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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
2 yr. ago

  • We can do this, the problem is interface.

    Right now, there is the possibility to have AI create exactly what you imagine, if you can convey what it is you want and have the processing power available to generate the output.

    Without a psychic magic wish type interface, we fall short of being able to say "Do the thing" and get what we want. It takes a novel worth of outline to create a worthwhile output that meets expectations.

    That being said, I would probably create a false reality to escape into in order to cope with the realities of a meaningless and pointless existence that is wrought from the apathy inherent to prolonged misery from existential dread and the general state of things.

  • It's a reference to WWII planes and survivorship bias. They were trying to figure out how to armor the planes that made it back so they would withstand more enemy fire, you don't armor where the planes were shot because getting shot there doesn't down a plane. You armor where they weren't shot because the planes that were shot there didn't make it back.

    SpaceX is purposefully messing around with with things so they can find improvements to make the ships more robust. They are going to lose more ships and that is a great thing for the long-term reliability and safety.

  • It probably has to do with doing things nobody has done at a massive scale. They purposefully are doing risky things because it provides useful data that can be used to prevent failures in the future.

    When the plane gets back to base and is shot full of holes, you don't add armor to the places it was shot.

  • If Russia is going to do Russian things, then Russian things will happen.

    Historically Russia empire builds until they collapse due to poor policies, their territories separate, Russia economically rebounds, Russia then empire builds.

    The best we can hope for is hold a line that they won't cross and we can have diplomacy and cultural exchange that leads to a more progressive government that doesn't feel "othered" by the world, as has been the case, and then Russia can be welcomed into the international community as a friend.

    No peoples that are alienated and maligned will be peaceful, Russia and Best Korea are examples of this. We can be their friends and let our friendship be get peace.

  • There is nothing wrong about an IQ difference.

    Where there are problems is when the higher is annoyed by the other needing explanation or the lower having a complex about needing the explanation.

    If you love it when you don't get it and they can explain it in terms you understand and they love it when they can fulfill your curiosity, perfect.

    If you hate how they make you feel stupid or they are annoyed that you just don't get it no matter how they try to explain it, that is a problem and either party can be at fault in both cases. There is the old saying that if you can't explain it properly, you don't understand it fully, I feel that applies.

    Talk with them, be honest and raw in your thoughts. Express your concerns about how you, as you are, may be less than they deserve. If they love you, they will try so damn hard to express themself so that you understand.

    You shouldn't be asking the internet, ask them. Your insecurity or anxiety is not for us to cure, your partner is the only one that can beat that into your thick little skull. I joke, but really, there is no comfort or validation strangers on the internet can provide that beats your partner saying how much they love and appreciate you for you regardless of your flaws or shortcomings.

  • Assuming it is to the death...

    1v1: Eagle no problem.

    1vGoose flock: Eagle tries to fuck off and the cobra chickens endurance the eagle to death like a flying V of Michael Meyers', assuming the geese didn't find something else to hate before the eagle drops. The best chance the Eagle has at survival is to perch in a tree and the geese can't get at it.

  • I ain't see no "/s" at the end of my post, I was just talking facts about the type of sociopath that would want an AI bookmark.

    That product is a failure because you can listen to an audiobook while ignoring your family and/or disposing of a dead hooker a lot easier.

  • It will make it easier to say you have read all those books on the shelves, making yourself more interesting as a person because you read so much. At that point you can just lord your superior intellectualism over the unread masses. That will of course make you a better person and more valued by society and surely will be saved from the camps because you read Jane Eyre and Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee.

    All you would have to worry about is talking to someone who actually has read all those books and you can't hold a conversation about an important aspect of it, thus exposing your fraud, leading to you having to dispose of a body to maintain your fragile ego; but that is just how reading goes sometimes.