Android phone (/e/os, lineage, graphene) or a linux phone (Ubuntu touch, KDE mobile).

    It would be important for me to be able to daily drive the phone. Listening to music and using my banking apps on it would be important features.

    So I’m looking for advice regarding all of this and I’m thankful in advance for your help.

    Automount WebDAV (for kDrive)

    cross-posted from:

    > Automount WebDAV (for kDrive) > > Hi everyone, > > I’m really enjoying Gnome on Fedora and everything is almost perfectly set up. > > One of my only problems with my Webdav access to kdrive (cloud storage) in the file manager. > > It works fine but it’s not mounted automatically on startup. On the web, I’ve found that you should go to the disk utility to enable that but it doesn’t appear there. > > I’d want to do it on the GUI as I’m not knowledgeable enough to do it in the terminal. > > Can anyone help me?

    What OS can I install on a Samsung GT-I8730?

    cross-posted from:

    > What OS can I install on a Samsung GT-I8730? > > Hi everyone! > > I have to use an iPhone for work but I have an old Samsung GT-I8730 lying around. > > It’s a really old phone but it seems to work well on its base Android OS, so I would want to experiment a bit with it. > > I have experience with Linux distributions on my computers, but I’ve never installed an alternative OS. That’s why I’m looking for advices on what I could install on such an old piece of hardware. > > I’ve always been interested in /e/os as I think it would still allow me to use my (swiss) banking apps, but I’d be interested in any distribution which might also make it possible. > > If no OS would make such a thing possible, I would just want to know what I could install on this device to experience a bit. > > Thanks in advance for your help!

    What OS can I install on a Samsung GT-I8730?

    Hi everyone!

    I have to use an iPhone for work but I have an old Samsung GT-I8730 lying around.

    It’s a really old phone but it seems to work well on its base Android OS, so I would want to experiment a bit with it.

    I have experience with Linux distributions on my computers, but I’ve never installed an alternative OS. That’s why I’m looking for advices on what I could install on such an old piece of hardware.

    I’ve always been interested in /e/os as I think it would still allow me to use my (swiss) banking apps, but I’d be interested in any distribution which might also make it possible.

    If no OS would make such a thing possible, I would just want to know what I could install on this device to experience a bit.

    Thanks in advance for your help!

    Stickdrift on my ps5 Dual Sense

    Hey everyone!

    One of my controllers is really starting to have some stickdrift on the left joystick.

    I’ve tried that solution and it seems to temporarily work:

    If it keeps coming back, I might try this solution which involves opening the controller :

    Apparently, both of these solutions can’t be considered as long term fixes and I was wondering if someone managed to find a long term solution.

    I would hate buying a new controller as I love repairing stuff, but I’d be interested to know if there is a more reliable/repairable controller with all the Dual Sense functionalities out there.

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Edit: I’ve opened my controller and cleaned the potentiometer with alcohol and it didn’t work. I’m gonna try again tomorrow and take more time to examine the potential causes.

    How to run macOS on Linux (without too much hassle supposedly)

    I had been waiting for a really long time for that video by the Linux Experiment (really good Linux youtuber) which is also available there: .

    Sadly, as I'm on Fedora, there are a few differences from Ubuntu (DNF instead of APT) and I can't use the PPA from the github links ( , ).

    I'm sure it's easy once you get to the beginning of the video but since I can't install quickgui and I'm stuck.

    It would be really nice if I could get some help as I'm sure it's fairly easy for someone more knowleadgable than me.

    I should just add that I don't even really know what DNF, APT and PPA are. I just know it's related to my problem.

    Edit: Basically I’m stuck at the part where you have to use the terminal to install quickgui with these lines

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yannick-mauray/quickgui sudo apt update sudo apt install quickgui

    Bluetooth problems on my Surface Go 1 running Fedora 39

    Hey everyone!

    As described in the title, I have a Surface Go 1 happily running Fedora 39. The only downsides are that the cameras aren't working and that my mouse (Modern Mobile from Microsoft) sometimes doesn't connect or disconnects.

    I don't really care about the cameras, as I can use my phone for anything requiring it, but I get really irritated when my Surface Modern mouse doesn't connect for a 30 seconds when I launch the OS and then connects after moving it a few times unsuccesfuly. Also, sometime without any reason or sometimes after 5 minutes of inactivity, it disconnects.

    I've used the same mouse on my wife's MacBook Pro running Fedora and I don't remember having these problems.

    I was looking at installing the Surface Kernel but I'm not so experienced I would be scared to damage my installation. I have a Clonezilla backup just in case but I'd want to avoid the useless hassle.

    Has anyone experienced that issue and do you think the Surface Kernel could help?

    Has anyone managed to backup an iPhone with iTunes and bottle or wine?

    Hey everyone!

    Sadly, I’m forced to have an iPhone because of work. It’s a good device but I hate the philosophy behind it.

    Right now I have a windows 10 vm to run iTunes and backup that phone.

    It takes around 30gb on my Surface Go 1 with a 128gb ssd.

    If I could use bottles or wine to backup my iPhone, it would save me some space and help me fully get rid of windows.

    Sadly, last time I tried none of these worked. I think I managed to install iTunes, but then it crashed and sent me some weird messages.

    So has anyone managed to backup an iPhone with these programs?

    Clonezilla , how to have smaller files ?

    Hi everyone,

    I’m really happy to be successfully using Clonezilla which is a great tool (but not easy without a tutorial) to create backups of my Fedora and Lubuntu installations on my 3 computers.

    However I have a problem while cloning my 2012 MacBook Pro.

    Clonezilla create individual files which are bigger than the 50 gb limit my kDrive (swiss equivalent to Google drive) allows me to have.

    With my Surface Go 1 the individual files are way smaller although the overall size of the backup is approximately the same.

    How can I change that so that I can put my backups on the cloud?

    Export a Gnome Boxes VM and make it "real"

    Hi everyone!

    I'm a happy Gnome user on Fedora 38 on my Surface Go 1. Still, as I'm not an experienced Linux user, I'd want to discover some other distros and some other DE like KDE.

    I'm planning on installing a distro with KDE on Gnome Boxes, but I wanted to know if there was a way to export it and make it a real OS (no VM) at one point.

    To get to the point where I had my perfect workstation installation, it took me quite some time and I wouldn't want to waste my time creating my perfect VM and not make it real at one point.

    I don't know if it could be done by cloning my virtual disk with Clonezilla for instance.

    I'm sorry if my question ain't clear, it's just that I may not have the right vocabulary to talk about such things.

    Can’t boot Clonezilla on Surface Go 1

    Hi everyone,

    I have a Surface Go 1 with 128 gb hooked up to a usb-c screen.

    I’ve installed Fedora 38 on it and I’m really happy with the whole setup. So much so that I wanted to be able to reproduce it on all my computers.

    The problem is I can’t get the machine to boot from a Usb-a with usb-c adaptor or from a usb-c stick.

    I’ve tried everything. I can access the uefi settings and disable secure boot and change the boot order. At first I thought it was because I was using an usb-c adapter but buying a usc-c stick didn’t change a thing.

    In the past the only way I was able to boot from usb was to break my system, install windows again and go to windows recovery. I don’t want to do that again as I would want to clone my system.

    For now, I’ve resorted to cloning my girlfriend’s 2012 MacBook Pro with Fedora on it, but since it’s not my daily driver, it’s not where I’m creating my perfect setup.

    If anyone can help me, I’d be really grateful.

    Disk image with Clonezilla question

    Hi everyone,

    I’ve just used Clonezilla for the first time to clone a 500gb ssd with only 83gb being used.

    Since only 83gb were used, could I clone that system on a computer with only 128gb? Or does it need to have at least 500gb of space even if most of it wasn’t used on my original system?

    Clonezilla seems really practical but isn’t so accessible and I haven’t found an answer to that question online 😇

    I’m using Fedora 38 but I don’t think it really matters.

    Fedora Linux Dariusmiles2123
    Fedora really needs a backup tool

    Hi everyone,

    I’m a happy Fedora 38 user on my Surface Go 1.

    In fact I’m so happy with it that I just wanted to clone the whole thing with Clonezilla and put it on my girlfriend’s MacBook Pro which has reached end of life support for MacOs.

    Sadly on the Surface Go it’s almost impossible to boot from an USB drive (had to rely on windows recovery to do it the first time, might be usb-a to usb-c adaptor related) and I’ll really have to do a clean install on her Mac.

    For such situations, I find it crazy that you don’t have an effective graphic tool to fo an easy backup. Especially because Fedora is so great for everything else.

    You could say, use Timeshift, but it would mean doing some alterations I’m not at ease with as I don’t want to end up destroying the system I’m trying to backup and clone.

    Does anyone know if it’s on the developers roadmap?

    Fedora Linux Dariusmiles2123
    Installing Fedora on a 2012 MacBook Pro

    Hi everyone,

    My girlfriend has a 2012 MacBook Pro and she can’t macOS updates anymore because it’s Applecrap.

    So I’ll dualboot Fedora and MacOS. We’ll keep macOS just for a few exceptions like iPhone backup.

    I already have a Fedora installation on my Surface Go 1 and I took a lot of time setting it up perfectly. Is there any way to « clone » that installation on the MacBook so that I don’t have to go through everything again?

    My GF Macbook Pro has reached end of life support

    Hi everyone,

    My girlfriend has MacBook Pro from 2012 which has already been upgraded with more Ram and an SSD.

    From what I understand, her OS (Catalina) has reached end of life in 2022 and doesn’t get any support from Apple anymore.

    As that machine works perfectly, what should she do?

    I hate Apple products (even if it’s painful for me to say that they’re good) and I’m a Linux enthusiast, so I’d tell her to install Fedora Asahi, but I wanted to know if the Apple enthusiast crowd had a better idea.

    My girlfriend isn’t geeky at all (despite her geeky glasses) and she would want to stay in the safe environment provided by an Apple OS. But we also don’t want to replace that powerful machine as we hate programmed obsoletism.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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