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*insert "bomb them" sound effect*
  • Nobody hears about them shutting down oil factories, attention getting stuff is why those are talked about.

    They never do any actual harm either, like Stonehenge was cornstarch, it'll all be gone the next time it rains. They paint the glass in front of paintings, not the paintings themselves.

  • ACAB.
  • Many European countries have better police, but the systemic critiques still hold. You just have functioning systems to mitigate their worst behavior. The us has something called qualified immunity, which effectively makes them immune from civil penalties.

    To explain why many Americans don't like cops, here's some fun stories from the last few years:

    Misissippi police buried 215 people in an unmarked mass grave, at least some of which were killed by cops.

    Crime dropped when the NYPD went on strike

    Multiple studies have found police have a domestic violence rate significantly higher than average average

    The Los Angeles sheriff's department is run by violent gangs.

  • Trying Linux after using Windows for decades
  • Yeah, I've heard it's getting better, but I have an amd card, so not really sure where it's actually at. X would probably be better for nvdia for a while, especially on pop_os, but idk what the actual state is.

  • Trying Linux after using Windows for decades
  • The basic recomendations I'd give for distro is something popular based off Ubuntu or fedora. Both are pretty friendly distros, and most things based off them aren't going to make too many changes to how core systems work.

    If it's based off one of those I'd argue the more important question is what user interface (called a desktop environment) you like. Watch a few videos of each distro in action and pick what you think looks best.

    A lot of big distros have "spins" or varieties that have different desktop environments. So if you

    Some specifics I'd recommend:

    • Linux mint: a distro based on Ubuntu that's designed to be easy to use, without much setup. Most stuff will just work, but being based on Ubuntu, it's a stable distro, so updates will be a bit slower, and there won't be any major changes in the same version. (I would reccomend this over standard Ubuntu personally because the company behind Ubuntu has made decisions I don't like (like prioritizing their own way of installing programs that, in my opinion, is a inferior to other methods))

    Slightly less highly recomended:

    • Fedora: takes a quicker approach to updates, but isn't as focused on being friendly to new users. It has a variety of spins: if you go with fedora, I'd recommend GNOME (the default, more similar to Mac), KDE (similar to windows), or cinnamon (what linux mint uses, similar to windows).

    • nobara: I've heard good things about nobara, but I'm not super familiar with it. It's basically fedora KDE with some extra patches added to better support gaming. The one negative I've heard is the maintainer is very busy, so ocasionally updates will be delayed vs fedora. It's more of a hobbyist distro, but the maintainer seems pretty dedicated, and they also maintain a version of valve's proton (one of the things that lets you play windows games on linux called proton ge that includes additional patches)

    In order I'd recommend pop_os, linux mint, fedora, nobara. If you look at KDE and decide you like it, then I'd go withth fedora or nobara.

    The main reason I'd recommend pop_os or mint is because you have an nvdia graphics card. Nvdia drivers have tended to be worse on linux, especially under a newer protocol called Wayland, which fedora is moving over to in it's next release. Mint and pop_os slower update cycles are more likely to stay on x11 (the older protocol, but better supported by nvdia cards) until everything's very solid.

    Fedora's trying to push linux forward, which is good imo, and most things should be fine with nvdia, but there will be more bugs. (I've heard it's gotten pretty good, but I have an amd card and don't want to recommend them without warning until I know for sure there aren't issues)

  • Trying Linux after using Windows for decades
    1. I'd recommend pop os over bazzite because it's a more standard distro, bazzite is immutible (update entire system at once instead of individual apps, and part of the filesystem are read only. It's harder to break stuff on an immutible distro, but they're less common and most resources online are for normal distros). It isn't hard to get nvdia drivers working on pop os, so I'd just google it after you get it set up.

    2. I'd make sure your windows drive is unplugged before installing, so you don't accidentally wipe it! I've never dealt with swapping what drive the os is on, but I'd expect some stuff to break because the filesystem is pointing to unique IDs that no longer match. That shouldn't be hard to fix by googling the errors, but I'd watch out for it.

    3. Windows updates like to mess up bootloaders sometimes, I've never had that happen, so I don't have any advice there. Unplugging the windows drive when you instsl should help, and just make sure the default is to boot into linux, that way any auto restarts won't get into windows to mess stuff up unless you let it.



    Could also be good places to ask

  • How does SecureErase work?
  • When you normally delete a file, it doesn't actually delete it, to save time it just marks the space as free, so any new files can be written into that part of your drive.

    But the actual data just remains there until a new file is written to the storage.

    SecureErase does the second part without making an actual file.

    Normal delete:

    File: 01010101 -> no file:01010101

    Secure erase:

    File: 01010101 -> no file:00000000

  • Seriously, why aren't most people using adblock these days
  • Basically tells advertisers and trackers that you click on every single ad (a common metric used to gauge interest), so it's harder for them to tell what you're interested in and build a profile of you

  • If you see me on street.... Please do not approach me
  • Android introduces far more incompatibilities, and the kernel mods are more impactful than the vast majority of other systems. Userspace incompatibilities are basically negligable for most distros.

    It's differences are substantial enough that I think it makes sense to treat it as a separate os.

  • If you see me on street.... Please do not approach me
  • Eh, it depends how you define Linux. Android uses a modified Linux kernel, but most of what's above that is different. By the point you're at the application layer they're basically completely incompatible.

    Is it technically Linux? Yeah but it's so different from a user's perspective it's best to treat them as separate imo.

  • Gamescope causing bad visual artifacting on older games

    Whenever I try to use gamescope on a few games, it produces weird visual artifacting that looks like lots of small sections of the screen are in the wrong place.

    Example 1: - spec ops: the line

    Example 2: - dishonored

    Any ideas what's causing this?

    I'm using gamescope -f -H 2560 -W 1440 -- %command%. It also happens if I just do gamescope %command%.

    System information:

    • Desktop: Plasma 5.27.10 wayland
    • Kernel: 6.7.2-arch1-1
    • Mesa: 23.3.4-arch1.2
    • CPU: Ryzen 7800x3d
    • GPU: Radeon RX 7900 XTX
    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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